English mn 2

A detailed illustration of a ship with various maritime safety symbols and regulations in a maritime environment with calm seas and a bright sky.

Maritime Safety and Standards Quiz

Test your knowledge on international maritime safety regulations and standards with this comprehensive quiz. Designed for students and professionals alike, it covers crucial topics such as environmental protection, safety of navigation, and management systems.

  • Explore various maritime conventions like SOLAS, STCW, and ISM.
  • Challenge your understanding of dangerous goods and pollution prevention.
  • Enhance your maritime knowledge and prepare for certification.
51 Questions13 MinutesCreated by NavigatingStar47
1. Which convention and chapter deals with Construction – Subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations contains the subdivision of passenger ships into watertight compartments so that after damage to its hull, a vessel will remain afloat and stable?
ISM section 2
STCW chapter VIII
SOLA chapter II-1
2. Which convention and chapter deals with the safety of navigation?
ISPS level 3
3. This is the standard for establishing a system for the SAFE management and operations of vessels and for POLLUTION PREVENTION.
4. The Company must have its own internal methods for making sure that the system works and is improving.
Section 13:” Certification, Verification and Control”.
Section 12:” Company Verification Review and Evaluation”.
5. Which code introduces requirements regulating ships’ security with the purpose of prevention of illegal acts, directed against safety of navigation and transportation of cargoes by sea?
1. Which chapter of STCW deals with the training of Radio communication and radio personnel?
Chapter V
Chapter VII
Chapter IV
Chapter II
2. What do we call liquids or mixture of liquids, or liquids containing solids in solution which gives off a flammable vapor at or below 60 degrees C , normally referred to as the “flashpoint”.
Flammable liquids
Toxic substances
Effectively closed
3. It is a mixture with any oil content
4. Oily mixture discharges outside special areas should be performed only if:
The instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content does not exceed 20 liters per nautical mile;
The instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content does not exceed 30 liters per nautical mile;
The instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content does not exceed 10 liters per nautical mile;
The instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content does not exceed 12 liters per nautical mile;
5. What is called the breakdown in operation of the main engine?
Main Engine Failure
Generator failure
Boiler failure
Black out
1. Which convention and chapter regulate the arrangement of Fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction equipment for all ships with detailed measures?
ISM section 2
STCW chapter VIII
SOLA chapter II-2
2. Which convention and chapter deals with the carriage of dangerous cargoes?
IMDG code
3. Company must have sufficient and suitable people (in the office and on vessels) with clearly defined roles and responsibilities (who is responsible for what).
Section 3: Company’s Responsibilities and Authorities”.
Section 6: “Resources and Personnel”.
Section 2: ”Safety and Environmental Protection Policy”.
Section 12:” Company Verification Review and Evaluation”.
4. The flag Administration will have to send external Auditors to check the company’s system in the office and on board each ship. After it has satisfied itself that the system is working – the flag Administration will issue a Certificate of Compliance for the office and a Safety Management Certificate for each ship.
Section 13:” Certification, Verification and Control”.
Section 12:” Company Verification Review and Evaluation”.
Section 11: “Documentation”.
5. This level means the level for which minimum appropriate protective security measures shall be maintained at all times 24/7.
Security level 2: heightened
Security level 3: exceptional
Security level 1: usual
Security level 1: normal
1. Which chapter of STCW deals with Emergency, occupational safety, medical care and survival functions?
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter VI
Chapter VI
2. What do we call substances liable either to cause death or serious injury or to harm human health if swallowed or inhaled , or by skin contact?
Toxic substances
3. THE sea area where for recognized technical reasons in relation to its oceanographically and ecological condition and to the particular character of its traffic, the adoption of special mandatory methods for the prevention of sea pollution by oil is required.
Special zone
Emission control area
Dangerous area
Special area
4. What plan should consist of following information: the procedure to be followed by the master or other persons having charge of the ship to report an oil pollution incident.
5. What the condition when the vessel touches the bottom
Black out
1. Which convention and chapter regulate the arrangement of Life-saving appliances and arrangements according to the type of ships?
ISM section 2
STCW chapter VIII
Chapter III
2. Which chapter of SOLAS- deals with the management for the safe operation of ships?
Chapter XI
Chapter v
Chapter III
Chapter IX
3. The Company must appoint a person in the office responsible for monitoring and following all “SAFETY” matters of the vessels.
Section 5:”Master’s Responsibility and Authority”.
Section 4: “Designated Person Ashore”.
Section 10: “Maintenance of the Ship and Equipment”.
Section 12:” Company Verification Review and Evaluation”.
4. When you find something wrong (including accidents and hazardous situations) report it. It will be analysed and the whole system can be improved.
Section 9: “Reports and Analysis of Non-conformities, Accidents and Hazardous Occurrences”.
Section 10: “Maintenance of the Ship and Equipment”.
Section 4: DPA
5. The level for which appropriate additional protective security measures shall be maintained for a period of time as a result of heightened risk of a security incident.
Security level 1: normal
Security level 2: heightened
