Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 26 Apr 22
[2204.10865] Sunghoon Kim, T. Senthil, Debanjan Chowdhury: Continuous Mott transition in moiré semiconductors: role of long-wavelength inhomogeneities
[2204.10873] Jose Martin Roca, Valentino Bianco, Francisco Alarcon et al.: Rheology of Pseudomonas fluorescens biofilms: from experiments to DPD mesoscopic modelling
[2204.10884] Karol Zyczkowski: Three favorite dimensions of Andrzej Kossakowski: along his path to a scientific discovery
[2204.10885] Fernanda Hernández González: Random walks on networks with stochastic reset to multiple nodes
[2204.10889] Changgong Kim, Kathryn H. Matlack: In situ nonlinear Rayleigh wave technique to characterize the tensile plastic deformation of stainless steel 316L
[2204.10907] Étienne Moisdon, Pierre Seez, Camille Noûs et al.: Mapping cell cortex rheology to tissue rheology, and vice-versa
[2204.10917] Sean P. Bartz: Coefficient of restitution of a linear dashpot on a rigid surface
[2204.10925] M. Xu, J. Schmidt, E. Gati et al.: Superconductivity and phase diagrams of CaK(Fe$_{1-x}$Mn$_{x}$)$_{4}$As$_{4}$ single crystals
[2204.10927] Raisa Fabiha, Supriyo Bandyopadhyay: A spintronic analog of the Landauer residual resistivity dipole on the surface of a disordered topological insulator
[2204.10937] Ya-Hui Zhang: Doping a Mott insulator with excitons in moiré bilayer: fractional superfluid, neutral Fermi surface and Mott transition
[2204.10960] S. I. Mistakidis, G. M. Koutentakis, F. Grusdt et al.: Inducing spin-order with an impurity: phase diagram of the magnetic Bose polaron
[2204.10966] Linyun Yang, Yin Wang, Yan Meng et al.: Observation of Dirac hierarchy in three-dimensional acoustic topological insulators
[2204.10992] Naveen Kumar, Suram Singh, Avinash Chand Yadav: Energy fluctuations in one dimensional Zhang sandpile model
[2204.10999] Amy C. Qu, Pascal Nigge, Stefan Link et al.: Triggering a global density wave instability in graphene via local symmetry-breaking
[2204.11007] Chunping Gao, Jinghu Liu, Maolin Chang et al.: Synthetic U(1) Gauge Invariance in a Spin-1 Bose Gas
[2204.11029] Kun Liu, Jian Zhou: Anisotropic terahertz optostriction in group-IV monochalcogenide compounds
[2204.11031] Yan Zhou, Shi Zhou, Penghua Ying et al.: Investigation of Deformation and Fracture Mechanisms in Two-dimensional Gallium Telluride Multilayers Using Nanoindentation
[2204.11043] Mingyang Du, Hao Song, Zihan Zhang et al.: Room-temperature superconductivity in heavy rare earth metal substituted sodalite-like clathrate hexahydrides under moderate pressure
[2204.11057] Mikhail Cherkasskii, Igor Barsukov, Ritwik Mondal et al.: Theory of inertial spin dynamics in anisotropic ferromagnets
[2204.11078] Sawani Datta, Ram Prakash Pandeya, Arka Bikash Dey et al.: Giant spectral renormalization and complex hybridization physics in a Kondo lattice system, CeCuSb2
[2204.11081] Swagata Acharya, Cedric Weber, Dimitar Pashov et al.: A Theory for Colors of Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems
[2204.11102] David Guéry-Odelin, Christopher Jarzynski, Carlos A. Plata et al.: Driving rapidly while remaining in control: classical shortcuts from Hamiltonian to stochastic dynamics
[2204.11105] Miki Bonacci, Matteo Zanfrognini, Elisa Molinari et al.: Excitonic effects in graphene-like C$_3$N
