Captain Training English

Which button should be pressed when you have reached customer’s pickup location?
End Ride
On my way
Arrived for pickup
How we will inform the customer that we are coming to pick him/her from their pickup location?
By pressing “Arrived for Pickup”
By pressing “On my way”
By Pressing “Accept”
None of above
When we should press on my way button (For Later Booking)?
60 Minutes
35 Minutes
45 Minutes
20 Minutes
Which button should be pressed when the customer is boarded in the car?
End Ride
Start Ride
On my way
Cash Collect
Which button should be pressed for finishing the ride?
Start Ride
On my way
End Ride
What should you do if you see customer coming with luggage?
Stand outside of car
Open the trunk
Help the customer
All of Above
If you are signed into your device but NOT READY to accept a ride what should you do?
Don’t accept the ride
Make your device busy
Accept the ride and then cancel it
None of the above
When should you use your GPS?
When the customer asks you
When you don’t know where you are going
For long rides
Which one of these is NOT one of the captains’ Tiers?
What does a heat map show you?
Quiet areas
Areas to avoid
Busy areas you should go to
Congested areas
What should you do if a customer asks you to take a specific route?
Follow the GPS
Ignore the customer
Take the customer's route
Take your own route
What app do you need to install and uninstall ADMA?
ADMA Utility
Captain Portal
How do you increase your Acceptance Rate?
Accept bookings when you want
Accept all bookings
Don’t accept any bookings
Give good service
What will be the outcome of doing a major violation?
Your account will be blocked and you will be fined
You will be fined
You will be blocked
Which one is the BEST rating that you should aim for?
What is very important for good environment of your car?
Air Conditioner
Air Freshener
All of the above
Which can be the reason for your bad ratings?
Talking on the phone
Not Greeting and Opening Door for the Customer
Taking Long or Wrong route
Bad smell
All of the above
How would you confirm you are picking up right customer?
I will ask “Sir are you Mr. Ahmad?”
I will show my device to customer
I will ask my car plate number
I will ask “May I have your name please?”
Would you recommend this training to other captains?
How would you rate the training process?
How would you rate the length of the training?
Just Right
{"name":"Captain Training English", "url":"","txt":"جب آپ کسٹمر کے پک اپ مقام پر پہنچ جئے کس بٹن کو دبایا جانا چاہئے؟, ہم مسافر کو کس طرح سے مطلع کریں کے ان کو لینے کے لئے آ رہے ہیں؟, ہم (بعد بکنگ کے لئے) میرا راستہ بٹن پر دبائیں چاہئے؟","img":""}
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