What is known as synoptic weather chart, displays various meteorological features across a particular area at a particular point in time?
Weather Map
Weather Chart
Synoptic Chart
Prognostic Chart
What do the numbers on isobars indicate?
Atmospheric Pressure
Isobaric Pressure
Barometric Pressure
Air Pressure
Which line separates the warm air masses and cold air masses?
Low Pressure
A boundary between two air masses
On the weather maps, if you observed triangle apex downwards, What are corresponding meaning of this symbol?
On the weather maps, if you observed triangle apex upwards, What are corresponding meaning of this symbol?
In a low pressure area, which area has the lowest pressure?
Eye of Storm
On the weather maps, if you observed the arrow with indication of 2.5 barb and pointing from 315°T , What is the direction of the wind?
What is the condition of the atmosphere if the skies are cloudy and the wind is strong?
Cold Front
High Pressure
Warm Front
Low Pressure
Which of the following can you predict using the isobars on a synoptic chart?
Wind velocity
Wind speed
Isobaric Pressure
A boundary between two air masses
Which front is present if there is a cloud sequence of cirrus, cirrostratus and altostratus cloud followed by rain?
Which line in the synoptic and prognostic chart has an equal pressure?
Which atmospheric condition is expected if the barometric reading is 980.0 millibars?
Which front is present when warm air and cold air is immobilize?
On the weather maps, if you observed the arrow with indication of 2.5 barb and pointing from 315°T , How much is the wind velocity?
20 knots
25 knots
30 knots
35 knots
What chart has a summary of the current weather situation reflecting the state of atmosphere over a large area?
Weather Maps
Weather Chart
Synoptic Chart
Prognostic Chart
Which chart is reflecting the state of the atmosphere over a large area at any given (current or recent) moment.
Synoptic Chart
Prognostic Chart
Weather Map
Weather Chart
At what angle to the isobars that the surface wind blows over the open sea
About 15°
About 16°
About 17°
About 18°
There is an approaching warm front, what will happen to the barometric pressure?
Which of the following is TRUE about front?
A boundary between one air mass
A boundary between two air masses
A boundary between three air masses
A boundary between four air masses
What chat is relating to prediction that having value for making predictions, a chart showing the predicted state of the atmosphere for a given time in the future.
Prognostic Chart
Synoptic Chart
Weather Chart
Weather Maps
The meeting of air across the boundary between two distinct air masses having different temperature and humidity is known as _____.
Barometric Pressure
Weather Chart
Which has a similar characteristic to a 'backing wind' in the Southern Hemisphere?
According to forecast terms the word "Imminent" means________.
3 hrs
4 hrs
5 hrs
6 hrs
An approaching warm front is usually associated with _____.
When crossing a front, isobars tend to _____.
Stays the same
What type of front when a cold air mass moves into a warmer air mass to get colder and will have a severe weather?
Occluded front
Warm front
Cold front
Stationary front
According to forecast terms the word "later" means________.
6 hrs
12 hrs
24 hrs
48 hrs
Which system are cost effective ways of getting information while away on the ship also not require broad band Internet access and avoid using web browsers ?
File Transfer Program
Global System Forecast
File Transfer Protocol
Global Forecast System
Which has a similar characteristic as a 'veering wind' in the Southern Hemisphere?
A wind shifting counterclockwise
A wind revolving clockwise
A wind shifting counterclockwise
A wind revolving counterclockwise
In Sea Area Forecast all of the choices are included EXCEPT________.
Forecast visibility
Sea visibility
Cloud visibility
Sky visibility
According to forecast terms the word "soon" means________.
6-12 hrs
12-24 hrs
24-48 hrs
48 hrs
What is the circulation of high-pressure system in northern hemisphere?
anticlockwise direction
clockwise direction
veering wind
backing wind
Which of the following is a characteristic of the weather preceding an approaching warm front?
Rising steadily barometric pressure.
Falling steadily barometric pressure.
Steadily rising barometric pressure.
Steadily falling barometric pressure.
Which has a similar characteristic of a "veering wind" in the Northern hemisphere?
