Political Ideology Test

A thought-provoking illustration depicting a diverse group of people discussing various political ideologies in an urban setting, including symbols of democracy, capitalism, socialism, and environmentalism.

Discover Your Political Ideology

Take our engaging Political Ideology Test and uncover where you stand on the political spectrum! Whether you lean left, right, libertarian, or authoritarian, this quiz covers a range of topics to provide you with insightful results.

  • Assess your views on democracy, economy, and social issues.
  • Understand your stance on contemporary topics like climate change and healthcare.
  • Find out how your beliefs align with major political movements.
20 Questions5 MinutesCreated by ThoughtfulMind42
Before taking this test, I considered myself...
Libertarian Right
Authoritarian Right
Libertarian Left
Authoritarian Left
I believe any form of democracy is beneficial to society.
Economically, I consider myself a...
Free Market Capitalist
Capitalist, but with regulations.
My position on abortion is...
Pro life
Pro choice
Pro circumstance
My position on guns is best described as...
Pro gun control
My position on the death penalty is...
My position on (legal) immigration is...
My position on the LGBTQ community is...
Pro (both morally and legally)
Anti (both morally and legally)
Anti (morally, but not legally)
I believe religion should play a role in government.
My position on BLM is best described:
I agree with the statement, but don’t support the movement or the organization.
I disagree with the statement.
I agree with the statement and support the movement, but not the organization.
I agree with the statement, movement, and organization.
I believe in Marx’s LTV (labor theory of value).
I believe the government is incompetent, and should therefore play a minimal role in society.
What do you believe should be done about climate change?
Nothing. The climate is fine.
I support the Green New Deal.
I think the best way would be to slowly phase in cleaner forms of energy.
I support massive, rapid changes to the way we do things as a means of helping to save the climate, but I do not support the Green New Deal.
How do you feel about the state?
Abolish it.
It should be much stronger.
Minimize it, but keep it.
I’m fine with the way it is now.
How do you feel about taxation?
I think the rich should pay WAY more than they do now.
I think all taxes should be abolished.
I think certain forms of taxation should be abolished.
I think taxes are good the way they are now.
I think a flat tax rate would be best.
Who was your candidate of choice in the 2020 presidential election?
Donald Trump
Joe Biden
Jo Jorgensen
Howie Hawkins
My position on healthcare is..
It should be free and government-subsidized for everyone.
It should be deregulated and completely privatized.
Free healthcare should be an option, but not a mandate.
I like our current healthcare system the way it is.
How do you feel about K-12 education?
We should keep it the way it is now.
It should be completely public and free.
It should be privatized.
How do you feel about welfare?
It shouldn’t be abolished, but private charity is much more effective.
It should be abolished.
More of our funds should go towards it.
It’s good the way it is now.
What are your beliefs on drug legalization?
Keep all drugs illegal.
Legalize just marijuana, and keep all other drugs illegal.
Legalize marijuana, and decriminalize most/all other drugs.
Legalize all drugs.
{"name":"Political Ideology Test", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Take our engaging Political Ideology Test and uncover where you stand on the political spectrum! Whether you lean left, right, libertarian, or authoritarian, this quiz covers a range of topics to provide you with insightful results.Assess your views on democracy, economy, and social issues.Understand your stance on contemporary topics like climate change and healthcare.Find out how your beliefs align with major political movements.","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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