A digital filter:
A. Performs filtering on a continuous basis, such as an optical filter in an optical system or an electronic filter that has R-L-C components in an electrical circuit
B. Has the advantages of continuity, simplicity, and reliability
C. Has the disadvantage of being somewhat fixed and therefore lacks flexibility
D. Substitutes a programmed digital process for an analog filter network or device, such as a filter in an optical system
The following are the advantages of digital filter except:
A. Accuracy and stability
B. reliability
C. simplicity
D. flexibility
A digital filter in its simplest form consists of
A. Sampling circuits
B. Analog to digital converters and digital pattern filters or comparators
C. Digital to analog converters and first-order hold circuits
D. All of the choices
Digital filter has an accuracy that depends on:
A. Filter word length
B. Electric circuit R-L-C components that are subject to drifting and temperature changes
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B.
An analog filter:
A. Does not require complex equipment, such as programmed computers, sampling circuits, analog to digital converters, digital pattern filters or comparators, digital to analog converters, and first order hold circuits
B. Usually is linear
C. Operates in discrete time
D. Usually is implemented by means of digital electronic computation
The following are the advantages of analog filters except:
A. continuity
B. simplicity
C. reliability
D. flexibility
Analog filter has an accuracy that depends on:
A. Filter word length
B. Electric circuit R-L-C components that are subject to drifting and temperature changes
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
Which of the following are the 2 fundamental types of digital filter?
A. FIR and IIR
B. RIF and RII
C. Butterworth and Chebyshev
D. Band pass and Band stop filte
FIR means:
A. Infinite Impulse Filter
B. Finite Impulse Filter
C. First Order Impulse Filter
D. Indefinite Impulse Filter
IIR means:
A. Infinite Impulse Filter
B. Finite Impulse Filter
C. First Order Impulse Filter
D. Indefinite Impulse Filter
A digital filter system that has finite duration unit sample response. I.e h(n)=0 for n<0 ad n>M. Thus the unit sample response exists for the duration of 0 to M-1.
A digital filter system that are non-recursive. Thus the output of this filter depends upon present and past inputs.
A digital filter system that has infinite duration unit sample response. I.e h(n)=0 for n<0. Thus the unit sample response exists for the duration of 0 to ∞.
A digital filter system that are recursive. Thus feedback is used and the output of this filter depends upon present and past inputs as well as the past outputs.
Frequency and ____ are the inverse of each other.
A. wavelength
B. period
C. Duty cycle
D. Wavefront are the inverse of
Frequency is the rate of change with respect to _____
A. wavelength
B. period
C. Duty cycle
D. time
Change in a short span of time means ______
A. Low frequency
B. High frequency
C. Medium frequency
D. Radio frequency
Change over a long span of time means _______
A. Low frequency
B. High frequency
C. Medium frequency
D. Radio frequency
If a signal does not change at all, its frequency is ______
A. zero
B. infinite
C. high
D. microwave
If a signal changes instantaneously, its frequency is _______
A. zero
B. infinite
C. high
D. microwave
Phase describes the position of the waveform relative to time _____
A. 0
B. infinite
C. 1s
D. 10s
A single-frequency data sine wave is not useful in communications; we need to send a composite signal or _______
A. A signal made of many square waves
B. A signal made of many simple sine waves
C. A signal made of a single sine waves
D. All of the choices
The bandwidth of a composite signal is the difference between the _____
A. Highest and the mid frequencies contained in that signal
B. Mid and the lowest frequencies contained in that signal
C. Highest and the lowest frequencies out of bounds in that signal
D. Highest and the lowest frequencies contained in that signal
In baseband transmission, the required bandwidth is proportional to the___:
A. frequency
B. Shape of the wave
C. Bit rate
D. None of the choices
In baseband transmission, if we need to send bits faster, we need _____ bandwidth.
A. less
B. more
C. infinite
D. zero
Which of the following is true if the available channel is a bandpass channel?
A. We cannot send the digital signal directly to the channel.
B. We can send the digital signal directly to the channel.
C. We cannot send the analog signal directly to the channel.
D. None of the choices
If we cannot send the digital signal directly to the bandpass channel, then
A. We need to convert the digital signal to an analog signal before transmission
B. We need to convert the digital signal to a PCM signal before transmission
C. We need to convert the digital signal to AM signal before transmission
D. All of the choices
Increasing the levels of a signal may _____ the reliability of the system.
