Dental ResearchI

61. Which is the right order of four basic sections of a quantitative research report?:
σ� Literature review, results, method, discussion.
σ� Literature review, method, results, discussion.
σ� Discussion, literature review, method, results.
σ� Literature review, discussion, method, results.
σ� Method, results, literature review, discussion.
62. In the results section, the minimum information needed to be presented for each hypothesis or questions is:
σ� Statistical test used.
σ� Statistical test used and the results of the test.
σ� The significance level of the test.
σ� Statistical test used, the results of the test, the significance level of the test, and a written description of the statistical test as support for or rejection of the hypothesis, or connecting the result of the statistical test to the answering of the research question
63. To put ideas together to form a new whole is:
σ� Evaluation
σ� Synthesis
σ� Analysis
σ� Application
4. Which of the following statements are true?:
σ� The larger the sample size, the greater the sampling error
σ� The more categories or breakdowns you want to make in your data analysis, the larger the sample needed
σ� The fewer categories or breakdowns you want to make in your data analysis, the larger
σ� the sample needed
σ� As sample size decreases, so does the size of the confidence interval
5. Your conceptual framework is normally developed?:
σ� Before your literature review
σ� During your literature review
σ� After data collection
σ� After data analysis
6. What should not be included in a research proposal?:
σ� A summary of existing work in the area
σ� The proposed methods to collect data
σ� The results that will be obtained
σ� An acknowledgement of any ethical issues
7. A literature review should include material that is:
σ� Directly related to your research question only
σ� Closely related to your research question only
σ� From the wider sports literature, but not from non-sports literature
σ� From any available discipline if relevant
8. Identifying someone gender is an example of:
σ� Nominal measurement
σ� Ordinal measurement
σ� Interval measurement
σ� Ratio measurement
9. Which of the following is not an advantage of a questionnaire?:
σ� Provides structured data
σ� Allows the respondent to complete in their own time
σ� Allows complex questions
σ� Allows access to a big sample group
10. An interview that allows the respondent to develop stories about their life experiences would be:
σ� An unstructured interview
σ� A semi-structured interview
σ� A structured interview
σ� A narrative interview
11. An advantage of an interview over a questionnaire may be:
σ� It provides more structured data
σ� The time taken is generally shorter for interviews
σ� It is easier to analyze
σ� It allows trust and rapport to be developed
12. When interviewing children, you should try to:
σ� Avoid being seen as an authority figure
σ� Take them out of the classroom if interviewing them at school
σ� Not be overly concerned with ethical issues
σ� None of the above
13. What will normally be the last of the following sections to be written?:
σ� Abstract
σ� Literature review
σ� Results
σ� Conclusion
14. To read the literature critically means:
σ� To suggest the previous research was always poorly conducted.
σ� Skimming through the material because most of it is just padding.
σ� Evaluating what you read in terms of your own research questions.
σ� Being negative about something before you read it.
15. What can a researcher use the literature to achieve?:
σ� They can demonstrate their competence by referring to prominent writings in the field.
σ� They develop their version of the literature in such a way as to show and to lead up to the contribution they will be making in their own project or article.
σ� They can identify a gap or problem in the literature that corresponds to the research questions.
σ� All are corrects.
16. Which of the follow is a benefit of a systematic review?:
σ� It reduces researcher bias and demands the researcher is comprehensive of their approach.
σ� It is really quick to complete.
σ� It is cost effective as an approach.
σ� It provides internal validity to the study.
