(Last page of handout2 not included pero konti nalang yon basahin nyo nalang)

System analysts obtain information from people who will be using the system, either by interviewing them or by watching them at work.
Gather Detailed Information
Prioritize Requirements
Develop User Interface Dialogs
Evaluate Requirements with Users
Analysts need to talk to everyone who will use the new system or has used similar systems, and they must read nearly everything available about the existing system.
Gather Detailed Information
Prioritize Requirements
Develop User Interface Dialogs
Evaluate Requirements with Users
The analyst tries to understand an existing system by identifying all present and future locations where work occurs and all system interfaces with other systems, both inside and outside the organization.
Gather Detailed Information
Prioritize Requirements
Develop User Interface Dialogs
Evaluate Requirements with Users
Users and analysts need to ask themselves which functions are truly important and which are fairly important but not absolutely required.
Gather Detailed Information
Prioritize Requirements
Develop User Interface Dialogs
Evaluate Requirements with Users
Once the system requirements are well understood, it is important to establish which requirements are most crucial for the system.
Gather Detailed Information
Prioritize Requirements
Develop User Interface Dialogs
Evaluate Requirements with Users
The reason why the functions requested by the users are being prioritized is that resources are always limited, and the analyst must always be prepared to justify the scope of the system.
Gather Detailed Information
Prioritize Requirements
Develop User Interface Dialogs
Evaluate Requirements with Users
Requirements priorities also help to determine the number, composition, and ordering of project iterations.
Gather Detailed Information
Prioritize Requirements
Develop User Interface Dialogs
Evaluate Requirements with Users
To most users, the user interface is all that matters. Thus, developing user interface dialogs is a powerful method of eliciting and documenting requirements.
Gather Detailed Information
Prioritize Requirements
Develop User Interface Dialogs
Evaluate Requirements with Users
Analysts can develop user interfaces via abstract models, such as interaction diagrams and written dialogs, or they can develop storyboards or user-interface prototypes on the actual input/output devices that users will use.
Gather Detailed Information
Prioritize Requirements
Develop User Interface Dialogs
Evaluate Requirements with Users
A prototype interface can serve as a requirement and a starting point for developing a portion of the system.
Gather Detailed Information
Prioritize Requirements
Develop User Interface Dialogs
Evaluate Requirements with Users
A user-interface prototype developed in an early iteration can be expanded in later iterations to become a fully functioning part of the system.
Gather Detailed Information
Prioritize Requirements
Develop User Interface Dialogs
Evaluate Requirements with Users
Ideally, evaluating requirements with users and documenting the requirements are fully integrated.
Gather Detailed Information
Prioritize Requirements
Develop User Interface Dialogs
Evaluate Requirements with Users
Analysts usually use an iterative process in which they elicit user input to model requirements, return to the user for additional input or validation, and then work alone to incorporate the new input and refine models.
Gather Detailed Information
Prioritize Requirements
Develop User Interface Dialogs
Evaluate Requirements with Users
The processes of eliciting requirements, building models and prototypes, and evaluating them with users may repeat many times until requirements models and prototypes are complete and accurate.
Gather Detailed Information
Prioritize Requirements
Develop User Interface Dialogs
Evaluate Requirements with Users
Most of the analyst’s time is devoted to requirements: gathering information about them, formalizing them, by using models and prototypes, refining and expanding them, prioritizing them, and generating and evaluating alternatives.
Gather Detailed Information
Prioritize Requirements
Develop User Interface Dialogs
Evaluate Requirements with Users
All the activities the new system must perform or support and the constraints that the new system must meet.
System Requirements
Additional Requirements Categories (FURPS+)
Unified Modeling Language
Requirements can be either functional or non-functional in nature.
System Requirements
Additional Requirements Categories (FURPS+)
Unified Modeling Language
The most widely used framework today in identifying and classifying requirements is referred to as FURPS which stands for functional, usability, reliability, performance, and security.
System Requirements
Additional Requirements Categories (FURPS+)
Unified Modeling Language
Relate directly to a process a system has to perform or information needs to contain
Functional requirements
Nonfunctional requirements
Usability requirements
Reliability requirements
Flow directly into the creation of functional, structural, and behavioral models that represent the functionality of the evolving system.
Functional requirements
Nonfunctional requirements
Usability requirements
Reliability requirements
Four categories describe URPS
Usability, Reliability, Performance, Security Requirements
Utility, Reliability, Performance, Security Requirements
Usability, Reliability, Popularity, Security Requirements
Utility, Reliability, Popularity, Security Requirements
Categories to describe FURPS
Functional, Usability, Reliability, Performance, Security Requirements
Factor, Utility, Reliability, Performance, Security Requirements
Factor, Utility, Reliability, Popularity, Security Requirements
Functional, Usability, Reliability, Popularity, Security Requirements
Describe operational characteristics related to users, such as the user interface, related work procedures, online help, and documentation.
Usability requirements
Reliability requirements
Performance requirements
Security requirements
Describe the dependability of a system – how often a system exhibits such behaviors as service outages and incorrect processing and how it detects and recovers from those problems.
Usability requirements
Reliability requirements
Performance requirements
Security requirements
Describe operational characteristics related to measures of workload, such as throughput and response time.
Usability requirements
Reliability requirements
Performance requirements
Security requirements
Describe how access to the application will be controlled and how data will be protected during storage transmission.
Usability requirements
Reliability requirements
Performance requirements
Security requirements
Design constraints describe restrictions to which the hardware and software must adhere.
Implementation requirements describe constraints such as required programming languages and tools, documentation method and level of detail, and a specific communication protocol for distributed components.
Interface requirements describe interactions among systems.
Physical requirements describe such characteristics of hardware as size, weight, power consumption, and operating conditions.
Supportability requirements describe how a system is installed, configured, monitored, and updated.
People who have an interest in the successful implementation of the system.
Interview Users
Other Stakeholder Groups
Research Vendor Solutions
Depending on the nature and scope of the system, this can be a small group, or a large, diverse group.
Interview Users
Other Stakeholder Groups
Research Vendor Solutions
One useful way to help identify all the interested stakeholders is to consider two dimensions by which they vary: internal stakeholders versus external stakeholders; and operational stakeholders versus executive stakeholders
Interview Users
Other Stakeholder Groups
Research Vendor Solutions
The client is the person or group that provides the funding for the project.
Other Stakeholder Groups
Research Vendor Solutions
Interview Users
An organization’s technical and support staff include people who establish and maintain the computing environment of the organization.
Other Stakeholder Groups
Research Vendor Solutions
Interview Users
(Find the impostor) which of the following does not belong among the Information Gathering Techniques: Different ways to collect information about system requirements
Interviewing users and other stakeholders
Distributing and collecting questionnaires
Reviewing inputs, outputs, and documentation
Prepare detailed questions
(Find the impostor) which of the following does not belong among the Information Gathering Techniques: Different ways to collect information about system requirements
Observing and documenting business procedures
Researching vendor solutions
Collecting active user comments and suggestions
Meet with individuals or groups of users
Interviewing users and other stakeholders is an effective way to understand business functions and business rules.
Interview Users and Other Stakeholders
Distribute and Collect Questionnaires
Review Inputs, Outputs, and Procedures
Models and Modeling
Time-consuming and resource-expensive option
Interview Users and Other Stakeholders
Distribute and Collect Questionnaires
Review Inputs, Outputs, and Procedures
Models and Modeling
Questionnaires are often used to obtain preliminary insight into stakeholder information needs, which helps to determine areas that need further research using other methods.
Distribute and Collect Questionnaires
Models and Modeling
Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Research Vendor Solutions
More than any other activity, observing the business process in action will help in understanding the business functions and visualize the new system’s associated business process.
Observe and Document Business Processes
Collect Active User Comments and Suggestions
Documenting Workflows with Activity Diagram
Observing the business process can be done in many ways, ranging from a quick walk-through of an office or plant to doing the work by the person who conducts the data gathering.
Observe and Document Business Processes
Collect Active User Comments and Suggestions
Documenting Workflows with Activity Diagram
Many of the problems and opportunities that companies want to address with new information systems have already been solved by other consulting firms by providing packaged solutions for a particular business needs
Research Vendor Solutions
Distribute and Collect Questionnaires
Models and Modeling
Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Three positive contributions in exploring existing