A. increase
B. Not change
C. reduce
D. alter
The Shannon capacity gives us the _____.
A. Upper limit
B. Lower limit
C. How many signal levels we need
D. All of the choices
The Nyquist formula tells us:
A. Upper limit
B. Lower limit
C. How many signal levels we need
D. All of the choices
In networking, we use the term bandwidth in two contexts. The first, bandwidth in hertz, refers to:
A. The speed of bit transmission in a channel or link
B. The phases of bit transmission in a channel or link
C. The range of frequencies in a composite signal or the range of frequencies that a channel can pass.
D. The range of frequencies in a composite signal or the range of frequencies that a channel cannot pass
In networking, we use the term bandwidth in two contexts. The second, bandwidth in bits per second refers to:
A. The speed of bit transmission in a channel or link
B. The phases of bit transmission in a channel or link
C. The range of frequencies in a composite signal or the range of frequencies that a channel can pass.
D. The range of frequencies in a composite signal or the range of frequencies that a channel cannot pass.
The ____ defines the number of bits that can fill the link.
A. Bandwidth-delay product
B. Spectral efficiency
C. Information capacity
D. Bit density
The actual bandwidth of a digital signal is ____.
A. infinite
B. finite
C. zero
D. None of the choices
The effective bandwidth of a digital signal is _____.
A. infinite
B. finite
C. zero
D. None of the choices
An NRZ where the level of the voltage determines the value of the bit.
C. Both NRZ-L and NRZ-I
D. Neither NRZ-L nor NRZ-I
An NRZ where the inversion or the lack of inversion determines the value of the bit.
C. Both NRZ-L and NRZ-I
D. Neither NRZ-L nor NRZ-I
NRZ-L and NRZ-I both have an average signal rate of _____.
A. N/2 Bd
B. 2N Bd
C. Bd
D. N2
Which have a DC component problem.
C. Both NRZ-L and NRZ-I
D. Neither NRZ-L nor NRZ-I
In Manchester and differential Manchester encoding, the transition at the middle of the bit is used for _____.
A. counting
B. synchronization
C. timing
D. Error checking
The minimum bandwidth of Manchester and differential Manchester is:
A. Equal to that of NRZ
B. 2 times that of NRZ
C. 0.5 times that of NRZ
D. None of the choices
In bipolar encoding, we use _____ levels:
A. 1.
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
The three levels in bipolar encoding are:
A. negative, zero, and Hi-Z
B. positive, zero, and negative
C. positive, negative, and Hi-Z
D. positive, zero, and Hi-Z
In mBnL schemes, a pattern of m data elements is encoded as a pattern of n signal elements. Which is true?
A. 2^m ≤ L^n
B. mB/nB
C. 000V or B00V
D. 000VB0VB
Block coding is normally referred to as ____ coding;
A. 2^m ≤ L^n
B. mB/nB
C. 000V or B00V
D. 000VB0VB
BSZS substitutes eight consecutive zeros with _____.
A. 2^m ≤ L^n
B. mB/nB
C. 000V or B00V
D. 000VB0VB
HDB3 substitutes four consecutive zeros with _____ depending on the number of nonzero pulses after the last substitution.
A. 2^m ≤ L^n
B. mB/nB
C. 000V or B00V
D. 000VB0VB
According to the Nyquist theorem, the sampling rate must be:
A. At least 2 times the highest frequency contained in the signal.
B. At least 1/2 times the highest frequency contained in the signal.
C. At least 2 times the lowest frequency contained in the signal.
D. At least 1/2 times the lowest frequency contained in the signal.
In asynchronous transmission, start bit is:
A. 1
B. 0
D. 00
In asynchronous transmission, stop bit is:
A. 1
B. 0
D. 00
In asynchronous transmission, we send ___ start bit (0) at the beginning and stop bit/s (1) at the end of each byte.
A. 1, 1
B. 1, 1 or more
C. 1 or more, 1
D.1 or more, 1 or more
In asynchronous transmission, the byte level is:
A. synchronous
B. asynchronous
C. pleisynchronous
D. polysynchronous
In asynchronous transmission, the bit level is:
A. synchronous
B. asynchronous
C. pleisynchronous
D. polysynchronous
In asynchronous transmission, the byte level and the bit level synchronization duration:
A. Is the same
B. The byte level is ahead the bit level
C. The byte level is delayed from the bit level
D. None of the choices
In synchronous transmission, we send bits one after another:
A. Without start bits
B. Without stop bits
C. Without gaps
D. Without start or stop bits or gaps
In synchronous transmission, it is the responsibility of the ______ to group the bits.