17. When accessing the internet, which of these steps is the most essential?:
σ� Recording the full URL
σ� Noting the access dates
σ� Downloading material to be referenced
σ� They are all equally important
18. An important practical issue to consider when designing a research project is:
σ� Which theoretical perspective you find most interesting
σ� Whether or not you have time to retile the bathroom first
σ� How much time and money you have to conduct the research
σ� Which color of ring binder to present your work in
19. You can manage your time and resources best, by:
σ� Working out a timetable
σ� Finding out what resources are readily available to you
σ� Calculating a budget for likely expenditure
σ� All are corrects
20. How can you tell if your research questions are really good?:
σ� If they guide your literature search
σ� If they are linked together to help you construct a coherent argument
σ� If they force you to narrow the scope of your research
σ� All are corrects
21. Why is it helpful to keep a research diary or log book while you are conducting your project?:
σ� To give you something to do in the early stages of your research when nothing is happening
σ� Because funding councils general demand to see written evidence, you were working every day during the period of the research
σ� To keep a record of what you did and what happened throughout the research process
σ� It can be added to your dissertation to ensure that you reach the required word limit
22. One of the advantages of self-completion questionnaires over structured interviews is that:
σ� They are quicker and cheaper to administer
σ� They create interviewer effects
σ� They have greater measurement validity
σ� They are less prone to inter-coder variation
23. An open question is one that:
σ� Allows respondents to answer in their own terms
σ� Does not suggest or provide a limited range of responses
σ� Can help to generate answers for closed questions
σ� All are corrects
24. Constraints or problems in a study are known as:
σ� Assumptions
σ� Generalisations
σ� Concepts
σ� Limitations
25. When evaluating the research study results you would consider all of the following as important except:
σ� The author's qualifications and experience
σ� The design and methodology for the study
σ� The significance of the findings for practice
σ� The discussion of results and recommendations for practice
26. In critiquing a qualitative research report you would expect to find information that would assist you in assessing the credibility of the study in the:
σ� Literature review
σ� Discussion of analysis of the data
σ� Methodology
σ� Philosophical integration
27. The statement of purpose in a research study should:
σ� Identify the design of the study
σ� Identify the intent or objective of the study
σ� Specify the type of people to be used in the study
σ� Describe the study
28. According to the text, which of the following orders is the recommended in the flowchart of the development of a research idea? :
σ� Research topic, research problem, research purpose, research question, hypothesis
σ� Research purpose, research problem and hypothesis
σ� Research topic, research purpose, research question,
σ� Research topic, hypothesis, research question
29. Sources of researchable problems can include:
σ� Researchers’ own experiences as educators
σ� Practical issues that require solutions
σ� Theory and past research
σ� All are corrects
30. The feasibility of a research study should be considered in light of:
σ� Cost and time required to conduct the study
σ� Skills required of the researcher
σ� Potential ethical concerns
σ� All of the above
31. A formal statement of the research question or “purpose of research study” generally:
σ� Is made prior to the literature review
σ� Is made after the literature review
σ� Is made after the literature review and will help guide the research process
σ� All of the above
32. The research participants are described in detail in which section of the research plan?:
σ� Introduction
σ� Methodology
σ� Result
σ� Discussion
33. Research hypotheses are:
σ� Formulated prior to a review of the literature
σ� Statements of predicted relationships between variables
σ� Stated such that they can be confirmed or refuted
σ� Statements of predicted relationships between variables and Stated such that they can be confirmed or refuted
34. A research plan:
σ� Should be detailed
σ� Should be given to others for review and comments
σ� Sets out the rationale for a research study
σ� All of the above
35. The Method section of the research plan typically specifies :
σ� The research participants
σ� The apparatus, instruments, and materials for the research study
σ� The planned research procedures
σ� All are corrects
36. What is the right order of levels of abstraction?:
σ� Theory, Concepts, Indicators, Variables, Values
σ� Theory, Concepts, Variables, Indicators, Values
σ� Theory, Indicators, Variables, Values
σ� Concepts, Indicators, Variables, Values
37. All basic types of primary data, distinguished by the way they are collected: .?:
σ� Measurement and Interrogation
σ� Observation and Participation
σ� Measurement, Observation, and Participation
σ� Measurement, Observation, Interrogation, and Participation
38. Levels of measurement are?:
σ� Nominal, Ordinal,
