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MOJ PSYC 102 Trial Quiz

Test your knowledge on psychology concepts with our engaging MOJ PSYC 102 Trial Quiz! This quiz offers various questions related to memory, behavior, and conditioning that are crucial for understanding foundational psychology principles.

  • Evaluate your knowledge
  • Learn key psychological concepts
  • Challenge yourself and friends
20 Questions5 MinutesCreated by LearningMind201
The person who agrees to a small request initially is more likely later to comply with a larger
demand. This describes the
Foot-in-the-door effect.
Low-ball technique.
High-ball technique.
The process of changing your behaviour to match that of others in a groUip is
Forming a social contract.
Memories outside of conscious awareness are called
Proactive memories.
Reactive memories.
Explicit memories.
Implicit memories.
Your handsome successful boyfriend winks at you each time before he tells you "I love you." Your expectation when he winks is a(an)
Unconditional stimulus.
Conditioned response.
Conditioned stimulus.
Unconditional response.
Acquiring a fear of a light because you saw someone else getting shocked when the light came on is an example of
Vicarious conditioning.
Instrumental conditioning.
Classical extinction.
Vicarious withdrawal.
Learning is best defined as
Any change in behaviour
A permanent change in behaviour due to physical development
A relatively permanent change in behaviour due to past experience.
Any change in behaviour caused by punishment.
You are asked by a close friend to outline a complete text to aid her studying for a final exam. You refuse to help. Later, your friend asks if you would at least outline two chapters. Feeling guilty, you now agree to help. Your behaviour is predicted by the
Door-in-the-face effect.
Foot-in-the-face technique.
High-ball effect.
Low-ball technique.
After pairing the CS and US in a series of conditioning trials, the organism learns to respond to the CS alone. This response is then called
Unconditioned stimulus.
Conditioned stimulus.
Conditioned response.
Unconditioned response.
When a person with little or no authority makes a direct request to another person, the situation involves
A child is conditioned to fear a furry, black cat. Soon she becomes fearful of any black, furry object. Her new response demonstrates
Spontaneous recovery.
Negative transfer.
Stimulus generalization.
Operant conditioning.
Kim was offered a job and wanted to get a salary of $35,000 per year. When her soon-to-be employer asked her what salary she expected, she said $40,000. She was confident that she would not get that high of a salary but rather expected her employer to reject that figure for a figure closer to $35,000. What strategy is Kim using?
Door-in-the-face strategy
Foot-in-the-door strategy
Cognitive dissonance strategy
Elaboration-likelihood strategy
In Pavlov's experiments with dogs, the bell (prior to conditioning) was the
Neutral stimulus.
Unconditioned stimulus.
Conditioned stimulus.
Unconditioned response.
A child has learned to avoid a furry, black cat. However, she still plays with her grandmother's short-haired tabby. Her response demonstrates
Negative transfer.
Successive approximation.
Memories of historical facts are to _____ memory, as memories of your breakfast this morning are to _____ memory.
Episodic; procedural
Procedural; semantic
Semantic; episodic
Long-term; short-term
The kind of memory that lasts for only a second or two is
Long-term memory.
Short-term memory.
Eidetic memory.
Sensory memory.
Consciously forcing painful or anxiety-producing thoughts from memory is called
Continued avoidance.
Proactive inhibition.
A brain-injured patient who can still execute a perfect golf swing or a high dive but is unable to recall or relearn even the broad outlines of American history is superior in
Procedural memory.
Semantic memory.
Episodic memory.
Fact memory.
Attribution theory concerns our tendency to explain our behaviour and that of others
By external causes rather than internal causes.
By inferring causes on the basis of internal or external factors
By internal rather than external causes.
Based on personality factors.
_____ is best known for his research on conformity.
When new learning disrupts the ability to recall past, stored information, _____ has been said to occur.
Proactive interference
Retrograde amnesia
Retroactive interference
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