Benstylus' Beat a Game (2022) Quiz

Star Fox 2: Which character has returned in another Star Fox game?
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Episode I: Homestead Ruiner: Why can't Strongbad unplug Lappy?
Strongbad is under contract to keep Lappy plugged in at all times
That would require Strongbad to take off his boxing gloves, and Strongbad won't do that
It takes 5-7 business days to full charge the battery, and Lappy won't charge on weekends
Strongbad has a strong emotional connection to Lappy and can't bear to see Lappy die
Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS: At least how many Challenge Medals must the player collect to access World 19?
Elite Beat Agents: What song accompanies the mission, "Ahoy, Mates! Sunken Delights and Treasure!!" ?
"You're the Inspiration"
Nintendo 3DS Guide: Louvre: Which artist painted "The Raft of the Medusa?"
Théodore Géricault
Jean-Honoré Fragonard
Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun
Adélaïde Labille-Guiard
Harold's Walk: What is the name of the Gas Station?
Harold's Gas
Cheap Gas
Wonder Gas
Ultra Gas
Style Savvy: What is Zoe's profile description?
"She's a trendsetter, but she doesn't know it."
"She rarely gets a day off, which is fine with her."
"She throws parties just so she can dress up."
"She's a politician who dresses for success."
Mole Mania: What is the name of Muddy Mole's grandfather?
Grandpa Heart
Grandpa Dirt
Grandpa Hint
Grandpa Digger
Parodius: What species is Bug?
A rhinoceros beetle
A tapir
A bigfin squid
A praying mantis
NIGHTS into dreams...: Which are the two halves of the Night Dimension?
Nightopia and Nightmare
Duskon and Dawnite
Slumbria and Awakin
Rem and Lucidnia
{"name":"Benstylus' Beat a Game (2022) Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Star Fox 2: Which character has returned in another Star Fox game?, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Episode I: Homestead Ruiner: Why can't Strongbad unplug Lappy?, Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS: At least how many Challenge Medals must the player collect to access World 19?","img":""}
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