Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-th on Wed, 26 Aug 20
[2008.10603] Mikhail Altaisky, Robin Raj: Wavelet regularization of Euclidean QED
[2008.10605] Mirjam Cvetic, Markus Dierigl, Ling Lin et al.: String Universality and Non-Simply-Connected Gauge Groups in 8d
[2008.10625] Arthur Hebecker: Lectures on Naturalness, String Landscape and Multiverse
[2008.10639] Zoltán Tulipánt: Radiation reaction from quantum electrodynamics and its implications for the Unruh effect
[2008.10689] Andrés Collinucci, Roberto Valandro: A string theory realization of special unitary quivers in 3 dimensions
[2008.10739] Elda Guzman-Herrera, Nora Breton: Euler-Heisenberg waves propagating in a magnetic background
[2008.10883] Koji Hashimoto: Building bulk from Wilson loops
[2008.10920] Ankit Anand, Prasanta K. Tripathy: Self-supporting wormholes with massive vector field
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-th on Wed, 26 Aug 20","img":""}
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