Which smallest current can be fatal under certain conditions?
One-half of 1 amp.
One-tenth of 1 amp.
One-eighth of 1 amp.
One-third of 1 amp.
How is the measurement of the apparent power of an alternating current (AC) electrical expressed?
What ohm measurement is the total resistance of a 5-ohm resistor and a 20-ohm resistor in parallel?
2.5 ohms
4 ohms.
2 ohms.
5.5 ohms.
The voltage of a primary cell depends on the type of
Electrolyte and the electrode material.
Electrode material and type of cell.
Electrolyte and type of cell.
Cell and type of terminal posts.
Information showing the location of installed distribution equipment should be kept
In the distribution substation house
In the base civil engineer's (BCE) office.
On a distribution map in the shop.
On the maintenance truck.
Which feature is the advantage of having a rotating magnetic field alternator?
It requires no slip rings and brushes.
Output is taken from the commutator.
It requires less power to rotate the magnetic field.
Output is taken from the stationary stator coils.
An electron is considered a free electron when it reaches the
Conduction band.
Forbidden level.
Valence band.
The output of a three-phase bridge rectifier is of low amplitude and requires
Very little filtering
Heavy filtering
To be stepped up
No filtering
How would you best describe a positive ion?
An atom that cannot throw off any protons.
An atom that lost an electron and has more protons.
An atom that has an equal number of electrons and protons
An atom that lost a proton and has more electrons
What document is used to record system problems, such as outages, surges, or low voltages?
Special procedure log
Power outage log
Emergency maintenance record
Emergency operations checklist
How do you turn off a silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) in a minimum amount of time?
Apply forward bias to the anode
Apply forward bias to the gate
Apply reverse bias to the gate
Apply reverse bias to the anode
How many year(s) must safe clearance forms be retained after release?
When do the magnetic lines of force in a magnet cross?
When the north pole of a magnet is placed near the north pole of another magnet
When a permanent magnet and a temporary magnet are put together
Magnetic lines of force never cross each other
When the south pole of a magnet is placed near the north pole of another magnet
In the common emitter configuration, the input is between the emitter and base, and the output is between the
Base and common
Emitter and common
Collector and emitter
Base and collector
What does the postive alternation of an input signal to the base of an NPN transistor in a common emitter configuration cause?
A decrease in base current
An increase in collector current
An increase in base current
A decrease in collector current
What records are kept to make sure proper maintenance and repair are done on the electrical distribution system?
Maintenance records only
Equipment and maintenance records
Equipment, maintenance, and computer data records
Equipment records only
Why do you use the Air Force (AF) Form 980, Caution Tag?
To record the names of the crew that are doing the task
To protect the crew working under safe clearance
To control and record all blocking and tagging
To identify situations out of the ordinary
The output ripple frequency of a three-phase bridge rectifier is how many times the frequency?
Six times
Five times
Four times
Three times
What factor normally causes the resistance of a conductor to increase?
Increase in size
Decrease in length
Decrease in temperature
Increase in temperature
What amount of power in watts is consumed by a circuit with 120 volts applied and a resistance of 12 ohms?
12 watts
10 watts
1200 watts
1440 watts
The bowline knot is placed in front of a victim in the two-person method of manhole rescue to
Prevent the knot from slipping
Allow the victim's head to tilt back, keeping the victim's air passage open
Prevent the victim's head from hitting the side of the manhole
Help raise the victim
What is the capactiance of a 125 microfarads (uF) capacitor when converted to farads?
0.125 F
.0125 F
.00125 F
.000125 F
Input resistance to a common collector amplifier is high because the emitter signal opposes the
Base resistance
Output resistance
Collector signal
Base signal
What frequencies, in hertz (Hz), are the most common for transmission of electrical power?
25, 50, 60
50, 60, 5
25, 50, 400
50, 60, 400
What two different ways can scientists combine elements?
Atoms or molecules
Atoms or compounds
Molecules or mixtuers
Compounds or mixtures
How is resistance defined with respect to electricity?
