Which Totally Cringe Doc OC Are You

A stylized cartoon representation of various quirky and cringe-worthy original characters in a vibrant party setting, showcasing diverse personalities and styles.

Which Totally Cringe Doc OC Are You?

Are you ready to discover your cringe factor? This fun and engaging quiz will help you identify which Totally Cringe Doc Original Character resonates with your personality. Answer a series of entertaining questions to unveil your OC style!

  • Find out how you socialize at gatherings
  • See how you respond in tough situations
  • Explore your unique taste in music and fashion
17 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CreativeCloud501
If you're at a party/social gathering that you planned on attending, what are you doing?
Meeting new people
Talking to the people I already know
Staying on your phone
Participating in or leading a game
Eating/drinking, I came here for the free food
Your car has broken down on an unfamiliar country road. You are alone, what do you do?
Call a friend or family member to help me
Pop the hood and try to fix the problem yourself
Fuck it, you'll just get it towed to the nearest shop
Try to flag down a local, if you can't figure out what's wrong with the car, maybe they can
Call a ride share service to get you where you were going, then research the problem and order the parts to fix it yourself
What's the prefect relaxing weekend for you?
Phone off, not answering emails, just relaxing by a pool in a cute outfit
Calling up your friends and hosting a small get-together
Cleaning your house, you never have the time to do it during the week, getting stuff off your plate helps you relax
Starting on or finishing a personal project
How often do you curse?
Every fuckin sentence
Every so often, if it reflects my mood
Only behind closed doors/not in polite company
A close friend just told you that they did something you fundamentally do not agree with (like, killed someone or something), how do you respond?
Tell them how I feel about what they did. They deserve to know and I have to state my boundaries
Cease contact immediately. You want no part of this.
Get mad. You trusted them and you KNOW that they're better than this. Maybe we can work things out, but you have to speak your mind.
Act casual, but start distancing yourself. You don't want confrontation, but you cannot be a part of this.
Investigate what happened. You can't believe that they would do something like this without a justifiable reason.
Do you have a code of ethics?
I have my own code of ethics and I do not stray from them, under any circumstances.
I have a code of ethics, but some situations call for more flexibility than others.
I don't think about it too hard, I take every situation as it comes and decide what's best based on the evidence currently available.
How important is being "right" or a "good person" to you?
I always want to do the right thing, no matter the personal consequences
Being a good person would be ideal, but sometimes I have to act in my own best interest
Being "good" is too subjective, I would prefer to just be myself
You have been given an impossible task to complete at work. There is no way you can get it done in the time frame you have been given, with the instructions you have been told. What do you do?
Fuck the instructions, if I can find a better way to get a task done on time then I'm doing it
Follow the instructions to the letter. It's not your fault that this is impossible, and if they call you out then at least you can say you followed their protocol
Follow instructions, but consider staying later or asking for an extension. You want to get this done to the best of your ability and you're not going to compromise quantity for quality
Abandon the task. If they wanted this task completed within these outrageous specifications, then they can find someone else willing to bust their ass
Do you know what anime is?
Of the following, how do you think your friends would describe you?
How do you feel about big concepts like "love" and "justice"
I think that they're important to think about, and I think about them somewhat frequently
I don't think they're that important, I might think about them if I'm in a situation that calls for it, but that's it
Which word describes you better
Do you like to travel or are you a homebody?
I love to travel!
I want to be at home always, including right now.
Somewhere in between
If you had one million dollars, what would you do with it first?
Pay off my loans/debt!
Take my friends to a vacation destination that we've always wanted to go to
Start investing/gambling, one million today can be twelve million tomorrow if I play my cards right
Buy that One Insane Thing that you always wanted to buy for yourself
Donate! Not all of it obviously, but there's a lot of worthy causes that I want to contribute to
Of the following, which closely describes your taste in music?
Indie rock and prog rock
Bluegrass/pop country
Experimental pop and techno
RNB/jazz/old school punk
Funk and Ska
Of the following, which most closely describes your taste in clothes?
Safe, comfortable, plain styles that don't stand out too much
Wild outfits that get attention
Somewhere in the middle between safe and wild
You're driving a car full of children who want to eat at Mcdonalds, how do you respond?
Take them to Mcdonalds
Go to the drive thru, order a single black coffee, leave
We have food at home
{"name":"Which Totally Cringe Doc OC Are You", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you ready to discover your cringe factor? This fun and engaging quiz will help you identify which Totally Cringe Doc Original Character resonates with your personality. Answer a series of entertaining questions to unveil your OC style!Find out how you socialize at gatheringsSee how you respond in tough situationsExplore your unique taste in music and fashion","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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