1. What has a touchscreen and it is lighter than a laptop?
A. Desktop
B. Tablet
C. Smartphone
2. Which of the following is not a type of mouse?
A. Wireless
B. Scroll
C. Eraser
3. Which key is used to erase text on the left side of the cursor?
A. Shift
B. Left Arrow key
C. Backspace
4. The following key helps you to type the letters in Capital.
A. Caps Lock
B. Spacebar
C. Backspace
5. Which of the following is not an alignment in WordPad?
A. Middle
B. Left
C. Justify
6. The ____________ is used to change the space between the lines in a document.
A. Underline
B. Line spacing
C. Italic
7. What is the information produced by a computer called?
A. Processing
B. Input
C. Output
8. The computer can:
A. Make mistakes
B. Get tired
C. Store a large amount of data
9. What keeps a check on the health of the person wearing it?
A. Tablet
B. Smartwatch
C. Desktop
10. Which of the following key combination, should we press to get a ‘*’ sign?
A. Shift + f
B. Shift + 8
C. Shift + a
{"name":"STD 2", "url":"","txt":"1. What has a touchscreen and it is lighter than a laptop?, 2. Which of the following is not a type of mouse?, 3. Which key is used to erase text on the left side of the cursor?","img":""}

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