Why the drift ice is always dangerous in navigation?
damage of rudder of the ship
possible capsize of ship
can be difficult to pass
can be difficult to maneuver
This ice is potential threat to shipping, particularly during darkness of in situations with poor visibility
Floe bits
Rafted ice
Ice Foot
Pancake ice
There is a seismic wave occurs in the ocean, where do you think that the disturbance originated?
Wave Fetch
In the Arctic area, As per thermodynamic equilibrium How much is the thickness of sea ice approximately?
2 meters
3 meters
4 meters
5 meters
Which of the following currents is responsible for the movement of iceberg into the north atlantic shipping lanes?
Labrador current
Kuroshio current
Gulf stream
North Atlantic Drift
which is the freezing temperature of ocean (saline) water is typically what temperature?
27.6 degrees Fahrenheit
26.7 degrees Fahrenheit
27.8 degrees Fahrenheit
28.7 degrees Fahrenheit
Which are the waves that have traveled into the area of observation after having been generated by previous winds in other areas?
Wave Period
Wave Fetch
How does the iceberg move from Greenland in Arctic region during spring time?
Northward from latitude 48°N to latitude 42°N
Northward from latitude 42°N to latitude 48°N
Southward from latitude 48°N to latitude 42°N
Southward from latitude 42°N to latitude 48°N
What ice floes gradually takes a round shape usually and originating from an area of consolidated ice?
Floe bits
Rafted ice
Ice Foot
Pancake ice
Ship encounters waves in the ocean, which of the following is the peak part of the wave?
Wave Fetch
Wave Period
Why drift ice at sea is a constant threat to the shipping during winter time? I. It is formed of broken, land fast ice from coastal areas II. from ice frozen together at sea in calm conditions.
Only I
Only II
Both I and II
None of the Above
What is the ice at sea obviously is very exposed to wind and currents?
Floe bits
Rafted ice
Ice Foot
Pancake ice
You are navigating in south pacific region, which area would you avoid for the possible presence of an iceberg?
Latitude 57°S to latitude 63°S
Latitude 63°S to latitude 57°S
Southward from latitude 48°N to latitude 42°N
Southward from latitude 42°N to latitude 48°N
What is the break-up of ice, single heavy drift ice floes (originally old ridges)?
Floe bits
Rafted ice
Ice Foot
Pancake ice
The seasonal cycle in arctic sea, How long is period ice growth and melt?
Under one year
Over one year
After 6 months
After 12 months
Waves run in a group, which of the following is passage of two successive crests over a reference point?
Wave Length
Wave Period
Small ship's go up and down through the waves, which of the following is the most downward part of the wave?
Wave Length
Wave Period
Where sea ice and icebergs are present, which of the following are TRUE?
icebergs and sea ice travel in a same direction
icebergs and sea ice travel in a different direction
icebergs and ice travel in a same direction
icebergs and ice travel in a different direction
Ice growth continues through during season of_________.
Which of the following is horizontal distance travelled by the wave?
Wave Length
Wave Fetch
Which an example of floating ice is?
floe bits
rafted ice
pancake ice
tabular ice
Which event in the ocean will occur, if there is a sudden large scale motion of a portion of the ocean floor or the shore as by volcanic eruption, earth quakes?
Tidal wave
Storm surge
What is the sign that the vessel is very near the area of the iceberg?
The sea temperature drops rapidly.
The sea temperature drops slowly.
The sea temperature increase rapidly.
The sea temperature increase slowly.
Which waves that have traveled into the area of observation after having been generated by previous winds in other areas?
Swell wave
Tidal wave
Storm surge
By a performing a task to take the wave height, how will you measure distance of it?
From trough to crest
From crest to trough
From wave length to wave height
From crest to crest
You received a task to take the wave length, how will you measure the distance of it?
From crest to crest
From crest to trough
From trough to crest
From wave length to wave height
On which direction that TRS (Tropical Revolving Storm) moves due to Coriolis effect?
Westerly near
Easterly near
Westerly away
Easterly away
If you observe on the weather maps, tropical storm was passed in area of responsibility, this indicated movement is called________.
