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Bloomberg Analytics Quiz 1
حل تمارين
  How updated are you on current issues?
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Limiting Beliefs Quiz   Try on each belief by saying it to yourself out loud. Feel how “true” it is as you say it. If it’s not true at all, mark it with a “0.” If you sort-of believe it, or believe it some of the time, mark it in the middle. If it feels absolutely true about you, mark it with a “5.” Not true at all 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 True almost all the time If you scored between 0 and 40, congratulations! You’re not limited by your beliefs! If you want to make your life even better, examine the beliefs that you feel are holding you back from creating what you want. Eliminate them, and replace them with beliefs that empower you. If you scored between 41 and 60, your beliefs limit you in some parts of your life. You can learn to change your beliefs easily, and remove the limitations you feel are in the way. Begin by writing down the beliefs that repeat themselves inside your mind. Then, using one of the belief-change technologies, shift them, one at a time. If you scored between 61 and 80, your beliefs are significantly limiting the possibilities for your life. If you want to change yourself or your circumstances, learn how to change your beliefs, one by one. With each shift in your beliefs, you become more and more able to create the life you want. A huge brick wall can be taken down by removing one brick at a time. Eventually, the whole barrier falls down. If you scored between 81 and 100, your beliefs have a strong hold on you. You may feel stuck in limitation or lack. If you really want to change your life, you can begin a deep study of your own beliefs. Learn which ones are merely assumptions, which ones were conclusions you came to at an early age, and which ones were indoctrinated into you by others. If you’re willing to question your own beliefs, you can change anything in your life – and make it better. The first belief to change is, “I can’t change.” It’s just a belief – not an absolute truth. Then, you can begin to change one belief at a time, making small, incremental changes until you’re on your way to a life of happiness.
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