Ortho Dr. chum Mony 1-55
1. A distal step in the primary dentition will most likely to reflect a Class ___ occlusion in the permanent dentition.?
σ Class III
σ Class II
σ Class I
σ None of the choices
2. Which of the following are normal signs of primary dentition? I. Ovoid arch form II. Deep overjet and overbite III. Straight terminal plane IV. Primate spaces
σ I, II, III and IV
σ II, III and IV
σ I, III and IV
σ I, II and IV
3. It is the difference in size between the primary teeth and their permanent successor in the posterior segment:?
σ Posterior liability
σ Nance Leeway space
σ Posterior size discrepancy
σ Late mesial shift
4. The most important dental arch dimension is?
σ arch width
σ arch perimeter
σ arch length
σ arch width and arch length
5. At what stage in Nolla’s classification does a permanent tooth start to erupt?
σ Stage 7
σ Stage 6
σ Stage 5
σ Stage 8
σ Stage 4
6. From the flush terminal plane relationship of molars in the primary dentition, the permanent first molar relationship in the permanent dentition can become the following in the transition period, except:?
σ Class I
σ Class III
σ Class II
σ end to end / cusp to cusp
σ E. None of the choices
7. Six keys to normal occlusion include the following? I. No rotations II. No spaces in between teeth III. Upright anterior teeth
σ I and II
σ I and III
σ II and III
σ I, II and III
8. Spaces between the primary anteriors:?
σ interdental space
σ nance leeway space
σ interdental space and primate space
primate space
9. Primate space is found between the:?
σ maxillary canine and first molar
σ mandibular primary canine and lateral incisor
σ maxillary canine and lateral incisors
none of the above
10. Sequence of eruption of maxillary permanent teeth.?
σ 1-6-2-4-5-3-7
σ none of the above.
11. Permanent teeth that erupt posterior to the primary teeth?
σ successional teeth
σ accessional teeth
σ supernumerary teeth
σ successional teeth and accessional teeth
12. Class I permanent molar relationship can be achieved through the following, except?
σ Late mesial shift after the loss of second primary molar
σ Greater forward growth of the mandible than the maxilla
σ Combination of both
σ None of the above.
13. An inherent disposition of most teeth to drift mesially even before they are in occlusion:?
σ mesial drifting tendency
σ anterior component of force
σ physiologic movement of teeth
σ mesial drifting tendency and anterior component of force
14. Maxillary alveolar process growth is:?
σ parallel
σ diverging
σ converging and parallel
15. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a mature swallow?
σ active contractions of the muscles of the lips
σ tongue tip is placed against alveolar process behind the upper incisors
σ teeth are together during swallowing
σ all are corrects
16. These are six soft spots present between the bones of the skull roof.?
σ sutures
σ synchondroses
σ fontanelles
σ cartilages
17. Growth by proliferation of cartilage cells and the conversion of the older cartilage into new bone
σ sutural
σ endosteal
σ endochondral
σ intramembranous
18. Activity at the intra-occipital synchondrosis closes at?
σ at 20th year
σ after birth
σ between the 3rd and 5th year
σ between 5-25 years of age
σ none of the above.
19. The following are distinctive structural features related to cartilage of the cranial base, except:?
σ pressure- tolerant
σ grows interstitially and appositionally
σ matrix is non-vascular
σ grows appositionally
20. What is the chief factor in the formation of the alveolar process?
σ normal process of growth
σ eruption of teeth
σ lengthening of the condyle
σ overall growth of the maxilla and mandible
21. Horizontal lengthening of the maxilla occurs in?
σ anterior direction
σ posterior direction
σ superior direction
σ inferior direction
22. The greatest increase in cranial growth occurs during?
σ 0-5 years
σ 5-10 years
σ 10-20 years after birth
σ 1-6 years
23. The cranial vault increases rapidly in size the first few years postnatally. This growth is typical of which of the following types of tissue?
σ neural
σ dental
σ lymphoid
σ somatic
σ genital
24. Space for eruption of permanent mandibular molars is created by:?
σ apposition at the anterior border of the ramus
σ apposition at the alveolar process
σ resorption at the anterior border of the ramus
σ resorption at the posterior border of the ramus
25. Displacement of the mandible due to its growth at the condyle and posterior border of the ramus
σ primary
σ secondary
σ tertiary
σ cortical drift
26. Chin cup is used to intercept a?
σ Class I type 3
σ Class II
σ Class III
σ Developing Class III
27. A direct growth movement that is produced by deposition on one side of the orbital plate with resorption on the opposite side is?