In the three types of lows, which of the following have characteristics of unnoticeable movement of weather?
Cut-off lows
Mid-latitude lows
Tropical lows
Among the types of lows as per study, which of the following is reasonably well forecasted by the GFS weather model?
Cut-off lows
Mid-latitude lows
Tropical lows
Which of the following indicates that a tropical cyclone can be expected at your position within 24 to 48 hours?
a diurnal inequality of 6 millibars in the barometric reading
a diurnal inequality of 7 millibars in the barometric reading
a diurnal inequality of 8millibars in the barometric reading
a diurnal inequality of 9 millibars in the barometric reading
You are steaming eastward in the north atlantic in an extratropical cyclonic storm and the wind is dead ahead. According to law of buys ballot, the center of the low pressure lies?
to the east
to the west
to the north
to the south
In the south hemisphere if you are caught in the left semicircle of a tropical storm you should bring the wind?
on the starboard bow, hold course and make as much way as possible
on the starboard quarter, hold course and make as much way as possible
on the port bow, hold course and make as much way as possible
on the port quarter, hold course and make as much way as possible
Which condition does not indicate the approach of a tropical storm?
decrease in wind velocity
increase in wind velocity
decrease in wind speed
decrease in wind speed
In the tropics, which of the following indicates the arrival of a hurricane at your position within 24 to 36 hours?
usually good weather with above average pressures followed by a slow fall of 4 millibars in six hours.
usually good weather with above average pressures followed by a slow fall of 6 millibars in six hours.
unusually good weather with above average pressures followed by a slow fall of 4 millibars in six hours.
unusually good weather with above average pressures followed by a slow fall of 6 millibars in six hours.
In the north hemisphere you are caught in the dangerous semicircle with plenty of sea room available. The best course of action is to bring wind on the?
starboard bow and make as much headway as possible
starboard quarter and make as much headway as possible
port bow and make as much headway as possible
starboard quarter and make as much headway as possible
The usual sequence of directions in which a tropical cyclone moves in the south hemisphere is?
northwest, west, and south
southwest, south, and southeast
north, northwest, and east
west, northwest, and north
Which of the following conditions exists in the eye of a hurricane?
Wind rapidly changing direction
A temperature much lower than that outside the eye
Towering cumulonimbus clouds
An extremely low barometric pressure
On an Atlantic Ocean voyage from New York to Durban, South Africa, you should expect the Agulhas Current to present a strong __________.
head current
offshore set
fair or following current
onshore set
The Benguela current, Which direction flows in along the South West coast of Africa?
In the Northern Hemisphere, the major ocean currents tend to flow__________.
clockwise or counterclockwise depending on whether it is warm or cold current
clockwise around the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans
counterclockwise except in the Gulf Stream
counterclockwise around the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans
A ship steaming across the North Pacific from Japan to Seattle is likely to experience_________.
adverse currents for practically the entire crossing
favorable currents in the summer months and adverse currents in the winter months
favorable currents for practically the entire crossing
variable currents having no significant effect on the total steaming time
Your vessel is in the Kuroshio Current. In which direction would you expect to be set?
southwestward direction
northwestward direction
southeastward direction
northeastward direction
On a voyage from Halifax, N.S. to Dakar, West Africa, the Canary Current will______
Set the vessel to the left
Set the vessel to the right
Offer resistance in the form of a head current
Furnish additional thrust in the form of a fair or following current
Which is southern current approaches the coast of Africa, it divides the main part flowing south to form the warm?
Madagascar Current
Agulhas Current
Benguela Current
Canary Current
What current that in many respect is similar to the Gulf Stream?
California Current
Benguela Current
Oyashio Current
Kuroshio Current
Which cold current which meets the warm Gulf Stream between latitudes 40° and 43° North to form the cold wall?
North Cape Current
Greenland Current
Labrador Current
North Atlantic Current
The two most effective generating forces of the ocean currents are________.
water depth and underwater topography
rotation of the Earth and continental interference
temperature and salinity differences in the water
wind and density differences in the water
Which direction does the Brazil current tend to flow?
