Exam preparation

Exams will most likely require extra study time and preparation beyond what I would do normally.
What time of day is the best time to study for exams?
Early morning, when I first wake up
Late afternoon, after I've eaten lunch
Late at night, when I have no other distractions
Whatever time I feel most energised
For peak brain efficiency, I should take breaks at least every two hours when I study.
Which of these is proven to be an effective way to study for exams?
Reciting notes out loud
Studying with a friend and testing each other
Mind mapping concepts
All of the above
What is the best way to approach multiple choice questions?
Always pick B; that is usually the right answer
Make sure you have an equal balance of A, B, C and D answers
Try to eliminate options so you have less possibilities
Don't read them too carefully. Just pick something quickly.
What are the two types of short-answer question descriptors?
Report and essay
Factual and interpretive
Academic and non-academic
Instruction and limiting
Which of these is an example of a factual question descriptor?
Which of these is an example of an interpretive question descriptor?
When I am under stress because of my exams, I should...
Practice relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga
Take regular study breaks
Drink more alcohol or smoke more than usual to relax me
A and B
It is ok to be flexible about my study plan and change it at any time it is not working for me.
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