Should you be in diapers?

When was the last time you wet yourself?
This Year
The past 3 years
The past 5 years
More than 5 years ago
Not telling!
A child is calling you mean names, what do you do?
Tell your daddy
Ignore her
Tell her to shut up
Not telling!
Uh oh, you've woken up wet. What do you do?
Clean up your pyjamas and bedsheets
Hide your pyjamas and bedsheets in the closet
Roll over and keep sleeping
Cry and wake up daddy
Not telling!
Burn the bed
When did you last wet the bed?
Within the past year
Within the past 3 years
Within the past 5 years
More than 5 years ago
Not telling!
Never ever
Have you ever had an accident after being scared or surprised?
More than once
A long time ago
Not telling!
I'm never scared!
On a long car ride you suddenly need to go to the toilet, how long can you hold it before having an accident?
More than a couple of hours
A couple of hours
About an hour
Less than 30 minutes
Not telling!
Pick a hobby
Playing with Stuffies
Watching cartoons
Playing videogames
Not telling!
'Adult' things
At what age did you stop having a babysitter/family member look after you when your parents were away?
Younger than 12
Younger than 14
Younger than 16
Until I left home
Not telling!
Never had one
Have you ever had a messy accident outside of potty training?
Not Telling!
I don't poop
How good is your work/play balance?
What's work?
Work last minute, only after playing
Healthy Balance
All work and no play
Not Telling!
Your little sister wants to play house but make you the baby, what do you do?
Play anyway
Play but only if you take turns being the baby
Play but only if you're not the baby
Don't play at all
Not telling!
How many times a day do you need to use the toilet?
Once or twice
Three or four times
A few times
Every couple of hours
Not telling!
Daddy wants you to dress up as a baby for halloween, what do you do?
Do as daddy says
Say yes but only if daddy does too
Ask daddy if you can be something else
Get angry at daddy for even suggesting it
Not telling!
As long as it's sexy...
Choose your favourite pet
Not telling!
You need to use the toilet in the middle of class, but your teacher won't let you! What do you do?
Have an accident
Hold it until the end of class and hope you keep your pants dry
I'm the teacher so :p
Ask the teacher again
Just leave anyway
Not telling!
How often do you feel anxious?
Almost all the time
Some of the time
Not telling!
Never ever
Choose what to wear
Onesie and a diaper
Onesie and a cute skirt
Big hoodie and comfy jeans
T-shirt and jeans
Not telling!
Someone's stolen all your clothes while shopping! There's a shop nearby that sells stuff but you only have £30 on you, what do you buy?
Shirt - £15
Trousers - £25
Crop top - £5
Skirt - £10
Adult underwear - £30
Princess pants - £15
Pull-ups - £10
Diapers - £5
No pants - £0
On a different long car journey, you suddenly need to use the toilet but discover its several hours before the next stop. Daddy tells you there's a supply of diapers in the car with you, what do you do?
Give in and wear a diaper
Outright refuse a diaper and try to hold it
Refuse a diaper and have an accident straight away out of spite
Let daddy decide for you
Not Telling!
Hold it forever, easy peasy
What do you think you belong in?
Training Pants
Not telling!
{"name":"Should you be in diapers?", "url":"","txt":"When was the last time you wet yourself?, A child is calling you mean names, what do you do?, Uh oh, you've woken up wet. What do you do?","img":""}
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