σ� Nominal, Ordinal, Interval
σ� Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio
σ� Nominal, Ordinal, Scale, Ratio
39. When you are asking where people live, you are using?:
σ� Nominal measurement
σ� Ordinal measurement
σ� Interval measurement
σ� Ratio measurement
40. When you are asking about height, you are using?:
σ� Nominal measurement
σ� Ordinal measurement
σ� Interval measurement
σ� Ratio measurement
41. When you are asking about people satisfaction, you are using:
σ� Nominal measurement
σ� Ordinal measurement
σ� Interval measurement
σ� Ratio measurement
42. If you can say that one value is different from another, you have a?:
σ� Nominal measurement
σ� Ordinal measurement
σ� Interval measurement
σ� Ratio measurement
43. If you can say that one value is bigger, better or more of anything than another, you have a?:
σ� Nominal measurement
σ� Ordinal measurement
σ� Interval measurement
σ� Ratio measurement
44. If you can say that one value is so many units more or less than another, you have a:
σ� Nominal measurement
σ� Ordinal measurement
σ� Interval measurement
σ� Ratio measurement
45. If you can say that one value is so many times as big or bright or tall as another, you have a?:
σ� Nominal measurement
σ� Ordinal measurement
σ� Interval measurement
σ� Ratio measurement
46. What are Data collection methods?:
σ� Asking questions, Observing without getting involved
σ� Conducting interviews
σ� Observing without getting involved
σ� Immersing oneself in a situation, Doing experiments, Manipulating models
σ� All of the above
47. A type of question which the respondent can answer quickly and need no special writing skill is?:
σ� Closed format questions
σ� Open format questions
σ� Open response-option questions
σ� Unstructured questions
σ� Semi-structured questions
48. A flexible format, usually based on a question guide but where the format remains the choice of the interviewer, who can allow the interview to ramble on order to get insights into the attitudes of the interviewee.?:
σ� Structured interview
σ� Unstructured interview
σ� Semi-structured interview
49. A method of gathering data through observation rather than asking questions.?:
σ� Observing without getting involved
σ� Conducting interview
σ� Immersing onself in a situation
σ� Doing experiment
50. The last step in the development of a questionnaire is?:
σ� Check the length of the questionnaire
σ� Pre-test the questionnaire
σ� Develop the final survey form
σ� Decide on question content
σ� Develop the question wording
51. The first step in the development of a questionnaire is?:
σ� Decide on question content
σ� Develop the question wording
σ� Decide the information required
σ� Choose the method of reaching your target respndents
52. What is the most effective method to collect Data from Children?:
σ� Giving questionnaire
σ� Personal interview
σ� Telephone interview
σ� Group interview
53. The length of the questionnaire should be at most?:
σ� 15 min
σ� 15-30 min
σ� 30-45 min
σ� 45-60 min
54. What are the purposes of pretesting the questionnaire?:
σ� To determine whether the questions as they are worded will achieve the desired results
σ� To determine whether the questions have been placed in the best order
σ� To determine whether the questions are understood by all class of respondent
σ� To determine additional or specifying questions are needed or whether some questions should be eliminated
σ� To determine whether the instructions are adequate.
σ� All of the above
55. Qualitative research?:
σ� Explore the meaning of people experiences and Data is in the form of words
σ� Examine the relationship between variables and Data are numbers
σ� Examine the relationship between variables and Data is in the form of words
σ� Explore the meaning of people experiences and Data are numbers
56. Quantitative research ?:
σ� Explore the meaning of people experiences and Data is in the form of words
σ� Examine the relationship between variables and Data are numbers
σ� Examine the relationship between variables and Data is in the form of words
σ� Explore the meaning of people experiences and Data are numbers
57. Sample is?:
σ� A group of individual units with some commonality.
σ� A small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like.
σ� A selecting method for analysis.
σ� Information collecting from a group of people
58. Population is?:
σ� A group of individual units with some commonality.
σ� A small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like.
σ� A selecting method for analysis.
σ� Information collecting from a group of people
59. Sampling is?:
σ� A group of individual units with some commonality.
σ� A small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like.
σ� A selecting group of something or people for analysis.
σ� Information collecting from a group of people
60. What is the difference between Aim and Objective?:
σ� Aim is what you hope to achieve and objective is the action(s) you will take in order to achieve the aim.
σ� Objective is what you hope to achieve and aim is the action(s) you will take in order to achieve the objective.
σ� Aim is a statement indicating the main goal or purpose of a research project.
σ� Objective is a statement indicating the main goal or purpose of a research project.
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