Five Element quiz for activists

A tool for organizers to discern the gifts they can offer to social justice movements. Let Chinese cosmology reveal how your energy can support collective organizing.
Please note that we all have all the elements within us. Chinese medicine and Daoism teach that the macrocosm mirrors the microcosm, and of course our complexity cannot be reduced to a simple quiz. I invite you to let this tool be a springboard to greater self-acceptance and curiosity as to the ways your temperament and tendencies empower you to be of maximum service to freedom movements.
A tool for organizers to discern the gifts they can offer to social justice movements. Let Chinese cosmology reveal how your energy can support collective organizing.
Please note that we all have all the elements within us. Chinese medicine and Daoism teach that the macrocosm mirrors the microcosm, and of course our complexity cannot be reduced to a simple quiz. I invite you to let this tool be a springboard to greater self-acceptance and curiosity as to the ways your temperament and tendencies empower you to be of maximum service to freedom movements.
What emotional experience first radicalized you?
Which of the following do you aspire to be?
What archetype from nature do you most identify with?
How do you usually show up for movement work?
What activity feels the most enticing to you?
What vision of a just future is the most exciting to you?
Which organizing experience do you dislike the most?
How does your energy tend to move?
What do people usually compliment you on?
In which of the following situations would folks seek you out?
Which freedom fighter do you most identify with?
How do you self-soothe when the news is horrible?
How does tension usually show up in your body?
Which of these activities would you prefer?
What is your favorite season?
{"name":"Five Element quiz for activists", "url":"","txt":"A tool for organizers to discern the gifts they can offer to social justice movements. Let Chinese cosmology reveal how your energy can support collective organizing. Please note that we all have all the elements within us. Chinese medicine and Daoism teach that the macrocosm mirrors the microcosm, and of course our complexity cannot be reduced to a simple quiz. I invite you to let this tool be a springboard to greater self-acceptance and curiosity as to the ways your temperament and tendencies empower you to be of maximum service to freedom movements., What emotional experience first radicalized you?, Which of the following do you aspire to be?","img":""}
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