Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 2 Oct 20
[2010.00009] Jad C. Halimeh, Philipp Hauke: Diffusive-to-ballistic crossover of symmetry violation in open many-body systems
[2010.00011] Samuel Häusler, Philipp Fabritius, Jeffrey Mohan et al.: Interaction-assisted reversal of thermopower with ultracold atoms
[2010.00013] Vijay Pal Singh, Ludwig Mathey: Collective modes and superfluidity of a two-dimensional ultracold Bose gas
[2010.00014] Niklas Casper, Wolfram Brenig: The breathing kagome XY quantum magnet with four-site ring exchange
[2010.00016] Asadullah Bhuiyan, Frank Marsiglio: Edge Localized Schrödinger Cat States in Finite Lattices via Periodic Driving
[2010.00019] Aaron Hui, Vadim Oganesyan, Eun-Ah Kim: Beyond Ohm's law -- Bernoulli effect and streaming in electron hydrodynamics
[2010.00068] Wasim Raja Mondal, N. S. Vidhyadhiraja: Effect of short-ranged spatial correlations on the Anderson localization of phonons in mass-disordered systems
[2010.00070] B. A. Stuart, Seokhwan Choi, Jisun Kim et al.: Quasiparticle interference observation of the topologically non-trivial drumhead surface state in ZrSiTe
[2010.00088] Niels Breckwoldt, Thore Posske, Michael Thorwart: Majorana decoherence by bath-induced potential fluctuations
[2010.00089] Erik Fransson, Mattias Slabanja, Paul Erhart et al.: DYNASOR -- A tool for extracting dynamical structure factors and current correlation functions from molecular dynamics simulations
[2010.00094] Alexandre Mesquita, Elio Thizay Magnavita Oliveira, Hugo Bonette de Carvalho: Local and electronic structure of Sr1-xGdxTiO3 probed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy
[2010.00095] Chao Zheng, Kun Yang, Xin Wan: Effect of surface disorder on the chiral surface states of a three-dimensional quantum Hall system
[2010.00111] Rachel E. Lim, Joel V. Bernier, Darren C. Pagan et al.: Three-Dimensional In Situ Texture Development and Plasticity Accumulation in the Cyclic Loading of an alpha-Ti Alloy
[2010.00129] Quinn Campbell, Jeffrey A. Ivie, Ezra Bussmann et al.: A model for atomic precision p-type doping with diborane on Si(100)-2$\times$1
[2010.00136] Tomohiro Taniguchi: Switching induced by spin Hall effect in an in-plane magnetized ferromagnet with the easy axis parallel to the current
[2010.00139] C. M. Adhikari, I. V. Bondarev: Controlled Exciton-Plasmon Coupling in a Mixture of Ultrathin Periodically Aligned Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Arrays
[2010.00144] Yaroslav Tserkovnyak, Ji Zou, Se Kwon Kim et al.: Quantum hydrodynamics of spin winding
[2010.00158] Shoya Sakamoto, Guoqiang Zhao, Goro Shibata et al.: Anisotropic spin distribution and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in the layered ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ba,K)(Zn,Mn)$_{2}$As$_{2}$
[2010.00160] Dan Sun, Vasily S. Minkov, Shirin Mozaffari et al.: High-temperature superconductivity on the verge of a structural instability in lanthanum superhydride
[2010.00164] Haiping Hu, Erhai Zhao, Indubala I. Satija: Tuning the topology of $p$-wave superconductivity in an analytically solvable two-band model
[2010.00180] Hiroshi Ueda, Seiji Yunoki: Quantum-inspired search method for low-energy states of classical Ising Hamiltonians
[2010.00183] Evgeny Mikheev, Ilan T. Rosen, David Goldhaber-Gordon: Quantized critical supercurrent in SrTiO$_3$-based quantum point contacts
[2010.00193] Anil Kumar Rajapitamahuni, Laxman Raju Thoutam, Praneeth Ranga et al.: Impurity Band Conduction in Si-doped \b{eta}-Ga2O3 Films
[2010.00213] Yifan Tian, Steven R. White: Matrix product state recursion methods for strongly correlated quantum systems
[2010.00218] Alexei Sherman: Phonon-assisted phase separation in strongly correlated systems
[2010.00224] Yizhou Liu, Nianlong Zou, Le Zhao et al.: Ubiquitous topological states of phonons in solids: Silicon as a model material
[2010.00225] Z.-X. Li, Zhenyu Wang, Yunshan Cao et al.: Robust edge states in magnetic domain-wall racetrack
[2010.00234] Hai-Peng You, Ning Ding, Jun Chen et al.: Prediction of two-dimensional ferromagnetic ferroelectric VOF$_2$ monolayer
[2010.00267] Vera Meester, Casper van der Wel, Ruben W. Verweij et al.: Dumbbell impurities in 2D crystals of repulsive colloidal spheres induce particle-bound dislocations
[2010.00274] Raashiq Ishraaq, Mahmudur Rashid, A. M. Afsar: A Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Graphene Reinforced Iron Composite and The Effect of Vacancy Defect Distance from...
[2010.00275] Raashiq Ishraaq, Santosh Chhetri, Omkar Gautam et al.: Molecular Dynamics Simulation for the Analysis of Mechanical Properties and Effect of Stone-Wales and BiVacancy Defect on Carbon Nanotub...
