Revision for 1031 (mostly muscles of ul)
Muscle Mastery Quiz: Upper Limbs Edition
Test your knowledge with our comprehensive quiz focused on the muscles of the upper limbs. Whether you're a student in anatomy or a fitness enthusiast, this quiz will help solidify your understanding and mastery of the subject.
- 37 multiple-choice questions
- Covers muscles such as deltoid, latissimus dorsi, and more
- Perfect for revision or self-assessment
Where is the insertion of the deltoid?
Humeral head
Intertubercular sulcus
Deltoid tuberosity
Greater tubercle of humerus
What are the origins of the deltoid?
Medial third of the clavicle, acromion, superior angle of scapula
Lateral third of the clavicle, acromion, infraspinous fossa
Lateral third of the clavicle, acromion, scapular spine
Medial third of the clavicle, acromion, scapular spine
Which of the following arteries provide blood supply to the deltoid?
Cephalic artery
Axillary artery
Humeral artery
What are the functions of the deltoid?
Arm abduction and adduction
Internal/external rotation, circumduction and abduction of the arm
Flexion, extension, abduction and adduction of the arm
Flex/extension, internal/external rotation and abduction of the arm
What nerve innervates the deltoid?
Axilla nerve
Brachial nerve
Radial nerve
Median nerve
What is/are the latissimus dorsi origin(s)?
Spinous process of T7-T12, superior angle of scapula, posterior third of crest of ilium, 9-12th ribs
Spinous process of T7-T-12, inferior angle of scapula, posterior third of crest of ilium, 9-12th ribs
Intertubercular sulcus of humerus
Greater tubercle of humerus
Where is the insertion point of the latissimus dorsi?
Lesser tubercle of the humerus
Greater tubercle of the humerus
Crest of greater tubercle
Intertubercular sulcus
What actions is the latissimus dorsi involved in?
Internal rotation, flexion and extension of arm
External rotation, extension and adduction of arm
External rotation, flexion and adduction of arm
Internal rotation, extension and adduction of arm
Where does the pectoralis major originate from?
Clavicle, sternum, ribs 1-6, rectus sheath
Clavicle, acromion, ribs 1-6, rectus sheath
Clavicle, coracoid process, ribs 1-6, rectus sheath
Humeral head, coracoid process, ribs 1-6, rectus sheath
Where does the pectoralis major insert?
Crest of lesser tubercle of humerus
Intertubercular sulcus
Crest of greater tubercle of humerus
Surgical neck of humerus
What actions involve the pectoralis major?
Adduction, external rotation, circumduction of arm
Abduction, internal rotation, circumduction of arm
Adduction, internal rotation, circumduction of arm
Adduction, internal rotation, flex/extension of arm
Where does the pectoralis minor originate?
Ribs 9-12
Ribs 1-6
Ribs 3-5
Ribs 2-7
Where does the pectoralis minor insert?
Lateral border and inferior surface of the coracoid process
Medial border and superior surface of the coracoid process
Lateral border and inferior surface of the acromion
Lateral border and superior surface of the acromion
What are the names of the rotator cuff muscles?
Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres major, subscapularis
Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, pectoralis minor, subscapularis
Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis
Supraspinatus, pectoralis minor, teres minor, subscapularis
What do all of the rotator cuff muscles contribute to?
Increases angle of internal rotation
Increases angle of external rotation
Stabilises humeral head in glenoid cavity
Enables humeral head to sit looser in glenoid cavity, enabling further rotation
Do supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor all share a common insertion point?
Yes, lesser tubercle of the humerus
Yes, greater tubercle of humerus
Yes, intertubercular sulcus of humerus
How can biceps brachii be identified?
Relatively large muscle with three heads
Relatively large muscle with two heads
Relatively small muscle with three heads
Relatively small muscle with two heads
Where does the biceps brachii muscle insert?
Radial tuberosity of radius
Ulnar tuberosity of ulna
Radial neck of radius
Radial notch of ulna
Is the biceps brachii muscle involved in supination?
