DEI & Culture Feedback

Thank you for being a contribution to the future of DEI and workplace culture. Please answer the questions openly and honestly as all answers will support the 1-hour experience we are hosting, along with the data and tools we continue to share with DEI and HR leaders.


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Thank you for being a contribution to the future of DEI and workplace culture. Please answer the questions openly and honestly as all answers will support the 1-hour experience we are hosting, along with the data and tools we continue to share with DEI and HR leaders.


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What are your biggest concerns over this past year for you and your colleagues?

What do you find hopeful and possible in light of everything your team has experienced over the past year?

On a scale of 1 – 5, what is your comfort level talking about diversity + equity + inclusion experiences with...


1 = extremely uncomfortable
5 = extremely comfortable
Not applicable
your colleagues?

                     your manager?

                   your clients?

                   your industry peers?

On a scale of 1 - 10, how focused and engaged are your colleagues?
1 = 100% unfocused and disengaged  |  10 = 100% focused and engaged

What do you want to know from your colleagues around diversity + equity + inclusion?

What are the biggest challenges you DEI and Culture Strategy is experiencing?

Psychological safety

Tools, resources, trainings, and coaching to amplify diversity + equity + inclusive

People feeling judged for speaking up

Microaggressions from clients or vendors

      Microaggressions from colleagues

People staying quiet because they don't know what to say

People staying quiet because they feel they will offend someone

Colleagues are unwilling to have conversations around these topics

People judging themselves as a bad person or feeling they are not doing enough

Some colleagues believe DEI does not pertain to them
We do not have an effective feedback culture
Leadership does not want to address any of this
We are unclear of how to develop and evolve our existing strategy
We believe we have a great DEI foundation yet know there's room for growth and greater impact/results
We are committed to going all the way with our DEI and culture strategy but have yet to determine, what's next

We do not face any of these challenges

Other (please specify below)

If applicable, please specify and describe any other challenges you and your company face related to DEI and culture.
What topics would you like us to cover in the 1-hour experience on Thursday, February 4th from 3:30p - 4:30p EST?
[check all that apply]
Emotional intelligence to evolve workplace relationships
Feedback and Intervening Strategies
Coaching around individual, team and department blind spots
Creating alignment around your DEI and culture vision
Process over Event
Psychologically safe culture
4 Steps to Transform Your DEI and Culture strategy
EVOLVE's 3 Phase DEI & Culture Amplification Framework
Conformity vs. Individuality
Authenticity and Responsibility in the Workplace
How to create what's next for you DEI and culture strategy
How to create alignment and empowerment around your DEI and culture strategy
Other (please specify below ↓)

Is there anything else you’d like to share around your company's DEI and culture strategy or in general?

Name / Title / Company / Email (optional)

Thank you again for being a contribution. You can register for the 1 Hour Intensive for DEI and HR Leaders happening on Thursday, Febraury 4th from 3:30p - 4:30p EST here:



Please click the FINISH button to submit your answers.



Thank you again for being a contribution. You can register for the 1 Hour Intensive for DEI and HR Leaders happening on Thursday, Febraury 4th from 3:30p - 4:30p EST here:



Please click the FINISH button to submit your answers.



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