Solar System

What is the Sun made of?
A) Oxygen and nitrogen
B) Hydrogen and helium
C) Carbon dioxide and water vapor
D) Iron and nickel
How old is the Sun?
A) 4.5 million years
B) 4.5 billion years
C) 450 million years
D) 45 billion years
What would you need to fill up the Sun?
A) 1,300,000 Earths
B) 13,000,000 Earths
C) 130,000,000 Earths
D) 1,300,000,000 Earths
What keeps the solar system together?
A) Earth's gravity
B) Jupiter's gravity
C) The Moon's gravity
D) The Sun's gravity
What is the hottest part of the Sun?
A) Its surface
B) Its corona
C) Its photosphere
D) Its core
Which planet is closest to the Sun?
A) Mercury
B) Venus
C) Earth
D) Mars
How big is Mercury compared to the Moon?
A) It's the same size
B) It's a little bit bigger
C) It's a lot bigger
D) It's a little bit smaller
What is the hottest planet in our solar system?
A) Mercury
B) Venus
C) Earth
D) Mars
What is Venus's atmosphere made of?
A) Nitrogen and oxygen
B) Carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid
C) Helium and methane
D) Hydrogen and helium
What is the air pressure like on the surface of Venus compared to Earth?
A) It's the same
B) It's lower
C) It's higher
D) It varies
Which planet is the only one with liquid water on its surface?
A) Mercury
B) Venus
C) Earth
D) Mars
Which planet is known as the Red Planet?
A) Mercury
B) Venus
C) Earth
D) Mars
Which planet is the biggest in our solar system?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
What is Jupiter's atmosphere made of?
A) Oxygen and nitrogen
B) Hydrogen and helium
C) Carbon dioxide and water vapor
D) Methane and ammonia
Which planet is known for its beautiful rings?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
{"name":"Solar System", "url":"","txt":"What is the Sun made of?","img":""}

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