Minhyun Compatibility Test: Asking the Deeper Questions (18+ ONLY)

A vibrant and colorful illustration featuring a heart intertwined with musical notes and pet silhouettes, symbolizing relationships and compatibility in a fun, playful manner.

Minhyun Compatibility Test: How Well Do You Match?

Take our fun and revealing quiz to explore your compatibility with Minhyun! Delve into topics ranging from relationship dynamics to personal preferences, and discover what truly aligns with his vibe.

Are you ready to find out?

  • Test your thoughts on polyamory
  • Discover how you handle mood swings
  • Find out your thoughts on public displays of affection
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by DancingStar47
You know that I'm interested in polyamory. We've just started to date and I've met someone who I think could be a great mutual addition. How do you react?
I wouldn't be dating you in the first place :'D
I'm not so much interested in adding a third person. I would rather stay monogamous.
Sounds like it could be fun but I'm not committing to it unless it feels right.
The more the merrier!
I'm questioning if you like me at all if you're considering this.
How important is sex to you in a relationship...
Not at all important
Kind of important
Very important
5 times a week is not enough
With you? Never!
I'm in that low mood that you've started to notice. It happens every once in awhile most times without a trigger. What do you do?
I'll give you time alone to feel better.
I try to cheer you up with memes.
We can have relaxing quiet time together.
I reassure you as much as I can that you're greater than you think.
I don't really want to hang out with someone who is moody.
I'm a "The Walking Dead Fan"
The classic train track question: A train is hurdling toward an intersection of two tracks. There are five people on one side and your most beloved person on the opposite track. Do you save the five people or the person you love by changing the trains course?
Save the five people.
Save my loved one.
I save neither! Why the fuck were they there in the first place?
One of your best friends was harassed by someone you've been developing a friendship with. What do you do?
Confront the person for hurting my lil bab. How dare they!!
Continue our friendship. It's not fair for me to pass judgement on someone based on their experience with someone else.
Casually stop replying to them but not be clear about the reasoning.
Ask the new friend about the altercation while staying neutral. Try to be a mediator.
I am a...
Cat person
Dog person
An animal lover
Demon because I hate animals
I'm horny in a public place. Would you still be down to fuck?
The possibility of getting caught is exciting
Let's keep the down and dirty to the bedroom
Put that thing back where it come from or so help me!
As your friend I'm gonna have to ask you to go handle that thing on your own buddy.
What word best describes you?
What's your favorite position?
Cow girl
Reverse cow girl
On my knees at church
I'm not interested in sex
I am attracted to Minhyun in a...
Platonic way
Romantic way
Not at all way
If I tell you are a cutie pie will I win? (( No >:D ))
I have a nipple piercing. What do you think?
It's your body, you do you.
I don't believe in body-modification
I sing constantly. How do you feel about that?
You're voice is really beautiful so I don't mind.
It can get a bit annoying.
Chill out buddy, you do this for a living.
I'll sing with you!
I'm not around to hear it.
I say Face is my favorite Nu'est song because I don't know any other ones.
Yup, sorry
No I genuinely only loved you when you were newbies
I have a favorite aside from Face
I'm not interested in Nu'est
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