[2204.11123] Zachary A. H. Goodwin, Michael McEldrew, J. Pedro de Souza et al.: Gelation, Clustering and Crowding in the Electrical Double Layer of Ionic Liquids
[2204.11145] Louie Hong Yao, Uwe C. Täuber: Critical Dynamics of the Antiferromagnetic $O(3)$ Nonlinear Sigma Model with Conserved Magnetization
[2204.11156] Michael te Vrugt, Raphael Wittkowski: Perspective: New directions in dynamical density functional theory
[2204.11166] Xingyu Wang, Dongliang Gong, Bo Liu et al.: In-plane anisotropic response to the uniaxial pressure in the hidden order state of URu$_2$Si$_2$
[2204.11178] Ma Luo: Engineering Majorana corner modes from two-dimensional hexagonal crystals
[2204.11179] Heng Jin, Jiabin Chen, Yang Li et al.: Generating Two-dimensional Ferromagnetic Charge Density Waves via External Fields
[2204.11186] R. R. Montenegro-Filho, E. J. P. Silva-Junior, M. D. Coutinho-Filho: Ground-state phase diagram and thermodynamics of coupled trimer chains
[2204.11195] Muhammed Rasi M, Archana S, Ravi Kumar Pujala et al.: Nontrivial electrophoresis of silica micro and nanorods in a nematic liquid crystal
[2204.11198] Shamim Sk, Sudhir K. Pandey: Density functional study of thermodynamic properties, thermal expansion and lattice thermal conductivity of Fe$_{2}$VAl at high temperature region
[2204.11204] Dongliang Gong, Ming Yi, Meng Wang et al.: Nematic fluctuations in the non-superconducting iron pnictide BaFe$_{1.9-x}$Ni$_{0.1}$Cr$_{x}$As$_{2}$
[2204.11223] Christopher Linderälv, J. Magnus Rahm, Paul Erhart: High-throughput characterization of transition metal dichalcogenide alloys: Thermodynamic stability and electronic band alignment
[2204.11228] Théo Dessertaine, Claude Godrèche, Jean-Philippe Bouchaud: Occupation time of a renewal process coupled to a discrete Markov chain
[2204.11238] Suptajoy Barua, B. Rahman Rano, Ishtiaque M. Syed et al.: An ab initio approach to understand the structural, thermophysical, electronic, and optical properties of binary silicide SrSi2: A do...
[2204.11252] Yao Hongxu, Li Jiaze, Hou Jintao et al.: Wide Sampling and Efficient Updating Monte Carlo Algorithms for Dimer Models
[2204.11256] Wilfried Schoepe: Vortex shedding from a microsphere oscillating in superfluid ^4He at mK temperatures and from a laser beam moving in a Bose-Einstein condensate
[2204.11259] Jing Zhang, Zhilong Yang, Shuai Liu et al.: Direct Visualization and Manipulation of Tunable Quantum Well State in Semiconducting Nb2SiTe4
[2204.11260] Yao Hongxu, Li Jiaze, Hou Jintao et al.: Evolution of phase transition in the finite-fugacity extended dimer model
[2204.11263] Jing Zhang, Yangyang Lv, Xiaolong Feng et al.: Observation of Dimension-Crossover of a Tunable 1D Dirac Fermion in Topological Semimetal NbSi$_x$Te$_2$
[2204.11265] Henrik Beccard, Benjamin Kirbus, Elke Beyreuther et al.: Large Hall electron mobilities in head-to-head BaTiO$_3$-domain walls
[2204.11272] Estelle M. Inack, Stewart Morawetz, Roger G. Melko: Neural annealing and visualization of autoregressive neural networks in the Newman-Moore model
[2204.11296] Jianwen Jie, Qingze Guan, Jian-Song Pan: Many-body localization of one-dimensional degenerate Fermi gases with cavity-assisted non-local quasiperiodic interactions
[2204.11332] Kazuki Nomoto, Huili Grace Xing, Debdeep Jena et al.: N-polar GaN p-n junction diodes with low ideality factors
[2204.11345] Salvatore Torquato: Extraordinary Disordered Hyperuniform Multifunctional Composites
