Italy 1911-1946, Part 1:

Who said "we have created Italy, now we must create Italians"?
How many strikes were there between 1901 and 1911?
How many of Italy's 2.2 Million industrial workers worked in Lombardy, Liguria and Piedmont by 1911?
How many people died in the southern cholera epidemic in Naples between 1910 and 1911?
The illiteracy rate of the South, at over 50%, was how many times higher than the north?
How much higher was income per head in the North than the South?
How many southern Italians left Italy every year between 1901 and 1913?
Which two areas comprised most of the Irredente lands?
Which African country did Italy attempt to colonise during the late 1800s?
Which battle in 1896 saw this attempt collapse?
Which policy did Giolitti use to make allies and gain support for his policies?
How many votes had the Socialist Party won by 1913?
Which policy in 1906 did Giolitti enact to win the support of Socialists?
Which wing of the PSI opposed Giolitti?
Giolitti was the first PM to win the organised vote of which group of people?
A bill on which social issue was dropped to win Catholic support?
Which issue was Giolitti not willing to compromise on the Church with?
Which party did Nationalists form in 1910?
Italy's purusal of Irredentism clashed with which ally?
Whom did Giolitti believe would support the Libyan War?
How many troops invaded Libya?
How many Italians were believed to have died in the war?
Who took credit for the war and blamed Giolitti for its failures?
Which group opposed the war as "imperialist militarism"?
Which qualfication was removed from the voting requirements?
All men over what age were given the vote in 1912?
How many seats did the Liberals lose in 1913, reducing to 318?
How many Liberal deputies were affected by the electoral pact with Count Gentiloni?
Which event in 1914 saw a popular uprising against Salandra?
Which group opposed Salandra's proclamation of neutrality in 1914?
What did the entente offer to Italy in return for support during WW1?
Which Treaty saw Italy switch sides?
Which group, along with the PSI, came out against the war?
Which figure denounced the Treaty?
And how many deputies opposed Salandra's decision?
How many Italian soldiers died in 4 attempted offensives against the Austrians in 1915?
How many Italians were conscripted into the army?
What was a major problem for the mostly peasant armies?
How many soldiers were court-martialled for desertion?
Which commander responded to dissent with harsh punishment?
How many soldiers died of hunger-related illnesses?
Which battle was a humiliation for the Italian Army and saw 300,000 soldiers captured?
Who resigned as a result of the defeat?
Who replaced Cadorno as Commander of the Italian Army?
The casualty rate of 520,000 in 1917 fell to what level by 1918?
Who did nationalists blame for Italy's failures?
How many vehicles did Fiat produce in 1918?
How many planes were built in Italy in 1918?
What was steel production in Italy in 1914 compared to Austria?
Which minister was credited for the war economy?
What was Italian debt in 1918 compared to 2.9 Billion lire in 1914?
How much had real wages fallen by 1917?
Which victory became a symbol of national unity?
How many casuaties did Italy suffer during the war?
{"name":"Italy 1911-1946, Part 1:", "url":"","txt":"Who said \"we have created Italy, now we must create Italians\"?, How many strikes were there between 1901 and 1911?, How many of Italy's 2.2 Million industrial workers worked in Lombardy, Liguria and Piedmont by 1911?","img":""}
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