Which current would you encounter in a direct passage from South Africa to Argentina?
South Atlantic
South equatorial
In which month will the equatorial countercurrent be strongest?
The vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the water surface at any stage of the tide is known as the__________.
Height Of tide
Length Of tide
Range Of tide
Wave Of tide
The tide that occurs when the moon is farthest from the earth is a/an_________.
Apogean Tide
Solar Tide
Perigean Tide
Stand of Tide
The part of the tide that is due to the tide-producing force of the sun is called__________.
Apogean Tide
Solar Tide
Perigean Tide
Stand of Tide
At tropic tide, the diurnal effect is________.
The state of the tide at high or low water when there is no sensible change in the height of the tide is called________.
Apogean Tide
Solar Tide
Perigean Tide
Stand of Tide
Tides with higher high water and lower low water which occur at times of new and full moon is the____________.
Spring Tides
Solar Tides
Semidiurnal Tides
Diurnal Tides
A horizontal movement of a water caused by gravitational interactions between the sun, moon and earth is called_________.
Tidal current
Wave current
Surface current
Deep ocean current
At perigean tide, the lunar semi-diurnal range is________.
When two high waters and two low waters occur during a tidal day, the tide is said to be_______.
Spring Tides
Solar Tides
Semidiurnal Tides
Diurnal Tides
Tides with lower high water and higher low water which occur at times of first and third quarter is the_________.
Solar Tides
Neap Tides
Spring Tides
Semidiurnal Tides
Spring tides occur at times of_________.
Full moon and new moon
New moon and half moon
Full moon and quarter moon
New moon and quarter moon
When high and low water occur at about the same time each day, it is due to the effect of the_____.
Both Sun and Moon
The type of tide with a large inequality in either the high and / or low water heights is the______.
Solar Tides
Spring Tides
Semidiurnal Tides
Mixed Tides
The tide that occurs when the moon is at its maximum semi-monthly declination North or South is the_________.
Continental Tides
Diurnal Tides
Tropic Tides
Mixed Tides
When the tide is diurnal, high and low waters occur__________.
one high and one low a day/ one high and one low every lunar day/ once a day
one high a day/ one high and one low every solar day/ once a day
one high and one low a day/ one high and one low every solar day/ once a day
one low a day/ one high and one low every solar day/ once a day
When the tide is semi-diurnal, high and low waters occurs________.
one high and one low a day/ one high and one low every lunar day/ once a day
Two highs and two lows a day/ one high and one low every lunar day/ Twice a day
1st and 3rd quarter phases of the moon
At apogean tide, the lunar semi-diurnal range
At apogean tide, the lunar semi-diurnal range is________.
The periodic rise and fall of the water resulting from gravitational interactions between the sun, moon, and earth is called_______.
The predominating type of tide throughout the world is_______.
The tide that occurs when the moon crosses the equator is the_________.
Mixed Tide
Equatorial Tide
Semi-Diurnal Tide
Diurnal Tide
When only one high water and one low water occur during a tidal day, the tide is said to be____.
Mixed Tide
Semi-Diurnal Tide
Diurnal Tide
Neap Tide
It is the difference in height between consecutive high and low waters________.
Tidal Length
Tidal Waves
Tidal Height
Tidal Range
The tide that occurs when the moon is at the point in its orbit nearest the earth is a / an______.
Perigee Tide
Apogee Tide
Neap Tide
Solar Tide
A ship steaming across the North Pacific from Japan to Seattle is likely to experience_________.
non favorable currents for practically the entire crossing
favorable currents for practically the entire crossing
non favorable currents for practice in the entire crossing
favorable currents for practice in the entire crossing
What is freezing temperature of ocean (saline) water is typically?
-1.2 degrees Celsius
-1.2 degrees Fahrenheit
-1.8 degrees Celsius
-1.8 degrees Fahrenheit
{"name":"METEOROLOGY 02", "url":"","txt":"What is known as synoptic weather chart, displays various meteorological features across a particular area at a particular point in time?, What do the numbers on isobars indicate?, Which line separates the warm air masses and cold air masses?","img":""}
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