The potential difference offered by a material
The opposition to voltage in an electrical circuit
The movement of electrons through a conductor
The opposition to current flow
When rescuing a person from a manhole, your primary concern should be
Not to cause additional injuries
The speed of the rescue
Your own safety
The depth of the manhole
How much power does a 3-horsepower motor consume?
0.755 kilowatts (kW)
2.023 kW
1.534 kW
2.238 kW
When setting up the bucket truck for rescue, where should you place the strap and how far from the bucket?
Lower boom; 10 feet
Upper boom; 10 feet
Upper boom; 15 feet
Lower boom; 15 feet
Which multimeter lead connection is used to read forward bias on a diode?
Red to cathode
Black to cathode
Polarity does not matter
Black to anode
Which piece of equipment should you use with the manhole guard when using the two-person method of manhole rescue?
Windlass handcrank
Wire hoist
Rope blocks
What type of current flow is the result of voltages produced by batteries and thermocouples?
Direct current
Current of no commercial value
Easily transformed current
Alternating current
If the input frequency to a half-wave rectifier is 120 Hz, its output ripple frequency is
60 pulses per second (pps)
240 Hz
120 hertz (Hz)
120 pps
What does the word "electronics" mean?
Applications involving the control of electricity
Optimum current flow
Precise voltage regulation
The two purposes of the load resistor of a half-wave rectifier are to develop the output signal and to
Limit current flow to a safe level
Determine output amplitude
Limit output voltage to a safe level
Provide reverse bias
What completes an electrical cycle of an alternating current (AC) generator?
One positive alternation
One postivie and one negative alternation
One negative alternation
One positive and two negative alternations in one second
A step-up transformer produces a secondary voltage
Higher and secondary current lower than the voltage and current in the primary
And current higher than the voltage and current in the primary
Lower and secondary current higher than the voltage and current in the primary
And current lower than the voltage and current in the primary
When testing the oxygen level of a confined space, the oxygen level should be within what percentage (%)?
18 - 20
18.5 - 22.5
15 - 22
19.5 - 23.5
An inductive (choke) input filter gives a lower output voltage than the capacitive input LC filter and also
Inductive regulation
Poor voltage regulation
better voltage regulation
High-output impedance
What type of current flow cannot be transformed from a higher voltage to a lower voltage?
Direct current
Alternating current
Low current
Which condition exists when you connect the negative battery lead to a cathode?
Forward bias
Frontal bias
Reverse bias
Neutral bias
Excessive external heat applied to electronic components
Improves operation of components
Causes decreased current flow
Has no adverse effects
Causes increased current flow
The process of returning a part of the output of an amplifier back to its input in such a manner that it cancels part of the input signal is known as
High-input impedance
Signal cacellation
Regenerative feedback
Transistors can be connected in how many configurations
Which gain characteristic of a common base transistor amplifier is less than one?
What is developed for logic gate circuits to determine signal output?
Operating thresholds
Sizing charts
Component values
Truth tables
How much resistance of a circuit is applied with voltage of 120 volts and a current flow 9 amperes?
1.3 ohms
108 ohms
0.13 ohms
13.33 ohms
How does the base of a transistor normally receive its control voltage?
Multiplexor circuit
Separately derived power source
Independent battery circuit
Voltage divider circuit
How can a polarity be created and the strength of the magnetic lines of force around a conductor be increased?
By increasing resistance
By looping coils close together
By increasing the size of the conductor
By decreasing current
How are the elctrode leads identified and labeled on a Bipolar Junction Transistor?
Emitter, base, and collector
Positive and negative
Anode and cathode
Anode, cathode, and gate
{"name":"EOC A Set", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Which smallest current can be fatal under certain conditions?, How is the measurement of the apparent power of an alternating current (AC) electrical expressed?, What ohm measurement is the total resistance of a 5-ohm resistor and a 20-ohm resistor in parallel?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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