A. multiplexer
B. decoder
C. transmitter
D. receiver
The number of bits per second.
A. Baud rate
B. Bit rate
C. Spectral efficiency
D. Frequency
The number of signal elements per second.
A. Baud rate
B. Bit rate
C. Spectral efficiency
D. Frequency
In the analog transmission of digital data, the baud rate is _____ to the bit rate.
A. Less than or equal
B. Less than
C. Equal
D. Greater than
A combination of ASK and PSK.
The total bandwidth required for AM can be determined from the bandwidth of the audio signal:
A. BAM = 2B
B. BAM = 2(B + β)
C. BAM=2(1 + β)B
D. BAM = 2Bβ
The total bandwidth required for FM can be determined from the bandwidth of the audio signal:
A. BAM = 2B
B. BAM = 2(B + β)
C. BAM=2(1 + β)B
D. BAM = 2Bβ
The total bandwidth required for PM can be determined from the bandwidth and maximum amplitude of the modulating signal:
A. BAM = 2B
B. BAM = 2(B + β)
C. BAM=2(1 + β)B
D. BAM = 2Bβ
It is the wise use of available bandwidth to achieve specific goals.
A. multiplexing
B. Bandwidth utilization
C. spreading
D. encoding
Efficiency can be achieved by_______.
A. multiplexing
B. fading
C. spreading
D. encoding
Privacy and antijamming can be achieved by _______.
A. multiplexing
B. fading
C. spreading
D. encoding
An analog multiplexing technique that combines analog signals.
An analog multiplexing technique that combines optical signals.
It is a digital multiplexing technique for combining several lowrate channels into one high-rate one.
A. Synchronous TDM
D. Asynchronous FDM
In _______, the data rate of the link is n times faster, and the unit duration is n times shorter.
A. Synchronous TDM
D. Asynchronous FDM
Radio waves are used for:
A. Multicast communications
B. Unicast communications
C. Broadcast communications
D. Anycast communications
Microwaves are used for:
A. Multicast communications
B. Unicast communications
C. Broadcast communications
D. Anycast communications
Radio waves are used for multicast communications, such as:
A. Cellular telephones, Satellite networks, and Wireless LANs.
B. Radio, Television, and Paging systems
C. Radio, Television, and Cellular telephones
D. Cellular telephones, Satellite networks, and Paging systems
Microwaves are used for unicast communication such as:
A. Cellular telephones, satellite networks, and wireless LANS.
B. Radio, Television, and Paging systems
C. Radio, Television, and cellular telephones
D. Cellular telephones, satellite networks, and Paging systems
This can be used for short-range communication in a closed area using lineof-sight propagation.
A. Bluetooth signals
B. Infrared signals
C. UV signals
D. Microwave signals
The science of sound.
A. sonics
B. timbre
C. acoustics
D. optics
The angle between the incident wave and the normal.
A. Angle of incidence
B. Angle of reflection
C. Angle of refraction
D. Angle of elevation
The angle between the normal and the path of a wave through the second medium.
A. Angle of incidence
B. Angle of reflection
C. Angle of refraction
D. Angle of elevation
The property of a radiator to emit strong radiation in one direction.
A. Anisotropic
B. Directivity
C. Unidirectional
D. Nondirectional
A horizontal, long-wire antenna designed for reception and transmission of low-frequency, vertically polarized ground waves.
A. Marconi antenna
B. Delta antenna
C. Rubber ducky antenna
D. Beverage antenna
An array in which the direction of maximum radiation is perpendicular to the plane containing the elements
A. End fire array
B. Broadside array
C. Yagi Uda array
D. Collinear array
The ratio of voltage to current at any given point on a transmission line. Represented by a value of impedance.
B. Γ
C. β
D. Zo
An antenna array with all the elements in a straight line where the maximum radiation is perpendicular to the axis of the elements.
A. End fire array
B. Broadside array
C. Yagi Uda array
D. Collinear array
The colors of light produced when two of the primaries are mixed in overlapping beams of light.
