Do you know what blooms in the Viewpark glen?

Scottish bluebells (aka Harebells)
Wood violets
This plant produces hydrocyanic acid and all its parts are very toxic to humans. Has tough leaves.
Rum cherry
One of the oldest spices used in Europe. Chopped leaves are used for flavouring in salads or for pesto.
Common nettle
White dead-nettle
Garlic mustard
Also known as meadow cress, cuckoo flower or milkmaids
Lady's smock
Wood speedwell
This plant has numerous health benefits and contains vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and copper. Collect new leaves in early spring when they are fresh and tender. Delicious when added to scrambled eggs.
Wild garlic
Garlic mustard
In the buttercup family, this spring flower is native to Europe and East Asia.
Lesser celandine (also known as pilewort)
Cowflock (also known as marsh marigold)
On the Isle of Man, it is known as ‘blaa ny ferrishyn’ (fairy flower) and has a local taboo against picking it.
Red campion
Red champion
Red lampion
Its original name is knitbone because of its amazing ability to heal broken bones. Can also be used on sprains, pulled muscles and wounds and bruises.
Kidney vetch
Galium odoratum. Has very delicate tiny flowers. Also known as wild baby's breath or master of the woods.
Wood sorrel
Edible and often used in farming to improve soil fertility and manage grass weeds and used as animal feed.
Scottish bluebell
A small drop of sweet nectar can be found at the end of each of its flower.
White dead-nettle
Common nettle
White nancy
It has nodding, purple-and-orange flowers that hang on delicate, purple stems. Grows in damp habitats
Water avens
Small pasque flower
The Scots saying "Ne'er cast a cloot til Mey's oot“ conveys a warning not to shed any clothes before the summer has fully arrived and the Mayflowers (blossoms of this tree) are in full bloom.
Rum cherry
{"name":"Do you know what blooms in the Viewpark glen?", "url":"","txt":"This plant produces hydrocyanic acid and all its parts are very toxic to humans. Has tough leaves., One of the oldest spices used in Europe. Chopped leaves are used for flavouring in salads or for pesto.","img":""}
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