Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in gr-qc on Mon, 13 Dec 21
[2112.05162] Antonios Tsokaros, Kōji Uryū: Methods for relativistic self-gravitating fluids: From binary neutron stars to black hole-disks and magnetized rotating neutron stars
[2112.05167] Adrien Kuntz: Precession resonances in hierarchical triple systems
[2112.05206] Ashiqul Islam Dip, Nishat Anjum, Maruf Ahmed et al.: Causal Geodesics in Cylindrically Symmetric Vacuum Spacetimes Using Hamilton-Jacobi Formalism
[2112.05228] Joshua Baines, Thomas Berry, Alex Simpson et al.: Geodesics for the Painleve-Gullstrand form of Lense-Thirring spacetime
[2112.05245] Jan J. Ostrowski, Ismael Delgado Gaspar: On the maximum volume of collapsing structures
[2112.05272] Hilberto M. R. da Silva, Tiberiu Harko, Francisco S. N. Lobo et al.: $U(1)$ local strings in generalized hybrid metric-Palatini gravity
[2112.05385] Indrani Banerjee, Vijay Shersingh Chawan, Bhaswati Mandal et al.: Quasar continuum spectrum disfavors black holes with a magnetic monopole charge
[2112.05388] Swarnim Shashank, Cosimo Bambi: Constraining the Konoplya-Rezzolla-Zhidenko deformation parameters III: limits from stellar-mass black holes using gravitational-wave observations
[2112.05397] Carlos Heredia, Ivan Kolář, Josep Llosa et al.: Infinite-derivative linearized gravity in convolutional form
[2112.05408] Chitrak Sarkar, Arunoday Sarkar, Basundhara Ghosh et al.: Dynamical origin of primordial black holes in spatially flat gauge with inflationary $α$-attractor potentials
[2112.05440] Sayan Kar: A curious variant of Bronnikov-Ellis spacetime
[2112.05448] Andrea Placidi, Simone Albanesi, Alessandro Nagar et al.: Exploiting Newton-factorized, 2PN-accurate, waveform multipoles in effective-one-body models for spin-aligned noncircularized binaries
[2112.05603] Iain Davies, Harvey S. Reall: Well-posed formulation of Einstein-Maxwell effective field theory
[2112.05608] Abhay Ashtekar, Neev Khera, Maciej Kolanowski et al.: Charges and Fluxes on (Perturbed) Non-expanding Horizons
[2112.05651] Philip Lynch, Maarten van de Meent, Niels Warburton: Eccentric self-forced inspirals into a rotating black hole
[2112.05669] Jason Joykutty: Existence of Zero-damped Quasinormal Frequencies for Nearly Extremal Black Holes
[2112.05728] Michele Mancarella, Edwin Genoud-Prachex, Michele Maggiore: Cosmology and modified gravitational wave propagation from binary black hole population models
[2112.05750] Vitor Cardoso, Caio F. B. Macedo, Kei-ichi Maeda et al.: ECO-spotting: looking for extremely compact objects with bosonic fields
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in gr-qc on Mon, 13 Dec 21","img":""}
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