A colorful illustration depicting various simple chemical compounds and their molecular structures, with a bright and engaging background that represents the world of chemistry.

Test Your Knowledge of Simple Compounds

Are you ready to challenge yourself with an exciting quiz about simple compounds? This quiz is designed to test your understanding of basic chemistry concepts and terminology. See how much you really know and learn along the way!

  • 6 engaging questions
  • Multiple-choice format
  • Learn about elements and compounds
6 Questions2 MinutesCreated by ExploringElement42
Iz koliko elementov je sestavljena enostavna spojina?
Toĝno 1264.
Sestavljena je iz dveh elementov.
Sestavljena je iz veĝ kot dveh elementov
Kako morata biti nabita elementa?
Oba atoma morata biti nabita pozitivno.
Oba atoma morata biti nabita negativno.
En atom mora biti pozitivno nabit drugi pa nagativno.
Atomi niso nabiti. 🤨
S katerimi številkami se zapiše število delcev v spojini?
Zapiše se z grškimi številkami
Zapiše se z egipĝanskimi heiroglifi
Zapiše se z slovenskimi številkami
Kako se z besedami zapiše naslednjo spojino - PCl5
Natrijev klorid
Ogljikov oksid
Fosforjev pentaklorid
Fosforjev pentanitrit
Kako se imenuje proces razgradnje spojine?
Razkroj ali analiza
Koliko si zaslužim oceno?
{"name":"POIMENOVANJE ENOSTAVNIH SPOJIN", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you ready to challenge yourself with an exciting quiz about simple compounds? This quiz is designed to test your understanding of basic chemistry concepts and terminology. See how much you really know and learn along the way!6 engaging questionsMultiple-choice formatLearn about elements and compounds","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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