[2204.11348] Maurice Schmitt, Thibaud Denneulin, András Kovács et al.: Skyrmionic Spin Structures in Layered Fe5GeTe2 Up To Room Temperature
[2204.11355] S. E. Nikitin, B. Fåk, K. W. Krämer et al.: Thermal Evolution of Dirac Magnons in the Honeycomb Ferromagnet CrBr$_3$
[2204.11381] Alexander J. Gabourie, Cagil Koroglu, Eric Pop: Substrate-Dependence of Monolayer MoS$_2$ Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Boundary Conductance
[2204.11415] Shiru Song, Ji-Hui Yang, Xin-Gao Gong: Abnormally weak intervalley electron scattering in MoS2 monolayer: insights from the matching between electron and phonon bands
[2204.11419] Shiru Song, Shixu Liu, Yuting Sun et al.: Exceptionally high phonon-limited carrier mobility in BX (X = P, As, Sb) monolayers
[2204.11435] Yaoqi Huang, Vineeth Chandran Suja, Layaa Amirthalingam et al.: Influence of Salt on the Formation and Separation of Droplet Interface Bilayers
[2204.11441] N. Castin, G. Bonny, M.J. Konstantinović et al.: Multiscale modelling in nuclear ferritic steels: from nano-sized defects to embrittlement
[2204.11465] Subhasis Samanta, Panyalak Detrattanawichai, Sutassana Na-Phattalung et al.: Active orbital degree of freedom and potential spin-orbit-entangled moments in Kitaev magnet candidate BaCo$_2$(AsO$...
[2204.11470] Zhenzhen Kong, Zonghu Li, Jiale Su et al.: Undoping Strained Ge Quantum Well with Two Million Highly Hole Mobility
[2204.11480] Takafumi D. Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Takeya, Akiko T. Saito et al.: Magnetocaloric particles of the Laves phase compound HoAl2 prepared by electrode induction melting gas atomization
[2204.11485] Yajiang Hao, Yiwang Liu, Xiangguo Yin: Correlation in Momentum Space of Tonks-Girardeau Gas
[2204.11487] S. Spachmann, P. Berdonosov, M. Markina et al.: Linear magnetoelastic coupling and magnetic phase diagrams of the buckled-kagomé antiferromagnet Cu$_3$Bi(SeO$_3$)$_2$O$_2$Cl
[2204.11497] Tullio Traverso, Sebastien Michelin: Collective dynamics and rheology of confined phoretic suspensions
[2204.11498] Manuel Müller, Monika Scheufele, Janine Gückelhorn et al.: Reduced effective magnetization and damping by slowly-relaxing impurities in strained $γ$-$\mathrm{Fe_2O_3}$ thin films
[2204.11506] Christophe Raufaste, Simon Cox, Raymond E. Goldstein et al.: Collapse of a hemicatenoid bounded by a solid wall: instability and dynamics driven by surface Plateau border friction
[2204.11542] Jérôme Crassous: A Discrete Element Method model for frictional fibers
[2204.11571] Elena Sesé-Sansa, Demian Levis, Ignacio Pagonabarraga: Microscopic field theory for structure formation in systems of self-propelled particles with generic torques
[2204.11578] Joji Nasu, Yuta Murakami, Akihisa Koga: Scattering phenomena for spin transport in Kitaev spin liquid
[2204.11595] Pingzhi Li, Thomas J. Kools, Reinoud Lavrijsen et al.: Ultrafast racetrack based on compensated Co/Gd-based synthetic ferrimagnet with all-optical switching
[2204.11600] Shohreh Mirzaei, Ali Ahmadpour, Zongping Shao et al.: Rational design of carbon-based materials for purification and storage of energy carrier gases of methane and hydrogen
[2204.11627] András Grabarits, Márton Kormos, Izabella Lovas et al.: Superdiffusive quantum work and adiabatic quantum evolution in finite temperature chaotic Fermi systems
