What is your Personality type

Which sounds more like you?
Likes Authority
Which sounds more like you?
Sensitive to others
Likes instructions
How would you describe yourself?
Takes charge
How do you achieve your goals?
Taking Risks
Being accurate
Which aligns with you?
Which are you?
A Visionary
A calm Person
Which sounds more like you?
What aligns with you?
Do you take Risks
Do you prefer predictability
Which are you?
Dislike changes
You can be described as...?
A Promoter
You see yourself as...?
A Problem solver
In social situations you?
Enjoy Popularity
Give in to others
Your friends can describe you as..? (Pick 1 or 2 of 12 categories)
1. Productive
2. Fun loving
1. Enjoying of a routine
2. Conscientious
1. Bold
2. Sympathetic
1. you enjoy a variety
2. Perfectionist
1. A decision maker
2. Detail oriented
1. Spontaneous
2. Caring
1. Persistent
2. Inspirational
1. A Peacemaker
2. Analytical
1. Direct
2. Reliable
1. Influential
2. Careful
1. Driven
2. Precise
1. Motivational
2. Supportive
{"name":"What is your Personality type", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QC2GD9JA3","txt":"Which sounds more like you?, Which sounds more like you?, How would you describe yourself?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/CDN/96-4718038/slide26.png?sz=1200"}
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