A. Unsaturated colors
B. Color triangle
C. Desaturated color
D. Complementary (secondary) colors of light
The complementary colors of light are:
A. Blue, Yellow, Red
B. Red, Green, Blue
C. Magenta, Yellow, Cyan
D. Green, Orange, Violet
Longitudinal waves that have been compressed (made more dense) as they move away from the source.
A. Rarefied wave
B. Compression wave
C. Refracted wave
D. Radiated wave
Another term for DRIVEN ARRAY.
A. Parasitic array
B. Connected array
C. Disconnected array
D. Phased array
A half-wave antenna with a reflector consisting of two flat metal surfaces meeting at an angle behind the radiator.
A.V reflector antenna
B. Corner reflector antenna
C. Parabolic antenna
D. Helical antenna
A coupling coil that connects the transmitter to the feeder.
A. Decoupling device
B. Coupling device
C. Stub
D. Quarter wave transformer
The maximum angle at which radio waves can be transmitted and still be refracted back to earth.
A. Angle of elevation
B. Angle of reflection
C. Angle of incidence
D. Critical angle
Another name for antenna CENTER-FEED METHOD.
A. Voltage feed method
B. Impedance feed method
C. Current feed method
D. Any of the choices
One complete alternation of a sine wave that has a maximum value above and maximum value below the reference line.
A. phase
B. frequency
C. cycle
D. overtone
The compactness of a substance or mass per unit volume.
A. force
B. density
C. mass
D. Refractive index
The heating of an insulating material by placing it in a high frequency electric field.
A. Dielectric heating
B. Radiation loss
C. Eddy heating
D. Hall effect
The bending of the paths of waves when the waves meet some form of obstruction.
A. refraction
B. reflection
C. diffraction
D. dispersion
A common type of half-wave antenna made from a straight piece of wire cut in half. Each half operates at a quarter wavelength of the output.
A. dipole
B. monopole
C. End fire
D. Hertzian
The parasitic element of an array that reinforces energy coming from the driver toward itself.
A. driven
B. reflector
C. director
D. feeder
The refraction of light waves that causes the different frequencies to bend at slightly different angles.
A. refraction
B. reflection
C. diffraction
D. dispersion
The apparent change in frequency or pitch when a sound source moves either toward or away from a listener
A. Miller effect
B. Faraday’s effect
C. Hall effect
D. Doppler effect
An array in which all of the elements are driven.
A. Parasitic array
B. Feeder array
C. Driven array
D. Phased array
The combination of an electric (E) field and a magnetic (H) field.
A. Electric field
B. Magnetic field
C. Electromagnetic field
D. All of the choices
The radiation of radio waves into space.
A. Optical radiation
B. Sound radiation
C. Electromagnetic radiation
D. All of the choices
A part of an antenna that can be either an active radiator or a parasitic radiator.
A. driven
B. parasitic
C. element
D. feeder
An array in which the direction of radiation is parallel to the axis of the array.
A. End fire
B. Broadside
C. Dipole
D. Monopole
A transmission line that carries energy to the antenna.
A. boom
B. driven
C. feeder
D. tail
A coaxial line made with a flexible inner conductor insulated from the outer conductor by a solid, continuous insulating materiaI.
A. Flexible waveguide
B. Flexible coaxial line
C. Twisted coaxial line
D. Rigid coaxial line
The reflection of the original sound wave as it bounces off a distant surface
A. reverberation
B. echo
C. singing
D. rarefied
An array in which all of the elements are driven.
A. Parasitic array
B. Feeder array
C. Driven array
D. Phased array
An array with three parasitic elements and one driven element.
A. One element array
B. Two element array
C. Three element array
D. Four element array
The number of cycles that occur in one second. Usually expressed in Hertz.
A. frequency
B. period
C. Duty cycle
D. phase
The ratio of the energy radiated in the principal direction to the energy radiated in the opposite direction.
A. directivity
C. Front to back ratio
D. Reflection coefficient
The ratio between the amount of energy propagated from an antenna that is directional to the energy from the same antenna that would be propagated if the antenna are not directional.
A. Gain
C. Efficiency
D. Radiation resistance
The portion of a groundplane antenna that acts as ground.
A. Driven
B. Parasitic
C. Boom
D. Ground plane
The loss of rf energy each time a radio waves is reflected from the Earth's surface.
A. Upper ray interference
B. Selective fading
C. Fading
D. Ground reflection loss
Radio waves that travel near the surface of the Earth.
A. Space wave
B. Ground wave
C. Sky wave
D. Microwave
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