[2010.00293] Martin Magnuson, Lars-Åke Näslund: Local chemical bonding and structural properties in Ti3AlC2 MAX phase and Ti3C2Tx MXene probed by Ti 1s X-ray absorption spectroscopy
[2010.00299] Patrick Kreissl, Christian Holm, Rudolf Weeber: Frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility of magnetic nanoparticles in a polymer solution: a simulation study
[2010.00313] Mahdieh Mohammadi, Kirsten Harth, Dmitry Puzyrev et al.: A simple model system for self-propelled particles passing a bottleneck
[2010.00325] Hendrik Schawe, Alexander K. Hartmann: Large deviations of a random walk model with emerging territories
[2010.00326] Junichi Okamoto, Francesco Peronaci: Floquet prethermalization and Rabi oscillations in optically excited Hubbard clusters
[2010.00349] Andrea Urru, Francesco Ricci, Alessio Filippetti et al.: A three-order-parameter bistable magnetoelectric multiferroic metal
[2010.00351] Dongkyu Kim, Dong-Hee Kim: Emergence of a finite-size-scaling function in the supervised learning of the Ising phase transition
[2010.00364] Suraj Shankar, Anton Souslov, Mark J. Bowick et al.: Topological active matter
[2010.00367] Piero Mazzolini, Andreas Falkenstein, Zbigniew Galazka et al.: Offcut-related step-flow and growth rate enhancement during (100) $β$-Ga2O3 homoepitaxy by metal-exchange catalyzed molecular be...
[2010.00393] Gábor Péterffy, Péter D. Ispánovity, Michael E. Foster et al.: Length scales and scale-free dynamics of dislocations in dense solid solutions
[2010.00410] Yi Chen, Muamer Kadic, Martin Wegener: Chiral Triclinic Metamaterial Crystals Supporting Isotropic Acoustical Activity and Isotropic Chiral Phonons
[2010.00414] Andrzej Syrwid, Arkadiusz Kosior, Krzysztof Sacha: Response to comment on "Lack of a genuine time crystal in a chiral soliton model" by Öhberg and Wright
[2010.00420] A. Ibrahim, F. Marsiglio: A quantum moat barrier, realized with a finite square well
[2010.00423] Julien Bouquiaux, Yongchao Jia, Samuel Poncé et al.: First-principles characterization of Sr[Li$_2$Al$_2$O$_2$N$_2$]:Eu$^{2+}$ phosphor: insights into its narrow emission spectrum
[2010.00430] C. Metzger, Sunghun Park, L. Tosi et al.: Circuit-QED with phase-biased Josephson weak links
[2010.00437] I.V. Boyko, M.R. Petryk: Interaction of electrons with acoustic phonons in AlN/GaN resonant tunnelling nanostructures at different temperatures
[2010.00442] M. Cruz Sanchez, M. Aguilar, O. Pizio: On the apparent molar volume of methanol in water-methanol mixtures. Composition and temperature effects from molecular dynamics study
[2010.00444] Lizardo H.C.M. Nunes, M.S. Figueira, M.E. Foglio: Study of the Kondo and high-temperature limits of the slave-boson and X-boson methods
[2010.00445] Lizardo H.C.M. Nunes, M.S. Figueira, E.V.L. de Mello: Superconductor-insulator transition induced by pressure within the X-boson approach
[2010.00496] Arup Kumar Paul, Manas Ranjan Sahu, Chandan Kumar et al.: Interplay of filling fraction and coherence in symmetry broken graphene p-n junction
[2010.00510] Banan Kerdi, Mathieu Pierre, Robin Cours et al.: High magnetic field spin-valley-split Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in a WSe$_2$ monolayer
[2010.00527] Bryan T. G. Lau, Gerald Knizia, Timothy C. Berkelbach: Regional Embedding Enables High-Level Quantum Chemistry for Surface Science
[2010.00532] Aditi S. Krishnapriyan, Joseph Montoya, Jens Hummelshøj et al.: Persistent homology advances interpretable machine learning for nanoporous materials
[2010.00535] Mathias Kamp, Björn Sothmann: Higgs-like pair amplitude dynamics in superconductor-quantum dot hybrids
[2010.00545] Jeffrey C. Everts, Miha Ravnik: Ionically-charged topological defects in nematic fluids
[2010.00547] Nikolai V. Priezjev: Shear band healing in amorphous materials by small-amplitude oscillatory shear deformation
[2010.00552] Yu.V. Ivanov, A.A. Levin, S.V. Novikov et al.: Low-temperature thermal conductivity of Co$_{1-x}$M$_x$Si (M=Fe, Ni) alloys
[2010.00561] Somajit Dey, Jayashree Saha: SiMPLISTIC: A Novel Pairwise Potential for Implicit Solvent Lipid Simulations with Single-site Models
[2010.00565] Maximilian Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, Razmik Unanyan, Michael Fleischhauer et al.: Absence of true localization in many-body localized phases
[2010.00568] Arghya Majee, Markus Bier, Ralf Blossey et al.: Charge symmetry broken complex coacervation
[2010.00570] Yu-Hang Li, Ran Cheng: Spin fluctuations in quantized transport of magnetic topological insulators
[2010.00572] Moon-Sun Nam, Arzhang Ardavan: Universal limiting transition temperature for the high $T_\mathrm{c}$ superconductors
[2010.00582] G. Del Pace, W. J. Kwon, M. Zaccanti et al.: Tunneling transport of unitary fermions across the superfluid transition
[2010.00584] A. Alexandradinata, N.P. Armitage, Andrey Baydin et al.: The Future of the Correlated Electron Problem
[2010.00588] Fang Xie, Aditya Cowsik, Zhida Son et al.: TBG VI: An Exact Diagonalization Study of Twisted Bilayer Graphene at Non-Zero Integer Fillings
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 2 Oct 20","img":""}
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