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PeakMind Survey

Dear Student, 
PeakMind is India's largest platform for improving Performance, Mental Health and Wellbeing for students, by helping them through academic and non-academic challenges students may face, and developing the skills necessary.
We are conducting a small survey and we would be very grateful if you could help us with answering some questions.
Remember that there are no right or wrong answers. So answer as honestly as possible.
Do not spend much time thinking about any question. Simply read the questions and pick the option that seems most relevant.
All responses are confidential. 
Dear Student, 
PeakMind is India's largest platform for improving Performance, Mental Health and Wellbeing for students, by helping them through academic and non-academic challenges students may face, and developing the skills necessary.
We are conducting a small survey and we would be very grateful if you could help us with answering some questions.
Remember that there are no right or wrong answers. So answer as honestly as possible.
Do not spend much time thinking about any question. Simply read the questions and pick the option that seems most relevant.
All responses are confidential. 
The questions below help you understand some of your study patterns. Read the questions carefully select the most appropriate answer. You can choose from Highly to Not at all depending on how strongly you experience the statement.
Not at all
The closer I am to a major exam, the harder it is for me to concentrate on the material.
When I study, I worry that I will not remember the material on the exam.
During important exams, I think that I am doing awful or that I may fail.
I lose focus on important exams, and I cannot remember material that I knew before the exam
I finally remember the answer to exam questions after the exam is already over.
I worry so much before a major exam that I am too worn out to do my best on the exam.
I feel out of sorts or not really myself when I take important exams
I find that my mind sometimes wanders when I am taking important exams
After an exam, I worry about whether I did well enough
I struggle with writing assignments, or avoid them as long as I can. I feel that whatever I do will not be good enough.
TFor the following statements please rate how often have you been bothered by the following problems when an exam is approaching?
Not at all
Several Days
More than half the days
Nearly everyday
Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge
Not being able to stop or control worrying
Worrying too much about different things
Trouble relaxing
Being so restless that it is hard to sit still
Becoming easily annoyed or irritable
I feel out of sorts or not really myself when I take important exams
You are able to manage most of your studies well through techniques that work for you
You believe that with enough planning and preparation you will be able to get the desired percentage
You have a few close friends and are able to get along with most people?
{"name":"PeakMind Survey", "url":"","txt":"Dear Student,    PeakMind is India's largest platform for improving Performance, Mental Health and Wellbeing for students, by helping them through academic and non-academic challenges students may face, and developing the skills necessary.   We are conducting a small survey and we would be very grateful if you could help us with answering some questions.   Remember that there are no right or wrong answers. So answer as honestly as possible.   Do not spend much time thinking about any question. Simply read the questions and pick the option that seems most relevant.   All responses are confidential., The questions below help you understand some of your study patterns. Read the questions carefully select the most appropriate answer. You can choose from Highly to Not at all depending on how strongly you experience the statement.","img":""}
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