Masterclass Quiz

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CDC Listeners must be idempotent because:
The transaction log reader might fail and re-process some transaction log entries
The transaction log reader will publish any event exactly once
The transaction log reader will publish any event at most once
The Database engine might write to the transaction log the same transaction multiple times
Using the database-per-service pattern adds extra complexity because:
Data being split means that services need to maintain connections to multiple databases
Changes to a single database schema impacts all existing (micro)services
Each service must use a different database provider
Transactional behavior is harder to replicate across multiple databases
Change Data Capture is a pattern where:
Data is intercepted before it reaches the Database in order to take some actions
Data is read after it has been made durable by the Database engine in order to take some actions
The Database engine publishes a message to a broker during transaction execution
Data is read before being committed in order to take some actions
The Saga pattern enables us to:
Implement queries which aggregate data from multiple data sources
Define compensatory actions for each processing step, which are triggered in case of failure
Execute multiple transactions in a single database
Execute queries and commands from different data sources
The following statement is TRUE:
A single shared database between all applications enables us to build loosely coupled services
The Saga pattern can be applied when executing multiple operations inside a single transaction
The database engine stores in the transaction log write operations before actually persisting them to disk
The transaction log processor can read the committed data a single time
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