Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 20 Aug 21
[2108.08321] Iann Cunha, Leonardo Villegas-Lelovsky, Leonardo Kleber Castelano: Influence of structural deformations on the reentrant conductance feature in semiconducting nanowires
[2108.08371] Natalia Cortés, Francisco J. Peña, Oscar Negrete et al.: Proximity-induced spin-polarized magnetocaloric effect in transition metal dichalcogenides
[2108.08373] J. Mayandi, M. Schrade, P. Vajeeston et al.: High Entropy Alloy CrFeNiCoCu sputtered films
[2108.08374] Mahroo Shiranzaei, Roberto E. Troncoso, Jonas Fransson et al.: Mean-field theory of interacting thermal magnons in collinear antiferromagnetic insulators
[2108.08400] Ajay Annamareddy, Yuhui Li, Lian Yu et al.: Factors correlating to enhanced surface diffusion in metallic glasses
[2108.08408] Jong Mok Ok, Narayan Mohanta, Jie Zhang et al.: Correlated Oxide Dirac Semimetal in the Extreme Quantum Limit
[2108.08414] Vo Tien Phong, E. J. Mele: Boundary Modes from Periodic Magnetic and Pseudomagnetic Fields in Graphene
[2108.08427] Gong Chen, MacCallum Robertson, Heeyoung Kwon et al.: Chirality-induced zigzag domain wall in in-plane magnetized ultrathin films
[2108.08458] Shunsuke C. Furuya, Masahiro Sato: Quantized edge magnetizations and their symmetry protection in one-dimensional quantum spin systems
[2108.08459] Paula Mellado: Intrinsic topological magnons in arrays of magnetic dipoles
[2108.08493] M. M. Hossain, M. A. Ali, M. M. Uddin et al.: Newly synthesized 3D boron-rich chalcogenides B12X (X = S, Se): Theoretical characterization of physical properties for optoelectronic and mechan...
[2108.08501] Tufan Roy, Masahito Tsujikawa, Masafumi Shirai: IrCrMnZ (Z=Al, Ga, Si, Ge) Heusler alloys as electrode materials for MgO-based magnetic tunneling junctions: A first-principles study
[2108.08509] Atsushi Miyake, Yusei Shimizu, Yoshiki J. Sato et al.: Enhancement and Discontinuity of Effective Mass through the First-Order Metamagnetic Transition in UTe$_2$
[2108.08510] Nihar Ranjan Sahoo, Saurabh Dixit, Anuj Kumar Singh et al.: High temperature mid-IR polarizer via natural in-plane hyperbolic Van der Waals crystals
[2108.08514] Zhen Zheng, Z. D. Wang: Quantum emulation of topological magneto-optic effects using ultracold atoms
[2108.08526] Zhiming Pan, Tong Wang, Tomi Ohtsuki et al.: Renormalization group analysis of Dirac fermions with random mass
[2108.08548] Guido L.A. Kusters, Nicholas B. Tito, Cornelis Storm et al.: Controlling permeation in electrically-deforming liquid crystal network films: a dynamical Landau theory
[2108.08550] Monoj Adhikari, Smarajit Karmakar, Srikanth Sastry: Spatial Dimensionality Dependence of Heterogeneity, Breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein Relation and Fragility of a Model Glass-Forming Liquid
[2108.08559] Mengmeng Bai, Xian-Kui Wei, Junya Feng et al.: Novel realization of superconducting topological-insulator nanowires
[2108.08566] Joshoua Condicion Esmenda, Myrron Albert Callera Aguila, Jyh-Yang Wang et al.: Optoelectrical nanomechanical resonators made from multilayered 2D materials
[2108.08568] Anshul D. S. Parmar, Srikanth Sastry: Mechanical Behaviour of Glasses and Amorphous Materials
[2108.08571] Asmaa Ahmed, Anatoly S. Prokhorov, Vladimir Anzin et al.: Terahertz-infrared dielectric properties of lead-aluminum double-cation substituted single-crystalline barium hexaferrite
[2108.08576] Franz Hirsch, Markus Kästner: Microscale simulation of adhesive and cohesive failure in rough interfaces
[2108.08578] Igor A. Pašti, Ana S. Dobrota, Dmitri Migas et al.: Electrochromism of Ni-deficient nickel oxide -- Theoretical justification
[2108.08582] C. Cochard, T. Granzow, C. M. Fernandez-Posada et al.: Influence of charged walls and defects on DC resistivity and dielectric relaxation in Cu-Cl boracite
[2108.08598] Takahito Takeda, Shoya Sakamoto, Le Duc Anh et al.: Development of magnetism in Fe-doped magnetic semiconductors: Resonant photoemission and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism studies of (Ga,F...
[2108.08602] Gentaro Watanabe, Yuki Minami: Finite-Time Thermodynamics of Fluctuations in Microscopic Heat Engines
[2108.08630] Chang-An Li, Song-Bo Zhang, Jan Carl Budich et al.: Random Flux Driven Metal to Higher-Order Topological Insulator Transition
[2108.08631] Koji Inui, Yasuyuki Kato, Yukitoshi Motome: Determinant-free fermionic wave function using feed-forward neural network
[2108.08632] Nadia Guebli, Abdelaali Boudjemaa: Quantum self-bound droplets in Bose-Bose mixtures: Effects of higher-order quantum and thermal fluctuations
[2108.08666] Weiwei Dong, Konstantin Glazyrin, Saiana Khandarkhaeva et al.: Fe0.79Si0.07B0.14 metallic glass gaskets for high-pressure research beyond 1 Mbar
[2108.08695] Tim B. Eldred, Jacob G. Smith, Wenpei Gao: Sub-Unit Cell Spatial Resolution of Phase and Polarization Mapping in Scanning Electron Diffraction
[2108.08711] John D. Andersen, Srikanth Raghavan, V. M. Kenkre: Quantum Oscillations between weakly coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates: Evolution in a Non-degenerate Double Well
[2108.08751] Seung Kim, Jiyeon Nam, Xianghan Xu et al.: Spin-Rotational Excitation Bubbles in Hexagonal LuMnO3
[2108.08761] Alexander Mittelstädt, Ludwig A. Th. Greif, Andrei Schliwa: The Emission Directionality of Electronic Intraband Transitions in Stacked Quantum Dots
[2108.08766] Benjamin T. Afflerbach, Lane Schultz, John H. Perepezko et al.: Molecular simulation-derived features for machine learning predictions of metal glass forming ability
[2108.08786] Kaustav Barat, Abhijit Ghosh, Alok Doharey et al.: Crystallographic evaluation of low cycle fatigue crack growth in a polycrystalline Ni based superalloy
[2108.08801] Rohit Mukherjee, Ritajit Kundu, Avinash Singh et al.: Schwinger-Boson mean-field study of spin-1/2 $J_1$-$J_2$-$J_χ$ model in honeycomb lattice: thermal Hall signature
[2108.08833] William de Castilho, S. R. Salinas: Modulated phases in a spin model with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions
[2108.08835] Liang Kong, Xiao-Gang Wen, Hao Zheng: One dimensional gapped quantum phases and enriched fusion categories
[2108.08837] Martin Brandenbourger, Colin Scheibner, Jonas Veenstra et al.: Active impact and locomotion in robotic matter with nonlinear work cycles
[2108.08840] Shinichi Sunami, Vijay P. Singh, David Garrick et al.: Observation of the BKT Transition in a 2D Bose Gas via Matter-Wave Interferometry
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 20 Aug 21","img":""}
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