Where does the triceps brachii muscle insert?
Radius neck
Ulnar tuberosity
Coranoid process of ulna
Olecranon process of ulna
Where does the brachioradialis originate?
Medial epicondyle of humerus
Lateral epicondyle of humerus
Medial supracondylar ridge of humerus
Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
Where does the brachioradialis insert?
Distal to styloid process of radius
Proximal to styloid process of radius
Distal to styloid process of ulna
Proximal to styloid process of ulna
What nerve innervates the brachioradialis muscle?
Brachial nerve
Axilla nerve
Radial nerve
Median nerve
What muscles are innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve?
Coracobrachialis and biceps brachii
Biceps and triceps brachii
Brachioradialis and biceps brachii
Brachioradialis and coracobrachialis
If a person’s muscolocutaneous nerve was severed at its roots, would the person be paralysed in that arm?
No, but movements such as supination of forearm, flexion at elbow and shoulder will be weakened, but not lost, as other muscles can perform these movements.
A patient comes in after suffering a fall on their left arm. They complain of loss of sensation in the dorsal surface of their lateral 3 and a half digits (thumb, index, middle and some of the ring finger). They are unable to extend their wrist or fingers, but can move their shoulder. Which nerve do you think they injured?
Ulnar nerve
Median nerve
Brachial nerve
Axial nerve
Radial nerve
What are the lateral and medial borders of the axilla?
Lateral: Humerus, Medial: Subscapularis
Lateral: Humerus, Medial: Pectoralis major
Lateral: Humerus, Medial: Serratus anterior, ribs and intercostal muscles
Lateral: Serratus anterior, ribs and intercostal muscles, Medial: Humerus
What forms the posterior wall of the axilla?
Subscapularis, teres minor and latissimus dorsi
Subscapularis, pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi
Supraspinatus, teres major and latissimus dorsi
Subscapularis, teres major and latissimus dorsi
What are the lateral and medial borders of the anatomical snuffbox?
Lateral: Tendon of extensor pollicis longus, Medial: Tendons of extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus
Lateral: Tendons of extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus, Medial: Tendon of extensor pollicis longus
Lateral: Tendon of flexor carpi radialis, Medial: Tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris
Lateral: Tendon of flexor digitorum superficialis, Medial: Tendon of flexor digitorum profundus
What forms the medial and lateral borders of the cubital fossa?
Lateral: Brachioradialis, Medial: Pronator teres
Lateral: Pronator teres, Medial: Brachioradialis
Lateral: Supinator, Medial: Biceps brachii
Lateral: Biceps brachii, Medial: Supinator
What is the name of the retinaculum that is found in the carpal tunnel?
Carpal retinaculum
Radialulnar retinaculum
Transverse collateral ligament
Transverse carpal ligament
What nerve passes through the carpal tunnel?
Radial nerve
Ulnar nerve
Median nerve
Brachial nerve
What are the two major superficial veins of the upper limbs?
Brachial and axilla vein
Ulnar and radial vein
Brachial and cephalic vein
Basilic and cephalic vein
What muscle groups are innervated by the median nerve?
Most extensor muscles of the forearm
Most flexor muscles of the forearm
Most extensor muscles of the arm
Most flexor muscles of the arm
The thenar muscles are supplied by the median nerve.
What two muscles are innervated by the axillary nerve?
Biceps brachii and triceps brachii
Biceps brachii and teres major
Brachioradialis and teres minor
Teres minor and deltoid
{"name":"Revision for 1031 (mostly muscles of ul)", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge with our comprehensive quiz focused on the muscles of the upper limbs. Whether you're a student in anatomy or a fitness enthusiast, this quiz will help solidify your understanding and mastery of the subject.Features:37 multiple-choice questionsCovers muscles such as deltoid, latissimus dorsi, and morePerfect for revision or self-assessment","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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