σ displacement
σ translation
σ cortical drift
σ remodeling
28. The theory which states that the growth of the craniofacial bones is caused by the soft tissues adjacent to them.?
σ Functional matrix
σ Cartilaginous growth theory
σ Sutural Dominance theory
σ Limborgh’s theory
29. The “V” principle of growth is best illustrated by the?
σ nasal septum
σ posterior border of the mandibular ramus
σ mandibular symphysis
intersphenoidal synchondrosis
30. At birth, which of the following structures is nearest the size it will eventually attain in adulthood?
σ cranium
σ maxilla
σ mandible
σ nasal septum
31. The main growth site of the mandible which is responsible for its increase ion height?
σ condyle
σ gonial angle
σ symphysis
σ posterior border of the ramus
σ inferior border of the body
32. The sequence of completion of facial growth by planes of space is?
σ depth, width, height
σ height, depth, width
σ width, depth, height
σ depth, height, width
σ width, height, depth
33. The halves of the mandible fused at age?
σ birth
σ one month postnatally
σ one year of age
σ two years
34. The following are oblique and parallel sutures of the maxilla, except:?
σ frontomaxillary
σ pterygo-palatine
σ zygomatico-maxillary
σ zygomatico-temporal
σ sphenoethmoidal
35. The major mechanism for growth of the cranial case is the:?
σ expansion of the cartilage cells
σ interstitial growth of bone
σ apposition of new bone at the synchondroses
σ apposition of new bone at the sutures
36. The vertical lengthening of the maxillary complex is brought about by a composite of factors,
σ deposition of bone on the oral side of the palate with compensating resopriton on the entire oral side
σ deposition on the various sutures where it contacts the other bones above it
σ deposition on the posterior facing cortical surface of the maxillary Tuberosity
σ all are corrects
37. Growth dimensions in the maxilla which are are sex-linked at puberty.?
σ width and depth
σ height and width
σ height and depth
σ width
38. The profile of a normal neonate is?
σ straight
σ convex
σ concave
σ all are corrects
39. Which of the following factors will not increase maxillary width?
σ growth of the palate following “V” principle
σ deposition at the fronto-maxillary suture
σ deposition at the lateral walls
σ deposition at the median palatine sutre
40. Dental age which is characterized by the eruption of all succedaneous teeth with the 2nd permanent molars rearing eruption?
σ age 6
σ age 8
σ age 10
σ age 12
σ age 14
41. The principal growth site of the cranial base believed to be responsible for its anteroposterior growth is?
σ spheno-occipital
σ spheno-ethmoidal
σ intersphenoidal
σ intraoccipita
42. Which of the following is not a source of extra space for the resolution of permanent incisor crowding in the lower arch?
σ increase in intercanine width
σ labial positioning of the permanent incisors
σ distal movement of the canines into the primate space
σ deposition of bone at the posterior border of the ramus
43. This can detect the muscle activity and the effect of abnormal muscle fun ction on the dentition.?
σ hand and wrist x-ray
σ electromyographic exam
σ Biostatistics
σ None of the above
44. It is an excellent aid in appraising facial balance, facial type and harmony of external feature.?
σ photos
σ radiograph
σ study cats
σ cephalometrics
σ none of the above.
45. This appraises the soft tissue adaptation to the bony profile, lip size, shape and posture of soft tissue thickness over the symphisis.?
σ profile
σ denture
σ skeletal anaysis
σ profile and denture
46. The systematic analysis of the child’s dentition and supporting denture bases as they relate to the facial bones and cranial base.?
σ profile
σ denture
σ skeletal analysis
σ all are corrects
47. Methods in measuring the apical base relationship:? I. SNAII. SNBIII. ANBIV. FMA
σ I, II, III and IV
σ I, II and III
σ I, III and IV
σ II, III and IV
σ III and IV only
48. Which among the following are vertical planes? I. facial II. Y axis III. Axis of 1 IV. Palatal planes
σ I, II, III and IV
σ I, II and III
σ II, III and IV
σ II and IV
σ III and IV
49. Bone ossification can be detected with the use of:?
σ Hand and wrist
σ Electromyographic exam
σ Biostatistics
σ None of the above
50. Which among the following are anatomic landmarks? I. Na II. Pog III. Go IV. Kr
σ I, II, III and IV
σ I, II and III
σ II, III and IV
σ II, III and IV
51. If the upper and lower incisors are labially inclined in relation with each other, it is related to what type profile?
σ concave
σ convex
σ straight
σ all are correct
52. Which among the following are horizontal planes? I. FH plane II. SN plane III. Axis of 1 IV. Occlusal plane
σ I, II , III and IV
σ I, II and III
σ I, II and IV
σ II, III and IV
σ I, III and IV
53. Arch dimensions can be measured with the use of?
σ panorex
σ photos
σ study cast
σ cephalometrics
σ none of the above.
54. Two or more teeth moving in opposite directions and pitted against each other is equal and opposite. The anchorage is what?
σ simple
σ stationary
σ reciprocal
σ reinforced
55. Which among the following are sources of extraoral anchorage? I. cervical II.Occipital III. cranial IV. reciprocal
σ I, II, III and IV
σ I, II, and III
σ I, III and IV
σ II, III and IV
σ II and III only
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