How much do you know about beavers?

How long can beavers hold their breath?
45 minutes
30 minutes
15 minutes
2 minutes
On average beavers dive down for about 5 minutes at a time but at maximum they can hold their breath for 15 minutes when they are hiding from predators.
On average beavers dive down for about 5 minutes at a time but at maximum they can hold their breath for 15 minutes when they are hiding from predators.
What do beavers eat?
They are herbivores (erb-i-vors), which means they only eat plants and do not eat any other animals.
Beavers eat small plants and a part of wood called cambium (cam-B-um) which is a substance on the surface of the wood. They eat a variety of things (including all kinds of small plants, trees, and even apples) but aspen and poplar trees are their favorites!
Learn more at:
They are herbivores (erb-i-vors), which means they only eat plants and do not eat any other animals.
Beavers eat small plants and a part of wood called cambium (cam-B-um) which is a substance on the surface of the wood. They eat a variety of things (including all kinds of small plants, trees, and even apples) but aspen and poplar trees are their favorites!
Learn more at:
Beaver teeth are full of iron which helps them...
Cut a bunch of wood
Shoot lasers out of their mouth
Catch fish
Fight off bears
Beaver have iron in their teeth that strengthens their teeth and turns their teeth orange. Beavers also have teeth that keep growing and get worn down with their constant wood cutting.
Beaver have iron in their teeth that strengthens their teeth and turns their teeth orange. Beavers also have teeth that keep growing and get worn down with their constant wood cutting.
How would a beaver move a large log around?
Rent a truck
Carry it on their back
Call a friend
Float it in a canal
Beavers dig canals that allow them to float huge heavy logs throughout their pond.
Beavers dig canals that allow them to float huge heavy logs throughout their pond.
How many beavers live in one pond?
2-10 beavers
10-20 beavers
20-30 beavers
50 beavers
Beavers are rodents and territorial, so only 1 beaver family, which is about 2-10 beavers live in their pond.
Beavers are rodents and territorial, so only 1 beaver family, which is about 2-10 beavers live in their pond.
A beaver slaps their tail at you, what is the beaver trying to tell you?
To come say hi
To stay away
To point in the direction of some good wood
To show off their tails
Where do beavers get food in the middle of winter?
From their 'fridge' at the bottom of the pond
They go out and forage once a week
Order in an extra large pizza
Eat their way through their dams
Beavers use their tails...
to stabilize them as they cut down trees
communication tools to ward of predators
to store energy in the winter
all of the above
{"name":"How much do you know about beavers?", "url":"","txt":"How long can beavers hold their breath?, On average beavers dive down for about 5 minutes at a time but at maximum they can hold their breath for 15 minutes when they are hiding from predators., What do beavers eat?","img":""}
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