What are the four base units in the metric system? Time? Length? Mass? Volume?
What is the SI unit for temperature?
What is the difference between mass and weight?
What branches of science does physical science include?
What three states of matter did we study?
What do we call the ability to change matter?
The belief that all particles in all matter are in constant motion is....
If particles do not have enough kinetic energy to overcome the attraction between them the will exist as a..they have a fixed.. and..
If the particles have enough energy to partially overcome the force of attraction, the matter exists as a..
If particles have enough kinetic energy to completely overcome the force of attraction the matter exist as a..
Solids have a fixed what
Liquiids have a fixed wGases do not have a fixed whathat
Gases do not have a fixed what
What causes the pressure exerted by gases?
Particles of what state of matter are very far apart in relation to their size
Which gas law states that at a constant temperature, the volume of a gas increases as the pressure decreases
Which gas law states that at a constant pressure, the volume of a gas increases as the temperature increases
Which gas law states at a constant volume, the pressure of a gas increases as the temperature increases
Which gas law is a combination of boyleś charles’ and gay-lussacś law
Which gas law states that equal volumes of gases at the same temperature have the same number of molecules
Which philosopher stated that all matter consists of particles that cannot be cut into smaller particles.
Colorblind scientist who claimed that atoms of the same element are the same and have the same mass while atoms of different elements are different and have different masses
Scientist who discovered that the particles in a cathode ray are negatively charged. He names these particles corpuscles, nut we now call them electrons
Scientist who envisioned atoms as being like the English dessert plum pudding. We call his model the plum pudding model
New zealand-born scientist who is knows as the father of nuclear physics
Scientist who used gold foil to discover that atoms have a nucleus
Scientist who came up with the planetary model of the atom
Scientist who claimed that electrons inhabit shells that have specific energy levels and that electrons can jump between these levels.
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