Which TlTANlUM OC are you?

Which TlTANlUM OC Are You?
Discover which unique TlTANlUM original character (OC) you're most like by answering 25 fun and insightful questions! This quiz will explore your preferences, personality traits, and lifestyle choices.
- Find out your character type!
- Engage with relatable scenarios and choices.
- Share your results with friends!
What is your favorite type of animal?
Dogs without a doubt
Reptiles and fish
I love all animals!
I don’t care much for any particular animals, though I respect them
What is your ideal first date?
Working on something together and sharing a drink
Sitting together on the porch, watching nature
Anything quiet and together, away from the public eye
Attending a big event together, like a race or a game
I’m okay with anything as long as it’s together
I can’t imagine enjoying a date at all
Could your life be a movie?
Absolutely, I’d make one hell of an action movie!
Only if it’s set in my highschool years.
Yes, it would be one huge adventure movie.
It would be more of a documentary, on all the many things I’ve done
My life would be a nice little movie about finding happiness
I doubt it, my life’s pretty simple
Where would you like to live?
As close to the water as possible
I like a small town life in the midwest
I’d like to live alone in the mountains, far from anyone
I’ll live anywhere, though I’d prefer to be where it’s warm
I want to be near everyone, where I can raise a family
I’ll live wherever the people I love are
What is your favorite of these foods?
Home-baked goods
A good old fashioned steak dinner
Spicy southern gumbo and hot wings
Mint and chocolate desserts
What kind of clothes do you wear?
Dark clothes that don’t show stains easily
Lots of leather and bling
Warm clothes
Lightweight athletic clothes
The clothes I’ve earned in the past
Bright and cute things!
What qualities do you find attractive in others?
Someone who loves me for who I am and doesn’t try to change me
Someone who pulls their weight
Someone who doesn’t mistreat me and understands my quirks
Someone who wants to adventure and have fun
Someone who will protect me and take charge
Someone who is loyal and does things right
What is your favorite color?
Autumn colors
Fiery colors, and black
Brown tones
All shades of green
Vibrant purples and blues
What is something positive people say about you?
I’m versatile and a jack of all trades
I work hard and never give up
I’m not hindered by my flaws, and I always find the joy in things
I have a moral code that I stick to, I’m predictable and loyal to my beliefs
I’ve pushed through a lot to get to where I am in life
I am kind and gentle
What would your role be in a story?
Comedic relief sidekick
Main Character
Love interest
What would you do for fun?
Go on long drives
Relax and draw
Play video games with friends
Fix things
Clean up and stock the house
What is something negative people say about you?
Irresponsible or immature
Too stoic and stern
Too focused on work
Reckless and lives too fast
Withdrawn and shy
Bitter and isolating
What is your relationship with your parents?
I have a great relationship with my parents!
I have a good relationship, but one died or left when I was young
They’ve been out of my life for a long time
I was disowned, but I don’t want anything to do with them anyway
They only used me to raise my younger siblings
None of these match my relationship. (Other)
Where do you hope to see yourself in 5-10 years?
With a beautiful, antique, restored vehicle
Wealthy and winning!
With a loving partner and / or lots of loving kids
A big horse farm
I like my life as it is and hope it stays similar
As long as I’m alive, it’s a win
You win $1,000,000. What do you do with the money?
Buy equipment, like tools, musical, art, or etc!
Put it into savings and use it as I need it
Donate it. I don’t need that much money!
Spend it on my friends and family
Dump it into my truck
I have no idea
What is your favorite of these smells?
Eucalyptus and spearmint
Cut pine and woodsmoke
Old leather car interiors
Gasoline and exhaust
Springtime flowers
The breeze from the ocean
What is your biggest fear?
Others seeing me get hurt
Losing the people I love
Reliving my past
Not succeeding in life
I don’t really have any
Bees and / or spiders
What is your weakness?
I’m so confident I don’t even think of failure
I’m too stubborn and sometimes it does me in
I’m not good at perceiving others and hurt them without even knowing it
I should probably eat and sleep and take better care of myself more
Physical! I can’t do heavy tasks without help.
I let emotions get in my way a lot
What is your favorite type of music?
Old country
Whatever’s on the radio or popular
Grunge and 90’s rock
Stuff that makes me want to go fast and go hard
Anything that makes me feel happy!
I’m not a huge fan of music
What type of car do you have?
Something new in great condition
An absolute beater
Something suped up and customized
The ol’ reliable
It’s a car, what more can I say
I don’t drive a car
How did you do in school?
I did very well academically
I did pretty average
My focus was on sports!
I was able to leave early to pursue something else
I dropped out
I didn’t go to school
What kind of career do you want?
Something big that no one believes I can achieve, but I know I can
I want to fix and repair things, be a tradesman!
I want to run a little shop or café
Drive a semi truck til the end of time
Whatever pays my bills and keeps me happy
I want to not have to have a job
What kind of shoes do you wear?
Shoes that are comfortable above all else
Flashy, expensive ones!
Hipster sneakers, Converse and Vans!
The same beat to shit pair I’ve worn all my life
Clean, sleek ones
Some tough work shoes
What is your hair like?
It’s slicked and styled very nicely
I try to cover it with a hat as much as possible
It’s clean, at least
It goes everywhere but what can I do but accept it?
I keep it tied back as much as possible
It’s greasy and messy.
What is your relationship with your siblings like?
They’re my best friends!
I love them
I am close with some, distant with others
I don’t have any
I practically had to raise them and they treated me like a maid
I disowned them. They’re nothing to me.
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