
What is the date of the tsunami in northern Chile?
2003 19/2/3
1868 13/7/68
1955 7/6/55
1995 24/2/95
What is the definition of Tsunami?
Large Wave
Tidal Wave
Harbour Wave
Big Wave
How often do Tsunami's occur?
Once a month
Every 15 years
Every 6 month's
Twice a year
Which Tsunami killed 230,000 people
Sumatra, Indonesia - 26 December 2004
North Pacific Coast, Japan - 11 March 2011
Lisbon, Portugal - 1 November 1755
Krakatau, Indonesia - 27 August 1883
Tsunamis are one of the major courses of death in coastal areas
{"name":"Tsunami", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What is the date of the tsunami in northern Chile?, What is the definition of Tsunami?, How often do Tsunami's occur?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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