What does manufacturing mean?
Changing materials into usable products in a workshop or factory.
Made by hand.
Being manufactured by machines.
The barter system was…
The exchange excess goods from a family for goods from another.
The sale of goods to a merchant who sold them through a store.
A grant made by the governmet that gives the creator of an ivention the exculsive right to make, use and sell it for a set period of time.
The first form of manufacturing was used in…
Man/woman, Water, Wind, Animal, Fire.
Tool making.
Textile wood.
The Englishman credited for starting the Industrial Revolution in 1769 with his invention of the steam engine was…
James Watt
Eli Whitney
Henry Ford
The mercantile system was…
The sale of goods to a merchant who sold them through a store.
The exchange excess goods from a family for goods from another.
A place or area, an age group,and/or a specific gender.
What factors played a key role in the start of the industrial revolution?
Steam engine, new manufacturing machines invented, products began to be made in facories.
Man/woman, Water, Wind, Animal, Fire.
None of the above
List sources of power
Water, Wind
Both of the above
What was the advantage of using the steam engine in manufacturing?
The only thing the steam engine needs is coal/wood & water.
Steam engine creates water limitlessly
Steam engine can work only in the mornings
Who was given credit for developing the process of mass production?
Eli whitney.
James Watt
Henry Ford
What did Whitney mass produce for the new U.S. Government?
Machine guns.
Drill guns.
Before the steam engine where were most factories built?
On the banks of rivers.
In the middle of the ocean.
On an island.
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