Would you Survive a Horror Movie?

You wake up to hear a startling noise in the middle of the night. What do you do next?
Scream, "Someone's in the house", so your whole family hears and wakes up.
Quietly get out of your bed to check to see if it is someone in the house.
Sit and quietly assess the situation before you jump to conclusions.
Quietly get your phone and call the police to let them know that you are sure that there is an intruder in your home, as you have heard a noise that is not quiet adding up
The cops refuse to come unless you know that your house is being intruded. What do you do next?. What do you do next?
Quietly call on your family members on your phone and let them know what you think is ging on
Beg and plea with the officer until they agree to come
Let out a loud sob and cry because you just know you are going to die
Get up and go check it out for yourself. Who needs those cops?
Your family is on board with your plan and you all get together to see what is going on. What do you do next?
Split up and cover different areas of the house
Each grab a weapon to use and explore the house in one pack
Chill since now you are all together
Watch a youtube tutorial together to see what should happen next
You and your family walk around and find nothing but a disturbing note. What should you do?
Call the cops back and let them know you are for sure that someone was in your house
Throw it away and go back to bed
Cry again because you all know you are going to die
Go on a man hunt to see who had the audacity to leave a note in your home and wake you from your sleep
The cops show up to your house and they find nothing. What should you do?
Book a hotel for a couple of weeks until you are sure that it is safe to go back
Call one of your friends to see if they could allow you to stay with them
Go back to bed and be glad it is all over
Have an arguement with the cops and tell them to get up and find whoever was in yout house
{"name":"Would you Survive a Horror Movie?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"You wake up to hear a startling noise in the middle of the night. What do you do next?, The cops refuse to come unless you know that your house is being intruded. What do you do next?. What do you do next?, Your family is on board with your plan and you all get together to see what is going on. What do you do next?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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