Create an informative and visually appealing illustration related to tuberculosis, focusing on its effects on eye health. Include elements such as a diagram of the human eye, TB bacteria, and illustrations of symptoms like coughing and ocular manifestations. Use a color palette that conveys health and awareness.

Test Your Knowledge on Tuberculosis and Ocular Health

Welcome to the Tuberculosis and Ocular Health Quiz! This interactive quiz is designed to test your knowledge of tuberculosis (TB), its transmission, symptoms, and particularly its impact on eye health.

Whether you're a healthcare professional, a student, or someone interested in learning more about TB, this quiz will provide valuable insights.

  • Understand how TB spreads and its ocular implications.
  • Learn about diagnosis and management of TB.
  • Enhance your awareness about the different forms of TB.
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by LearningEye2023
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease transmitted by
Virus tuberculosis (VTB)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB)
All of the above
Tuberculosis is spread by;
All of the above
Tuberculosis only affect the lungs.
Which of the following is a promising lab test for ocular TB?
Chest X ray
Ziehl-Neelsen acid-fast stain
Smear microscopy
Symptoms of TB include (Tick more than one);
Cough for 3 weeks
Cough blood
Weight gain
Blurry vision
Red eye
Night chills
What is the difference between active TB and Latent TB?
Active TB is symptomatic while Latent TB is asymptomatic
Latent TB is contagious while active TB is non-contagious
Active TB is more common than Latent TB
All of the above
Which of the following is the most common intra-ocular manifestation of the ocular TB?
Anterior uveitis
Eyelid swelling
Posterior uveitis
The formation of the lump on a skin test is an indication of a positive result based on lump's;
Ocular TB spread via the hematogenous route after the lesion are developed in the lungs but in rare cases, it can develop due to direct injury and inoculation of MTB in the eye.
The two most common modes of spread of MTB in ocular structures are;
Mycobacterial invasion and Hypersensitivity
Aerosol droplets such as cough and sneeze,
Interiorly and posteriorly
Any of the above as long as it spreads to the eye.
Ocular TB affect 80% of cases and hence is considered the main manifestation of TB.
In an ocular assessment an specific dye is injected by the opthamologist which highlights the blood vessels in the back of the eye to be photographed and assessed. This test is known as:
Fluorescein angiography
Slit lamp
Funduscopy examine the state of the fundus of the eye. What signs can possibly be detected with this test?
Optic disc swelling
Both b and c
All of the above
Choroidal tubercle which progress into tuberculoma is:
Large green-white circle lesions and is a sign of anterior uveitis
Small yellow-white circle lesions and is a sign of posterior uveitis
Small yellow-white square lesions and is a sign of intermediate uveitis
Not a sign of TB
Both General and Ocular TB can be managed through;
PIRE (pyrazinamide, isoniazid, rifampin, and ethambutol) daily for 8 weeks
Moxifloxacin, gatifloxacin and levofloxacin
Rifampin and Isoniazid only
{"name":"TB", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Welcome to the Tuberculosis and Ocular Health Quiz! This interactive quiz is designed to test your knowledge of tuberculosis (TB), its transmission, symptoms, and particularly its impact on eye health.Whether you're a healthcare professional, a student, or someone interested in learning more about TB, this quiz will provide valuable insights. Understand how TB spreads and its ocular implications.Learn about diagnosis and management of TB.Enhance your awareness about the different forms of TB.","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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