Preflop Master Series 3w BB vs SB

3w BB vs SB (select all correct answers):
Is static situation, you don't need to adjust much
Is very dynamic, you should make many adjustments
You should play according to charts readless, when you have reads their more important for creating gameplan, than charts
Ranges for both players are wide
Readless strategy for low stakes against minraise (select all correct answers):
Fold crap
3bet non-AI with crap
3bet AI PP/Ax
Flat mid range
Readless strategy for low stakes against limp (select all correct answers):
Iso superwide until they adjust
Iso polarised range (top and bottom)
Checkback most of hands
Iso only top of range
When you notice your opponent limp/jamming a lot, you should:
Checkback a lot, you want to see flop while in position
Keep playing with charts
When your opponent minraises a lot (65% +) you should start 3bet jamming wider (hands like 84s/76o/J3s):
{"name":"Preflop Master Series 3w BB vs SB", "url":"","txt":"In HUD, what does F stand for?, You are on BB in HU, your opponent minraised and you called. Flop goes check\/check. You bet turn. What action did you do?, You are on BB in HU, your opponent minraised and you called. You bet on flop. What action did you do?","img":""}
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