Choose your character

A colorful, whimsical illustration of diverse people engaging in various activities like working, partying, and relaxing, with thought bubbles showing their different preferences and personality traits

Discover Your Personality Fit

Take this fun and engaging quiz to uncover your character traits and preferences in various aspects of life! Whether you're curious about your work style, social habits, or even how you unwind, this quiz offers insightful results that can help you better understand yourself.

  • Multiple choice questions
  • Explore your goals, hobbies, and lifestyle choices
  • Get personalized results that reflect who you are
13 Questions3 MinutesCreated by CuriousExplorer42
What is your goal at work/ quelle est ton motif quand tu travaille
To finish as quickly as possible/ j'essaye de finir tres vite
To do exactly what I was told not more not less/ de faire exactement que quellecun ma dit
I just enjoy it anyways/ je justement profite
To do as much as possible/ de faire le plus possible
How do you like to spend your afternoons
Being active, talking, playing, dancing... With the others/ etre actif, joue, parle... Avec les autres
Doing things by myself/ je fais t´des choses tous seul
Enjoy everyones company in silence/ profite de ecoute dans la groupe
Shutting of and relaxing/ relaxer
What is your party mode/ comment tu fais un party
Drinking and dancing/ alccol et danser
Drinking and karaoke/ alcool et chanter
Chilling until I go to sleep/ relaxer et dormir quand je veux
Playing party games/ jouer des jeux
Coffe or tea/ cafe ou infusion
Coffe always/ cafe
Ew I hate cafein, tea/ je deteste du caffein, the
Waht are any of those?/ je deteste tous
How do you sleep/ comment tu dormi
Before twelve/ avant douze heure
After twelve/ puis douze heure
Generally not so much/well/ pas beaucoup ou bien
What is your emotional response to extreme situations/ comment tu reagi dans les situations emotional
It shows in a passive way/ ca montre mes cest passif
Very emotional and it shows/ tres emotional et ca cest tre evident
No one would notice/ personne peut voir
How is your sex life in the last year/ comment a ete ton vie sexuelle le prochain anne
Boring/ enuyant
Exciting / excitant
Very safe/ cest stabil
None existing/ jai pas
How was your lovelife in the last year/ comment a ete ton vie amourese le prochain anee
Turbulent/ chaotique
Very stable/ stabil
None existing/ ca existe pas
How do you feel in the kitchen/ comment tu te sens dans la cuisine
Completly lost/ je suis perdu
I love it anyway/ jaime beaucoup
I can be there if I have to/ je peut le faire quand ja doit
Choose one object you will need soon/ choisisez un object que tu vas utilisez dans le futur
The toilet so I can vomit when I am drunk/ la toilette pous vomit apres jai bois trop d' alcool
The microphone so I can sing at evryone/ le microphone pour chanter a tous le monde
The laptop so I can stay up to date/ l'ordi pour rester informe
The pencil so I can look like I am doing something important even tho I am not/ le stylo pour regarde comme je suis occupe
The blanket so I can burry myself in it/ la couverture pour dormir bien
The phone so I can look occupied but still listen/ mon portable pour regarde occupe mais ecouter a tous le monde
Choose your drink/ choissisez ton boisson
Beer/ bier
Wine/ vin
Everything/ tous
Nothing/ rien
When is the last time you washed your bedsheets/ quand est ce que tu change tes couvertures
Every week/ chaque semaine
Every month/ chaque mois
More then one month/ plus que un mois
What type of hobby do you like/ quelle typ de hobby preferez tu
Intellectual/ intellectuel
Scientifique, factual/ scientifique
{"name":"Choose your character", "url":"","txt":"Take this fun and engaging quiz to uncover your character traits and preferences in various aspects of life! Whether you're curious about your work style, social habits, or even how you unwind, this quiz offers insightful results that can help you better understand yourself.Multiple choice questionsExplore your goals, hobbies, and lifestyle choicesGet personalized results that reflect who you are","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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