Are you Le Existaunce?

An artistic representation of a cosmic figure contemplating existence, with elements of surrealism and vibrant colors representing various emotions and life choices.

Are You Le Existaunce?

Welcome to the ultimate introspective quiz that will help you discover how close you are to becoming Le Existaunce! Respond to our engaging questions and find out where you stand in the realm of existence.

This quiz features a range of fun and thought-provoking questions that cover topics such as:

  • Your favorite foods and pets
  • Your choices in various life scenarios
  • Your opinions on music and movies
17 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ReflectingStar42
At the end of the survey, you will receive a ranking between 150-750. 150 meaning you are farthest from Le Existaunce and 750 meaning you truly are Le Existaunce. Be honest to your opinion, don’t try to choose the “best sounding” answer, ELSE YOU WILL GET A -100000 nah jk. THERES NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWER THIS IS A SURVEY.
At the end of the survey, you will receive a ranking between 150-750. 150 meaning you are farthest from Le Existaunce and 750 meaning you truly are Le Existaunce. Be honest to your opinion, don’t try to choose the “best sounding” answer, ELSE YOU WILL GET A -100000 nah jk. THERES NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWER THIS IS A SURVEY.
What’s your favorite food?
What’s your favorite pet?
What do you do after school (after work if you’re past college)?
Play videogames
Date someone
Hangout with Friends
Watch a movie
Sit down meditating about life
What would you do if you became emperor of a massive empire?
Keep raiding and conquering neighboring lands Blitzkrieg style
Establish and ensure a strong lasting government
Do nothing, party at your palace 24/7
Persecute groups of people for being born the way they were
Establish peace with other nations.
What is your favorite color?
Which of these places would you live in?
An unrealistically massive palace with 10,000 acres of garden, 3000 rooms, 8 movie theaters, 2 opera houses, etc...
A relatively small apartment in the city
A nice country house in the middle of Europe
A container house
A van
What type of music do you enjoy?
Trap Remix
If you had all the money in the world, what would you use it on?
Establish a mega corporation like BnL
Establish many big corporations like a Car Company and a Space Company at once.
Buy like a kghillion acres of land and turn it into your very own micronation paradise.
Invest it
Use it to help society (e.g helping the poor, assisting in massive projects for the benefit of people and the planet, inventing new technologies, etc..)
How do you sleep?
Face up
Blanket covering your head
On side
On belly
Honestly I sleep multiple ways.
What types of movies do you watch?
Soap Opera
Which of these daring things would you do?
Cliff jumping
Climbing Burj Khalifa
Kingda Ka
Shark diving
Which of these composers would you listen to for the rest of your life, if modern music didn't exist?
Bach, Handel, Pachelbel
Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn
Liszt, Chopin, Schubert
Brahms, Debussy, Tchaikovsky
Rachmaninoff, Scott Joplin, Glenn Miller
What type of "great" do you consider yourself?
Morally Good
Socially Good
Just Existing
What's your favorite vehicle?
And finally, which of these Le Existaunces is the REAL one? (Hint: Let the power of darkmatter guide you)
Le Existaunce
Le Existaunce
Le Existaunce
Le Existaunce
Le Existaunce
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