How Childhood Trauma Can Affect Brain Development (Multiple Choice Quiz).

Severe and protracted childhood trauma can damage brain development:
In all three of these ways
Severe and protracted childhood trauma damage the brain's amygdala. The amygdala:
Processes fear
Processes speech
Processes smell
Processes vision
Severe and protracted childhood trauma can damage higher cognitive functioning. The lobe of the brain most associated with higher cognitive functioning is the:
Parietal lobe
Frontal lobe
Temporal lobe
Occipital lobe
Severe and protracted childhood trauma can lead to an over-dominant:
Prefrontal cortex
Olfactory area
Motor cortex
Brain stem
At what stage of life can the brain's architecture be altered by experiences?
Early childhood
Throughout life
Severe and protracted childhood trauma can adversely affect the development of the brain's hippocampus. An important, primary function of the hippocampus is to:
Store autobiographical memories
Plan events
Control breathing and heart rate
Problem solve
Severe and protracted childhood trauma can adversely affect the development of the hypothalamic-pitutary-adrenal axis (HPA axis). The functions of the HPA-axis include:
Regulation of the immune system
Regulation of the metabolic system
Regulation of the central nervous system
All of these
One of the consequences of severe and protracted childhood trauma may be 'limbic irritability'. Symptoms of 'limbic irritability' include:
Somatic symptoms
Dissociative symptoms
EEG (brain wave) abnormalities
All of these
{"name":"How Childhood Trauma Can Affect Brain Development (Multiple Choice Quiz).", "url":"","txt":"Severe and protracted childhood trauma can damage brain development:, Severe and protracted childhood trauma damage the brain's amygdala. The amygdala:, Severe and protracted childhood trauma can damage higher cognitive functioning. The lobe of the brain most associated with higher cognitive functioning is the:","img":""}
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