LEVEL 2: TEST 4 > Surah Al-Qariah

A serene landscape depicting abstract representations of judgment day, with clouds and golden light, symbolizing divine justice and the concepts found in Surah Al-Qariah.

Understanding Surah Al-Qariah Quiz

Test your knowledge of Surah Al-Qariah with this engaging quiz designed to deepen your understanding of its meanings and messages.

In this quiz, you will:

  • Learn the meanings of key Arabic words
  • Match terms with their corresponding concepts
  • Explore the significance of the Surah in Islamic teachings
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ReflectingLight21
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Bismillah 2 W
Bismillah 2 W
1. Meaning of Al-Qariah الْقَارٝعَةٝ
The Grave
The Death
The Striking Calamity
The Dajjal
2. Meaning of أَدْرَاكَ
Will make me know
Will make you know
Will make us know
3. The letterكَ in the word كَالَْٝرَاشٝmeans
4. Meaning of َٝرَاشٝ in the word كَالَْٝرَاشٝ
5. Meaning of الْمَبْثٝوثٝ
6. Match the following(2 marks)
a)   يَوْمَ 1) will be
b)  تَكٝونٝ 2) The Mountains
c)  كَالَْٝرَاشٝ 3) Day
d)  الْجٝبَالٝ 4) Like wool 
e)  كَالْعٝهْنٝ 5) like moths
A-2 ; b-1 ; c-5 ; d-3 ; e-4
A-3 ; b-1 ; c-5 ; d-2 ; e-4
A-3 ; b-1 ; c-4 ; d-2 ; e-5
7. Meaning of الْمَنٝٝوشٝ
Fluffed up
8. Match the Following(3 marks)
a)      ثَقٝلَتْ 1) A Life
b)     خََّٝتْ 2) His Scales
c)     مَوَازٝينٝهٝ 3) (Are)Heavy
d)    عٝيشَةٝ 4) Pleasant
e)    رَّاضٝيَةٝ 5) (Are) Light
A-3 ; b-5 ; c-2 ; d-1 ; e -4
A-3 ; b-5 ; c-2 ; d-4 ; e-1
A-5 ; b-3 ; c-2 ; d-1 ; e-4
9. The Meaning of Ayah : " َٝأٝمّٝهٝ هَاوٝيَةٌ"
His Abode will be a Pit
His Abode will be pleasant
10. Match: a) Pit ; b) intensely hot
A) حَامٝيَةٌ ; b) هَاوٝيَةٌ
A) هَاوٝيَةٌ ; b) حَامٝيَةٌ
11. Al- Qariah is one of the names of
The Grave
The Judgement Day
The Hell
12. According to one hadith: The prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said:"The fire of the children of adam that you all kindle is one part of the ...... Parts of the fire of hell"
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