Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-ph on Wed, 24 Nov 21
[2111.11444] Pouya Asadi, Tracy R. Slatyer, Juri Smirnov: WIMPs Without Weakness: Generalized Mass Window with Entropy Injection
[2111.11480] Pedro Dedin Neto, Ernesto Kemp: Neutrino-(anti)neutrino forward scattering potential for massive neutrinos at low energies
[2111.11490] S. Bondarenko, Ya. Dydyshka, L. Kalinovskaya et al.: One-loop electroweak radiative corrections to polarized $e^+e^- \to γZ$ process
[2111.11644] Son Cao, N. T. Hong Van, T. V. Ngoc et al.: Neutrino mass spectrum: Present indication and future prospect
[2111.11748] Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla, Ritam Kundu, Suprabh Prakash et al.: A close look on 2-3 mixing angle with DUNE in light of current neutrino oscillation data
[2111.11811] Chao Wang, Yu-Ming Wang, Yan-Bing Wei: QCD factorization for the four-body leptonic $B$-meson decays
[2111.11849] Nicolo' Masi: An Exceptional G(2) Extension of the Standard Model from the Correspondence with Cayley-Dickson Algebras Automorphism Groups
[2111.11930] Yaşar Hiçyılmaz, Levent Selbuz, Levent Solmaz et al.: Model Characterization and Dark Matter in the Secluded $U(1)^\prime$ Model
[2111.11931] Andrew G. Akeroyd, Heather E. Logan, Stefano Moretti et al.: CP-Violation in the 3-Higgs Doublet Model: CP-Asymmetries from Charged Higgs Bosons and Electric Dipole Moments
[2111.11944] Tyler Gorda: Improving the cold quark-matter pressure via soft interactions at N3LO
[2111.12058] Nilanjan Chaudhuri, Arghya Mukherjee, Snigdha Ghosh et al.: Insignificance of the anomalous magnetic moment of the quarks in presence of chiral imbalance
[2111.12060] I.O. Goriachuk, A.L. Kataev, V.S. Molokoedov: The ${\rm{\overline{MS}}}$-scheme $α_s^5$ QCD contributions to the Adler function and Bjorken polarized sum rule in the Crewther-type two-fold $\{β\}$-expanded repr...
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Wed, 24 Nov 21","img":""}
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