TOP 2023 Social Studies Reading Quizz

A collage of significant German landmarks, students in a classroom, and symbols of German political parties, conveying education and social studies.

Test Your Knowledge of Germany

Welcome to the TOP 2023 Social Studies Reading Quiz! Challenge yourself with questions about Germany's education system, political landscape, and social issues.

In this quiz, you will explore:

  • The structure of secondary schools in Germany
  • The political parties shaping the nation
  • Germany's stance on nuclear energy
  • Current issues affecting refugees
12 Questions3 MinutesCreated by LearningMinds101
Who decides on curricula in Germany?
Each school district
Each state
There are national frameworks upon which the states construct their curricula.
Curricular are set nation-wide.
How many main types of secondary schools are there in Germany?
2 (Hauptschule and Gymnasium)
4 (Hauptschule, Realschule, Realgymnasium, Gymnasium)
3 (Hautpschule, Realschule, Gymnasium)
How common are private schools in Germany?
Uncommon, only 5% of students attend private schools.
Fairly common, 20% of students attend private schools.
Very common, 45% of students attend private schools.
Are there standardized tests at the end of secondary school?
No, each school district sets up their own tests.
Yes, tests are standardized nation wide.
Yes, tests are standardized per state.
Yes, test are standardized per state and based on national standards.
How many main political parties are there?
6 (Linke, Greens, SPD, CDU/CSU, FDP, AfD)
2 (SPD and CDU/CSU)
5 (Linke, Greens, SPD, AfD, FDP)
What is the reason for Germany's exit from nuclear power?
A strong anti-nuclear opposition in German society since the 1970s and nuclear accidents across the world, e.g. Three Miles, Pennsylvania; Chernobyl; Fukushima
A common energypolicy with France, in which Germany focuses on non-nuclear renewables and France on nuclear power.
None of the above
What are some of the topics where Germany is making policy changes set in motion by Putin’s war on Ukraine?
Weapon export
Upgrading the Bundeswehr (German Military)
Budget principles
Energy policy
Refugee policy
All of the Above
None of the above
How many states does Germany have?
How is the Holocaust taught to young generations of Germans?
Not at all, young Germans need to go out and seek out information by themselves.
It is part of every school curriculum.
What are the three most dominant areas of origin of immigrants to Germany?
Australasia, other European countries, Africa
Other European countries, Asia, Africa
South America, East Asia, other European countries
Why is there such a large community of people with Turkish roots in Germany?
The German emperor’s family was related to the last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, which is why there was an active cultural exchange as well as migration between the two Empires.
Germany has historically strong trade relations with Turkey, which is why there have been strong migrations for several centuries.
After WW2, Germany called for so-called guest workers to help with the labor shortage and rebuild the country. Many Turks answered the call and came to Germany to rebuild the country.
What are current issues in Germany regarding refugees arriving to the country?
The national government is not providing enough financial resources for the uptake of refugees, so especially smaller towns and cities struggle accommodating refugees.
Some cities entirely built back their systems for welcoming refuges in recent years and are now struggling to accommodate increasing numbers of refugees ever since the war on Ukraine started.
Both of the above.
None of the above.
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