Which Widdershins' House Are You?

A vibrant illustration of a magical school with various houses, showcasing diverse characters representing different houses like wise druids, cunning rogues, and charming bards, set in an enchanting fantasy world.

Which Widdershins' House Are You?

Discover your true magical personality with our engaging quiz! Are you a cunning rogue, a wise druid, or perhaps an evil necromancer? By answering 19 thoughtful questions, you will find out which house at Widdershins you belong to.

Get ready to explore:

  • Your unique traits
  • Your preferences in magical studies
  • Your responses to moral dilemmas
19 Questions5 MinutesCreated by CastingStar42
People say that you are...
You dislike people who are...
A killjoy
Which subject at Widdershins would you be most interested in studying?
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Secrets about the school
Care of Magical Creatures
None of those, I want to learn the Dark Arts!
You catch the student beside you cheating on an exam. You...
Try and see if they'll share, or copy off of them.
Confront them after the test is over and threaten to tell the professor if they don't.
Scoff because you're doing a better job at cheating.
Stop them and alert the professor as soon as you notice it.
Ignore it, they'll probably get caught anyhow.
Would you rather be...
Which do you have the most trouble dealing with?
Sudden Change
Being Housebound
The insufferable people around you.
Being Ignored
Day or night?
If you had a familiar, what would it be?
I wouldn't bother with a pet.
I can't decide, I love animals!
Whatever it is, it better be venomous.
If you could have a superpower, which would you choose?
Talk to animals
Read minds
Change your appearance
Mind control
You and your friends wind up in a dragon's cave and are forced to face an angry dragon. You...
Step up bravely to fight the dragon and shield your friends
No problem, you face the dragon as a group. You and your friends always have contingency plans.
Take a picture. How often do you see a dragon?
Grab some of it's hoard and run!
Try to talk the dragon down
Offer to feed your friends to the dragon so it will be distracted while you run.
Make a tactical retreat to try and think of a plan
Stab the dragon before it knows what's happening
You witness and upper classman starting a fight with a weaker first year student. You...
When it's over check to see if the first year is okay
Dive right into the battle to stop this!
Quickly fetch a professor
Throw a book at the bully to distract them.
Try to get them to talk and resolve their differences with words.
Join in on the fight against the first year. The better to win over your older peers.
Make sure that no matter the outcome the older students have their names smeared.
Avoid the situation, it's none of your business.
Pick a side and yell out support for them!
Your dream home is...
Simple, but with lots of pets and/or a huge garden
Beautifully decorated
In a friendly neighborhood with people you trust
A dark castle filled with loyal lackeys.
Filled with fun items that you've collected over the years
There's a difficult exam today. You...
Studied bit by bit over the semester. You've got this.
Threaten the professor to give you a good grade.
Procrastinated then crammed the night before.
Have studied dutifully, this shouldn't be too bad.
Wrote the answers on your arm to cheat.
Awhile ago a friend of yours borrowed a lot of money from you. They recently came into a large amount of money and they haven't repaid you. You..
Give them some time. Maybe they forgot and you'll remind them later.
It's no issue, you already put it in writing.
Don't worry about it, they'll just owe you a favor.
Force it out of them by whatever means!
Insist on prompt repayment before they spend their money.
You wind up taking the blame for a friend disobeying the rules. You're in trouble and face punishment. You...
It's no issue, your reputation is so good that you weren't actually suspected after all
It doesn't matter, you'll take this out on your 'friend' later... viciously.
Wait for your friend to come forward and if they don't tell on them.
Try to talk some common sense into your friend and ask them to come forward
Tell on your friend but still pretend that you also had something to do with it so you can both be punished in solidarity
Try to talk your way out of it to the professors, but don't rat out your friend, even if you take the punishment.
Tell the professors what happened and name the true culprit. If they let you take the blame they're not really a friend anyhow.
Revel in getting the notoriety for it, even if it wasn't you.
Are you kidding? I would have been the one breaking the rules!
Instead, you are the one who disobeyed the rules and an innocent person was blamed for your actions. You...
It will all sort itself. The professors are wise and will figure it out soon enough.
Attempt to prove their innocence, even if it means you'll be the one who takes the blame.
Make sure that the professors keep thinking it was the innocent person.
Would never have disobeyed the rules, so it's not an issue anyhow
Are pleased that things went exactly as planned.
Try to talk their way out of it for them without letting on that you're the culprit.
Slip a note under the professor's door saying how the person is innocent, without implicating yourself.
Promise to make it up to the person, they're getting a lesser punishment then you would have anyway.
Be grateful that you avoided the situation.
You find a bag full of galleons! Nobody seems to be around. You...
Attempt to find the owner and return it to them not expecting anything in return.
Attempt to find the owner and hope that they are kind enough to give you a reward.
Keep the money and don't tell anybody.
Take the money and use it to fund something devious without anybody noticing.
Take the money for something useful or helping others, such as to help a less fortunate person or fund the school.
If you had the invisibility cloak, you would...
Use it to keep an eye on somebody you think is up to no good.
Use it to steal the things that you want.
Use it to get rid of my enemies.
Share the secret with your friends and use it for varying fun, but harmless, situations.
Keep it secret, but only use it when vitally important.
Use it to sneak out of the dorms after curfew or go into restricted areas.
Turn it in to the professors. The students shouldn't have something with such potential for misuse
You would rather be a...
Evil Necromancer
None of the above.
{"name":"Which Widdershins' House Are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Discover your true magical personality with our engaging quiz! Are you a cunning rogue, a wise druid, or perhaps an evil necromancer? By answering 19 thoughtful questions, you will find out which house at Widdershins you belong to.Get ready to explore:Your unique traitsYour preferences in magical studiesYour responses to moral dilemmas","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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