Security level 3: exceptional
Security level 2: exceptional
1. Which chapter of STCW deals with training of Watch keeping?
Chapter VII
Chapter v
Chapter III
Chapter VIII
2. What is the number of classes in which the dangerous goods are classified?
3. What is called the drainage from dishwater, shower, laundry, bath and washbasin drains. It does not include drainage from toilets, urinals, hospitals , and drainage from cargo spaces?
Grey water
Black water
Blue water
Green water
4. What plan should consist of following information: the list of authorities or persons to be contacted in the event of an oil pollution incident;
5. Which system is the technical, operational and administrative structure for maritime distress and safety communications worldwide?
1. Which convention and chapter regulate the arrangement of GMDSS equipment on passenger and cargo ships engaged in international voyages?
SOLAS –chapter XIV
ISM section V
ISPS level 3
SOLAS –chapter I V
2. Which chapter of SOLAS came into force in 2017?
Chapter –VI
Chapter- XIV
Chapter –I
3. Plan What You Do- Do What You Plan”. You need to plan your work on the ship and follow your plan when working.
Section 7: “Development of Plans for Shipboard Operations”.
Section 8:” Emergency Preparedness”.
Section 9: “Reports and Analysis of Non-conformities, Accidents and Hazardous Occurrences”.
Emergency Response Plan(ERP)
4. The vessel and its equipment must be maintained in good condition. You should always comply with the rules and regulations. Always maintain and frequently test those pieces of equipment important for your safety. Keep records of the work carried out.
Section 11: “Documentation”.
Section 13:” Certification, Verification and Control”.
Section 10: “Maintenance of the Ship and Equipment”.
5. The level for which further specific protective security measures shall be maintained for a limited period of time, when an incident is probable or imminent, although it may not be possible to identify the target.
Security level 3: exceptional
Security level 2: heightened
Security level 1: normal
Security level 3: normal
1. Which chapter of STCW deals with Special training requirements for personnel on certain types of ships?
Chapter VII
Chapter III
Chapter II
Chapter V
2. What is IMDG cargo group one?
Extremely dangerous
Moderate dangerous
Less dangerous
Less dangerous
3. Discharge of oil mixtures outside special areas should be performed only if:
The tanker is more than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land;
The tanker is more than 3 nautical miles from the nearest land;
The tanker is more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land;
The tanker is more than 7 nautical miles from the nearest land;
4. What plan should consist of following information: the list of authorities or persons to be contacted in the event of an oil pollution incident;
Category X, Y,Z and OS are……
Dry cargo
Noxious liquid substances
IMDC classes
IBC cargo
1. Which chapter and convention insures Special measures to enhance maritime safety and security ?
SOLAS XI _1 and XI -2
SOLAS II- 1 and II-2
ISM- section XIII
ISPS_ level 1 and level 2.
2. What is the objective of SOLAS?
It provides the system for the SAFE management and operations of vessels and for POLLUTION PREVENTION.
To protect the nature.
To protect crew and cargo.
To specify minimum standards for the construction, equipment and operation of ships, compatible with their safety.
3. You should be prepared for the unexpected emergency. It can happen any time. The Company should develop plans for responding to emergency situations on board its vessels and practice them.
Section 7: “Development of Plans for Shipboard Operations”.
Section 12:” Company Verification Review and Evaluation”.
Section 9: “Reports and Analysis of Non-conformities, Accidents and Hazardous Occurrences”.
Section 8:” Emergency Preparedness
4. The Company must put in writing its POLICY on the safety and the protection of the marine environment and make sure that everyone knows about it and follows it.
Section 2: ”Safety and Environmental Protection Policy”.
Section 3:”Company’s Responsibilities and Authorities”.
Section 8:” Emergency Preparedness”.
Section 7. Plan what you do, do what you plan.
5. Which chapter of STCW deals with the trainings of Master and deck department?
Chapter III
Chapter VIII
Chapter II
Chapter VI
1. What is IMDG cargo group two?
Moderate dangerous
Extremely dangerous
Less dangerous
Not dangerous
2. The package is stored over a wooden pallet, all the electrical fittings in that region are disconnected from the source, the cargo is stowed away from accommodation and hot bulkhead when we are loading:
Infectious cargo
Explosive cargo
Liquid cargo
Solidifying cargo
3. Discharge of oil mixtures outside special areas should be performed only if:
The tanker is at anchor;
The tanker is moored;
. The tanker is stopped through the water
. The tanker is stopped through the water
4. Oil filtering system, tanks for oil residues, slop tanks, oil discharge monitoring and control system, oil-water separating system, oil content meter, bilge water separator, sewage treatment plant, garbage grinder, garbage incinerator are equipment required for preventing…..
Cargo loading
Rate of discharge
5. Annex VI Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships sets limits on NOx and NOx emissions from ship exhausts and prohibits emissions of------------------
Ozone depleting substances
Ozone fulfilling substances
Sea depleting substances
The earth depleting substances
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{"name":"English mn 2", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge on international maritime safety regulations and standards with this comprehensive quiz. Designed for students and professionals alike, it covers crucial topics such as environmental protection, safety of navigation, and management systems.Explore various maritime conventions like SOLAS, STCW, and ISM.Challenge your understanding of dangerous goods and pollution prevention.Enhance your maritime knowledge and prepare for certification.","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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