Am I gay? The quiz younger me would have wanted

Did you ever have really intense friendships as a kid with someone of the same sex?
No, mainly opposite sex
It was a mix of both
Not sure
Do you feel like you can relate to your peers when they talk about their opposite-sex crushes?
No, I always feel left out or awkward
Yeah, I’m joining in their conversations!
Not sure
A little bit of both
Do you tend to relate more to the heroes or villains when watching a movie?
The villains, they have better style!
The heroes, duh
Have you ever had a romantic or sexual dream about someone of the same sex?
Not sure
Do you like how having a straight boyfriend or girlfriend makes you look to your peers more than how it makes you feel?
Yes, I like to get in relationships with people of the opposite sex to look cool/normal, but I don’t really care for them that much
No, I genuinely like them as a person and don’t care what people think
A little bit of both
Not sure
How does it make you feel when someone of the opposite sex has a crush on you or flirts with you?
A little uncomfortable, but I’m not sure why
Really good!
Not sure
If you’ve kissed someone of the opposite sex before, how did it compare to your expectations?
Disappointing! The movies made it seem like it was going to be magical
It felt amazing!
Not sure/haven’t kissed anyone yet
Do you tend to feel uncomfortable, jittery, nervous, or blush a lot around people of the opposite sex (no matter who they are, including gay, teachers, family, friends, etc)?
Yes! I feel so awkward around them
No I’m able to draw a boundary between platonic and romantic opposite-sex relationships
Not sure
Did you ever choose a random person of the opposite sex to “have a crush on” because all your peers had crushes and you didn’t want to be left out?
Not sure
Have you ever spent a considerable amount of time admiring the looks of someone from the same sex?
Yup, I like to look at pretty people of the same sex often
Nope, it’s usually the opposite sex
Not sure
Have you ever had a fascination with a queer/LGBTQ person whether it be a teacher, celebrity, etc?
Yes!! I just thought they were so cool and interesting
No, not really
Not sure
Do you find that you often want to watch a movie because you know there’s queer/LGBTQ characters in it?
Not sure
Do you tend to be worried about the way you are perceived by members of the opposite sex when you're out in public, but don’t think about how you perceive them?
Yup! I’m worried I don’t look attractive to them
Nope, I’m more likely to notice if I find them attractive
Not sure
Do you tend to be more emotionally invested in same-sex couples in tv shows and movies than heterosexual couples?
Yes!! Their relationship is just so special
It’s usually the same for both
Not sure
Have you ever felt fear, shame, or anger about the possibility of you not being straight because of the environment you grew up in?
Yes, I want to be straight because its safer and easier
No, I’ve never really had any strong emotions come up because of that
Not sure
When you imagine your future, how does seeing yourself married to a member of the opposite sex make you feel?
It feels boring, safe, inevitable, and I’m kinda dreading it
It feels exciting if I love the person
It’s the only future I can imagine for myself, but I genuinely look forward to it!
Not sure
Have you ever felt uncomfortable being in a locker room during middle/high school and finding ways to avoid eye contact?
Yup lol!
Not sure
Do you find that you’re drawn to a cool person of the opposite sex because you want to BE LIKE them or be WITH them?
Part of me wants to be like them! Look or act or talk the way they do
No I am attracted to them and want to date them
Not sure
Imagine that you have a crush on someone of the opposite sex, how would you react if you found out they like you back?
For some reason I immediately lose interest
That’s the best news ever!!
Not sure
Do you tend to only have crushes on fictional or famous people of the opposite sex, but not in real life?
Yup, only people I’ll never be with
No it’s both fictional/famous and real
Not sure
Do you feel like you have to tell yourself you only like this type of man or this type of woman, and set extremely high unobtainable standards for a possible romantic partner?
Yes!! They have to be a certain way or be perfect for me to actually date them
No, liking someone of the opposite sex comes easy to me, I can’t control who I have a crush on
Not sure
Do you feel like you can notice when someone of the opposite sex is attractive, without be attracted to them or wanting to date them?
Yes, people are objectively pretty but it doesn’t mean I want them romantically
No, if someone of the opposite sex is attractive to me, I usually want to date them
Not sure
And lastly, when you hear the term "coming out" or "pride", what kind of words do you associate with them? Choose all that apply
Expected, important for people to know
Isolating/fear of rejection
The most important part of a one’s queer journey
{"name":"Am I gay? The quiz younger me would have wanted", "url":"","txt":"Did you ever have really intense friendships as a kid with someone of the same sex?, Do you feel like you can relate to your peers when they talk about their opposite-sex crushes?, Do you tend to relate more to the heroes or villains when watching a movie?","img":""}
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