Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in nucl-th on Tue, 11 May 21
[2105.03471] A.M Romero, J. Engel, J.M. Yao: Application of efficient generator-coordinate subspace-selection algorithm to neutrinoless double-$β$ decay
[2105.03747] G. F. Burgio, I. Vidana, H.-J. Schulze et al.: Neutron Stars and the Nuclear Equation of State
[2105.03935] A. Tichai, P. Arthuis, K. Hebeler et al.: Low-rank matrix decompositions for ab initio nuclear structure
[2105.04052] Hao-jie Xu, Hanlin Li, Ying Zhou et al.: Measuring neutron skin by grazing isobaric collisions
[2105.04060] Duan She, Anping Huang, Defu Hou et al.: Relativistic Viscous Hydrodynamics with Angular Momentum
[2105.04071] Ya-Tian Wang, Ting-Ting Sun: Searching for single-particle resonances with the Green's function method
[2105.04122] Gaoqing Cao: Macroscopic transports in a rotational system with an electromagnetic field
[2105.04174] H. Moriya, W. Horiuchi, J. Casal et al.: Three-$α$ configurations in the $0^{+}$ states of $^{12}\mathrm{C}$
[2105.04234] R.V. Jolos, E.A. Kolganova, D.A. Sazonov: Collective model with isovector pair and alpha-particle type correlations
[2105.04474] Ch. Elster, M. Burrows, R.B. Baker et al.: Nonlocal structure of the leading order \textit{ab initio} effective potentials for proton elastic scattering from light nuclei
[2105.04490] Chloë Hebborn, Pierre Capel: Halo effective field theory analysis of one-neutron knockout reactions of $^{11}\rm Be$ and $^{15}\rm C$
[2105.04499] Bency John: Emergence of rotational modes in nuclear fission
[2105.04535] Maurício Hippert, Eduardo S. Fraga, Jorge Noronha: Insights on the peak in the speed of sound of ultradense matter
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