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What is ransomware?
A sophisticated form of malware that requires users pay to regain access to data
A Bitcoin virus launched to generate profits by pushing users to convert money into Bitcoin
An all-encompassing term that includes any software used to obtain information without a user’s consent
What is Phishing?
A technique that hackers use by sending emails designed to trick you to click on a link or opening an infected attachment.
A technique that hackers use to bypass the firewall.
A technique that hackers use to steel PCI data from your computer.
A technique that hackers use to gain access to the network before a DoS attack (Denial of service).
All the above
What are the techniques that hackers use to deploy ransomware?
Phishing attacks
SMSishing attacks
Vishing Attacks
All the above
You must carefully analyze each and every single email for red flags (warning signs), before opening attachments or click on links. Select all applicable red flags in a typical email.
The sender is a stranger
You are asked to click on a link or open an attachment to avoid any negative consequence
The subject does not match the content
Email message starts with “Hi” instead of “Dear”
The attachment is a “.txt” file
Recipients are an unusual mix of recipient
While each variant has its own twists, how does ransomware typically attack?
Spoofed emails that trick users into opening a malicious file or click on a link.This is also known as a Phishing attack.
Attack users personal firewall
Hackers use an unsecure password to gain access to the network
All the above
Why is it important to have a good understanding of Information Security policies and procedures?
Helps protect individuals from being victims of security incidents
Provides an understanding of steps to follow in the event of a security incident
Helps to understand levels of responsibility
All of the above
Which of the following is a good way to create a password?
Your children's or pet's names
A combination of your division name and TMA address
A combination of upper and lowercase letters mixed with numbers and symbols
Using common names or words from the dictionary
Which of the following would be the best password?
What is the most common delivery method for viruses?
Instant Message
Internet download
Portable media
When receiving an email from an unknown contact that has an attachment, you should:
Open the attachment to view its contents
Analyse the email for red flags and then delete the email
Forward the email to your co-workers to allow them to open the attachment first
Forward the email to your personal email account so you can open it at home
Which of the following is a good practice to avoid email viruses?
Delete unexpected or unsolicited messages
Use anti-virus software to scan attachments before opening
Delete similar messages that appears more than once in your Inbox
All of the above
Which of the following is a proper use of email?
Never email personal information
Send out pricelists for your home-based business products
Forward inspirational and humorous emails to your co-workers to brighten their day
Send an email to all your friends and co-workers to advertise a job opening in your area
A malicious user can rely on email or webpage to launch a ____?
Phishing attacks
Virus attacks
All of the above
Which statement most accurately describes virus?
A program that is secretly installed onto your computer and makes copies of itself which consumes your computer resources
A program that protects your computer from hackers
A program that is installed onto your computer that monitors your internet use
All of the above
If you are suspicious of having a virus on your computer what would you do?
Call 911 and report you have a virus
Call General Manager and ask him to contact IT
Disconnect the network cable, then disconnect from the Wi-Fi network and call IT
Disconnect from the Wi-Fi network, then disconnect the network cable and finally call IT
Which statement is allowed according to the limited personal use policy?
Conducting business for personal gain
Using company resources for political purpose
Sending an occasional personal email
Downloading music and video files
If you're not careful about your Internet browsing, which of the following can result?
Spyware, Adware or Ransomware installation
Browser Hijacking
Information or identity thef
All of the above
What you should do if you think the email you received has a suspicious hyperlink?
Just delete the email
Click the link so you can see what the site looks like
Reboot your computer
Forward the email to a co-worker who is a super computer user
What are the 3 minimum components of a security statement box?
Security classification, Distribution scope, Information owner
Security classification, Security Expiration, Information owner
Security classification, Security Expiration, Distribution scope
Security classification, Other restrictions, Distribution scope
Which of the following is NOT true?
All new software purchases must be authorized by the IT management.
Do not download free or open source software on the internet without prior approval from IT.
Software is subject to export control laws of the United States.
You do not require approval from IT to download an app on to your smart phone as long as the app helps gain productivity.
Your collage friend knows how much you love football. He sends you an e-mail with an attachment at work with a screen saver he says you’ll love.
Install the screensaver on your computer; it’s from your old Frend!
Delete the message without opening the attachment
Forward the message to all of your friends
Call IT for help with installation
While you are on vacation, you’ve just received an email from one of your co-workers. It is an urgent mail requesting your email password due to some unforeseen problems they are trying to resolve. Your reaction is:
It sounds like they are in a jam and you are a team player! You send your password immediately so they can get it all fixed
Contact the co-worker and politely refuse to send the password.
Call your manager and give him/her the password.
Call your most trusted co-worker and give him the password hoping he will assist.
You went to Starbucks to buy a coffee and then while waiting for your order, you decided to connect to their Free WI-FI network. While searching on Google (, the page redirects to What do you think you should do?
Continue to use the redirected site, after all it’s Google. – not suspicious at all.
Disconnect from Starbuck’s WI-FI network.
Ask the person sitting next to you if his Google Mail also redirects to
Reboot your computer
What is the recommended minimum length for a strong password?
8 characters
6 characters
5 characters
7 characters
When you leave your computer to go to lunch and it is logged in to your network account, you should
Lock your computer.
Log out of your network account.
Hurry through lunch and come back quickly.
All of the above.
{"name":"INFORMATION SECURITY AWARENESS TEST 2017 \/ 2018 (TMBR)", "url":"","txt":"Why is it important to have a good understanding of Information Security policies and procedures?, Which of the following is a good way to create a password?, Please Enter Your Name:","img":""}
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