[2204.11630] Geoffroy Kremer, Julian Maklar, Laurent Nicolaï et al.: Field-induced ultrafast modulation of Rashba coupling at room temperature in ferroelectric $α$-GeTe(111)
[2204.11631] Bingyu Lu, Weikang Li, Diyi Cheng et al.: Suppressing chemical corrosions of lithium metal anodes
[2204.11632] David Colas, Cédric Bellis, Bruno Lombard et al.: Crossover Between Quantum and Classical Waves and High Frequency Localization Landscapes
[2204.11662] Dawei Qiu, Mengke Ha, Qing Xiao et al.: Evidence for the Domain Wall Nature of Sketched LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Nanowires
[2204.11664] Arttu Nieminen, Marco Ornigotti: Harmonic generation in bent graphene with artificially-enhanced spin-orbit coupling
[2204.11666] Niels C.H. Hesp, Mark Kamper Svendsen, Kenji Watanabe et al.: $WSe_2$ as transparent top gate for near-field experiments
[2204.11671] David Amblard, Gabriele D'Avino, Ivan Duchemin et al.: Universal polarisation energies for defects in monolayer, surface and bulk hexagonal boron nitride : A finite-size fragments GW approach
[2204.11679] Silvia Pappalardi, Laura Foini, Jorge Kurchan: Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis and Free Probability
[2204.11680] Ludwig Hruza, Denis Bernard: Dynamics of Fluctuations in the Open Quantum SSEP and Free Probability
[2204.11690] Leticia R. Paiva, Sidiney G. Alves, Lucas Lacasa et al.: Visibility graphs of animal foraging trajectories
[2204.11692] Li-Ru Zhang, Chengxiang Ding, Long Zhang et al.: Surface criticality of antiferromagnetic Potts model
[2204.11699] Adriano Di Pietro, Rohit Pachat, Liza Herrera Diez et al.: Ab-initio study of magneto-ionic mechanisms in ferromagnet/oxide multilayers
[2204.11717] Jinliang Ning, Manish Kothakonda, James W. Furness et al.: Workhorse minimally empirical dispersion-corrected density functional, with tests for dimers and layered materials: r$^{2}$SCAN+rVV10
[2204.11728] Jacob B Khurgin: A simple technique for evaluating dipole moments of Bloch states in tetrahedral semiconductors
[2204.11737] Jonathan Schirmer, C. -X. Liu, J. K. Jain: Phase diagram of superconductivity in the integer quantum Hall regime
[2204.11741] Joongwon Lee, Zexuan Zhang, Huili Xing et al.: Antiferromagnetic Spin Orientation and Magnetic Domain Structure in Epitaxially Grown MnN Studied using Optical Second Harmonic Generation
[2204.11745] Manoj Kumar, Martin Weigel: Quasi-exact ground-state algorithm for the random-field Potts model
[2204.11782] Rajesh K. Malla, M. E. Raikh: Effect of decay of the final states on the probabilities of the Landau-Zener transitions in multistate non-integrable models
[2204.11811] Jishnu N. Nampoothiri, Michael D'Eon, Kabir Ramola et al.: Tensor Electromagnetism and Emergent Elasticity in Jammed Solids
[2204.11812] Krishna Pandey, Rabindra Basnet, Jian Wang et al.: Evolution of Electronic and Magnetic Properties in Topological Semimetal SmSbxTe2-x
[2204.11813] Hui Sun, Shun-Li Shang, Rushi Gong et al.: Thermodynamic modeling with uncertainty quantification in the Nb-Ni system using the upgraded PyCalphad and ESPEI
[2204.11815] Michael C. Cao, Zhen Chen, Yi Jiang et al.: Automatic Parameter Selection for Electron Ptychography via Bayesian Optimization
[2204.11818] Utkan Güngördü, Alexey A. Kovalev: Majorana bound states with chiral magnetic textures
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 26 Apr 22","img":""}
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