1. Researching existing solutions will frequently help
users generate new ideas for how to better perform
their business functions.
2. Some of these solutions are excellent and state of the
3. It is often cheaper and less risky to buy a solution
rather than to build it.
Research Vendor Solutions
Distribute and Collect Questionnaires
Models and Modeling
Unified Modeling Language (UML)
The danger in exploring existing solutions is that the users and even the systems analysts may want to buy one of the alternatives immediately.
Research Vendor Solutions
Distribute and Collect Questionnaires
Models and Modeling
Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Analysts build models to describe system requirements and use those models to communicate with users and designers
Models and Modeling
Research Vendor Solutions
Distribute and Collect Questionnaires
Unified Modeling Language (UML)
is a representation or abstraction of some aspects of the system being built
Models and Modeling
Research Vendor Solutions
Distribute and Collect Questionnaires
Unified Modeling Language (UML)
(Find the impostor) Find the wrong one and does not belong to the group

Reasons for modeling:
1 Learning from the modeling process
2 Reducing complexity by abstraction
3 Remembering all the details
4 Communicating with other development team
5 Communicating with a variety of users and
6 Documenting what was done for future
2 and 5
What are the design models that can be grouped into three generic types?
Textual, Mathematical, Graphical models
Speech, Mathematical, Graphical models
Speech, Mathematical, Illustration models
Textual, Mathematical, Illustration models
Analysts use such models as memos, reports, narratives, and lists to describe requirements that are detailed and are difficult to represent in other ways.
Textual models
Graphical models
Mathematical models
Speech models
{"name":"Softweng(02_Handout) (Last page of handout2 not included pero konti nalang yon basahin nyo nalang)", "url":"","txt":"System analysts obtain information from people who will be using the system, either by interviewing them or by watching them at work., Analysts need to talk to everyone who will use the new system or has used similar systems, and they must read nearly everything available about the existing system., The analyst tries to understand an existing system by identifying all present and future locations where work occurs and all system interfaces with other systems, both inside and outside the organization.","img":""}
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